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function ISOTerminal(instance,opts){
// create a neutral isoterminal object which can be decorated
// with prototype functions and has addListener() and dispatchEvent()
let obj = new EventTarget()
obj.instance = instance
obj.opts = opts
// register default event listeners (enable file based features like isoterminal/jsconsole.js e.g.)
for( let event in ISOTerminal.listener )
for( let cb in ISOTerminal.listener[event] )
obj.addEventListener( event, ISOTerminal.listener[event][cb] )
// compose object with functions
for( let i in ISOTerminal.prototype ) obj[i] = ISOTerminal.prototype[i]
return obj
ISOTerminal.prototype.emit = function(event,data,sender){
data = data || false
const evObj = new CustomEvent(event, {detail: data} )
// forward event to worker/instance/AFRAME element or component-function
// this feels complex, but actually keeps event- and function-names more concise in codebase
this.dispatchEvent( evObj )
if( sender != "instance" && this.instance ) this.instance.dispatchEvent(evObj)
if( sender != "worker" && this.worker ) this.worker.postMessage({event,data})
if( sender !== undefined && typeof this[event] == 'function' ) this[event].apply(this, data && data.push ? data : [data] )
2024-09-05 19:09:40 +02:00
ISOTerminal.addEventListener = (event,cb) => {
ISOTerminal.listener = ISOTerminal.listener || {}
ISOTerminal.listener[event] = ISOTerminal.listener[event] || []
ISOTerminal.prototype.exec = function(shellscript){
ISOTerminal.prototype.serial_input = 0; // can be set to 0,1,2,3 to define stdinput tty (xterm plugin)
ISOTerminal.prototype.send = function(str, ttyNr){
if( ttyNr == undefined) ttyNr = this.serial_input
if( ttyNr == undefined ){
if( this.emulator.serial_adapter ){
}else this.emulator.keyboard_send_text(str) // vga screen
this.convert.toUint8Array( str ).map( (c) => {
2024-09-05 19:09:40 +02:00
2024-09-23 16:59:29 +02:00
ISOTerminal.prototype.convert = {
arrayBufferToBase64: function(buffer){
let binary = '';
const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const len = bytes.byteLength;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
return window.btoa(binary);
base64ToArrayBuffer: function(base64) {
const binaryString = window.atob(base64);
const len = binaryString.length;
const bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
return bytes.buffer;
toUint8Array: function(str) {
str = String(str) || String("")
// Create a new Uint8Array with the same length as the input string
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(str.length);
// Iterate over the string and populate the Uint8Array
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
uint8Array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return uint8Array;
Uint8ArrayToString: function(arr){
const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); // Specify encoding
return decoder.decode(arr);
2024-09-23 16:59:29 +02:00
ISOTerminal.prototype.start = function(opts){
let me = this
this.opts = {...this.opts, ...opts}
let image = {}
if( opts.iso.match(/\.iso$/) ) image.cdrom = { url: opts.iso }
if( opts.iso.match(/\.bin$/) ) image.bzimage = { url: opts.iso }
opts = { ...image,
2024-09-05 19:09:40 +02:00
uart1:true, // /dev/ttyS1
uart2:true, // /dev/ttyS2
uart3:true, // /dev/ttyS3
wasm_path: "v86.wasm",
memory_size: opts.memory * 1024 * 1024,
vga_memory_size: 2 * 1024 * 1024,
//screen_container: opts.dom,
//serial_container: opts.dom,
bios: {
url: "bios/seabios.bin",
vga_bios: {
url: "bios/vgabios.bin",
//urg|: "com/isoterminal/bios/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.bin",
network_relay_url: "wss://relay.widgetry.org/",
cmdline: "rw root=host9p rootfstype=9p rootflags=trans=virtio,cache=loose modules=virtio_pci tsc=reliable init_on_freg|=on vga=ask", //vga=0x122",
//bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem: true,
//filesystem: {
// baseurl: "com/isoterminal/v86/images/alpine-rootfs-flat",
// basefs: "com/isoterminal/v86/images/alpine-fs.json",
// },
//screen_dummy: true,
//disable_jit: false,
filesystem: {},
autostart: true,
* the WebWorker (which runs v86)
this.worker = new Worker("com/isoterminal/worker.js");
this.worker.onmessage = (e) => {
const xr = this.instance.sceneEl.renderer.xr
const {event,data} = e.data
const cb = (event,data) => () => {
if( data.promiseId ){
this.workerPromise.resolver(data) // forward to promise resolver
}else this.emit(event,data,"worker") // forward event to world
// don't let workers cause framerate dropping
if( xr.isPresenting ){
* postMessage.promise basically performs this.worker.postMessage
* in a promise way (to easily retrieve async output)
this.worker.postMessage.promise = function(data){
if( typeof data != 'object' ) data = {data}
this.resolvers = this.resolvers || {}
this.id = this.id == undefined ? 0 : this.id
data.id = this.id++
// Send id and task to WebWorker
return new Promise(resolve => this.resolvers[data.id] = resolve);
this.worker.postMessage.promise.resolver = function(data){
if( !data || !data.promiseId ) throw 'promiseId not given'
this.resolvers[ data.promiseId ](data);
delete this.resolvers[ data.promiseId ]; // Prevent memory leak
this.emit('runISO',{...opts, bufferLatency: this.opts.bufferLatency })
const loading = [
'loading quantum bits and bytes',
'preparing quantum flux capacitors',
'crunching peanuts and chakras',
'preparing parallel universe',
'loading quantum state fluctuations',
'preparing godmode',
'loading cat pawns and cuteness',
'beaming up scotty',
'still faster than Windows update',
'loading a microlinux',
'figuring out meaning of life',
'Aligning your chakras now',
'Breathing in good vibes',
'Finding inner peace soon',
'Centering your Zen energy',
'Awakening third eye powers',
'Tuning into the universe',
'Balancing your cosmic karma',
'Stretching time and space',
'Recharging your soul battery',
'Transcending earthly limits'
const loadmsg = loading[ Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) % loading.length ] + "..(please wait..)"
const text_color = "\r"
const text_reset = "\033[0m"
this.emit('serial-output-string', text_color + loadmsg + text_reset + "\n\r")
this.addEventListener('emulator-started', async (e) => {
//if( me.opts.overlayfs ){
// fetch(me.opts.overlayfs)
// .then( (f) => {
// f.arrayBuffer().then( (buf) => {
// emulator.create_file('overlayfs.zip', new Uint8Array(buf) )
// })
// })
let line = ''
this.ready = false
this.addEventListener(`serial0-output-string`, async (e) => {
const str = e.detail
// lets scan for a prompt so we can send a 'ready' event to the world
if( !this.ready && str.match(/\n(\/ #|~%|\[.*\]>)/) ){
this.ready = true
setTimeout( () => this.emit('ready',{}), 500 )
if( this.ready ) this.emit('serial-output-string', e.detail )
ISOTerminal.prototype.bufferOutput = function(byte,cb,latency){
const resetBuffer = () => ({str:""})
this.buffer = this.buffer || resetBuffer()
this.buffer.str += String.fromCharCode(byte)
if( !this.buffer.id ){
cb(this.buffer.str) // send out leading call
this.buffer = resetBuffer()
this.buffer.id = setTimeout( () => { // accumulate succesive calls
if( this.buffer.str ) cb(this.buffer.str)
this.buffer = resetBuffer()
}, this.latency || 250)