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XRSH Manual

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 . .  ____  _____________  ________. ._. ._. . . . . . . . .
 . . _\   \/  /\______   \/   _____//   |   \. . . . . . . .
 . . _ \     /  |       _/\_____  \/    ~    \ . . . . . . .
 _ _   /     \  |    |   \/        \    Y    / _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 . .  /___/\  \ |____|_  /_______  /\___|_  /. . . . . . . .
 . . . . . .\_/. . . . \/ . . . .\/ . . _ \/ . . . . . . . .
 ================ https://xrsh.isvery.ninja ================

 Open, local-first, polyglot, unix hackable & selfcontained XR apps.
 Using worlds first WebXR linux distro.

 credits:  NLnet           | @nlnet@nlnet.nl https://nlnet.nl/project
           all FOSS devs   | copy.sh (v86) aframe.io (AFRAME)
           Leon van Kammen | @lvk@mastodon.online
           Fabien Benetou  | @utopiah@mastodon.pirateparty.be 

Getting started

Please hook up your (bluetooth) keyboard to use xrsh.

tip use ctrl+a+0/1/2/3/.. to switch (GNU) screen terminals (and ctrl+a+c to create new ones)

usecase command
require adds javascript or CSS url to DOM
js run js 'alert("hello")'
js console.log: console document.baseURI
js inspect: js "return document.baseURI"

Polyglot environment

Currently the following languages are supported:

  • shellscript (busybox sh)
  • awk (busybox awk v1.33.0)
  • python (micropython)
  • javascript (via your browser)
  • lua (5.3.6)

TIP: type ls -la ~/hook.d/alert/* for examples


  • vi (busybox vi)
  • nano (busybox nano)
  • mg (microemacs)

Multiple terminals [GNU screen]

From the cmdline

xrsh # screen DR        # list of detached screen
xrsh # screen r PID     # attach detached screen ses­sion
xrsh # screen dmS Myses # start a detached screen ses­sion
xrsh # screen r MySes   #attach screen ses­sion with name MySession


ctrl a c -> create new window
ctrl a A -> set win­dow name
ctrl a w -> show all win­dow
ctrl a 1|2|3|… -> switch to win­dow n
ctrl a " -> choose win­dow
ctrl a ctrl a -> switch between win­dow
ctrl a d -> detach win­dow
ctrl a ? -> help
ctrl a [ -> start copy, move cur­sor to the copy loca­tion, press ENTER, select the chars, press ENTER to copy the selected char­ac­ters to the buffer
ctrl a ] -> paste from buffer


ctrl a S -> cre­ate split screen
ctrl a TAB -> switch between split screens
ctrl a Q -> Kill all regions but the cur­rent one.
ctrl a X -> remove active win­dow from split screen
ctrl a O -> logout active win­dow (dis­able out­put)
ctrl a I -> login active win­dow (enable output)

Importing files

Files can be imported (always to /mnt/clipboard) in various ways:

  • copy-pasted text (from clipboard via ctrl/cmd+v )
  • drag-dropped file ends up in /mnt/clipboard [based on ~/hook.d/mimetype/* things happen or not]
  • type 'upload' to trigger a file-upload dialog [ends up in /mnt/clip

XRSH ships with hooks for importing .glb 3D files, text-files & zip-packages, all described below.

XRSH Packages

A XRSH package is just a zip with an entrypoint, which gets extracted to /root/{zipname} that's it!

It can be loaded in various ways into [your own instance of] https://xrsh.isvery.ninja:

  • copy the zip in a filemanager to your clipboard, and paste it into your XRSH-tab
  • drag-drop the zip from a filemanager to your XRSH-tab
  • download the zip, and type 'upload' in XRSH to import it

Currently, 'app' links to 'bin/app.sh', but there are also other scriptinglanguages it could link to as well (see bin-folder).

see example package at https://xrsh.isvery.ninja/package.zip


Hooks are filebased events. Why filebased? Well first, because unixy is sexy. Second: it allows reacting to events in a hackable way via polyglot scripts.

TLDR: events are automatically triggering scripts found in /root/hook.d/{eventname}/*

OS related hooks

hook location when is this hook called?
hook.d/wakeup/* restoring xrsh session from cache
hook.d/save/* saving xrsh session to cache
hook.d/alert/* when 'alert'-function is used in shell
hook.d/prompt/* when 'prompt'-function is used in shell
hook.d/confirm/* when 'confirm'-function is used in shell

Clipboard related hooks

| hook.d/clipboard/* | user copy-pastes clipboard or (drops) file into scene | | hook.d/mimetype/* | clipboard activity (hook.d/clipboard/forwarder) | | hook.d/filetype/* | clipboard activity (hook.d/clipboard/forwarder) |

XR related hooks

hook location when is this hook called?
hook.d/exit-vr/* user exits immersive WebXR [VR] mode
hook.d/enter-vr/* user enters immersive WebXR [VR] mode
hook.d/exit-ar/* user exits immersive WebXR [AR] mode
hook.d/enter-ar/* user enters immersive WebXR [AR] mode

How to trigger them?

Well the isoterminal-AFRAME component triggers them automatically for you. But you can do it manually too:

  1. from shellscript: hook myevent (will trigger executable files in /root/hook.d/myevent)
  2. from javascript: isoterminal.exec("hook myevent") (idem)
  3. via jsh: jsh alert hello (will trigger executable files in /root/hook.d/alert)

These are various ways to enable hybrid eventing between browser and terminal (languages).

webrequests to the filesystem

Javascript webrequests can read from the filesystem via the 'file://host/path' protocol:


current [security] limitations:

  • only /mnt directory is exposed
  • file needs to be world-readable (chmod +r /mnt/<file>)

Boot sequence

The following files are loaded during boot (via /etc/profile)

file info
/etc/profile.xrsh sets up xrsh environment
/etc/profile.sh global shellscript functions
/etc/profile.js global javascript functions
/mnt/profile.browser environment vars set by browser (echo $HOSTNAME)
/root/.profile user shellscript functions/settings
/root/.profile.js user javascript functions
/root/.screenrc GNU screen initialisations
https://.../#ls URI fragment is executed as command in own screen

TIP: to keep things portable with future versions of XRSH: modify files in /root/*

Calling terminal from javascript

const term = document.querySelector('[isoterminal]').components.isoterminal.term
term.exec("ls -la")

// interact directly with files 
await term.worker.create_file("hello.txt", term.convert.toUint8Array("hello") )
await term.worker.update_file("hello.txt", term.convert.toUint8Array("hi") )
await term.worker.append_file("hello.txt", term.convert.toUint8Array("world") )
const f = await term.worker.read_file("hello.txt")

Calling javascript from terminal

Various options:

  1. Just add the #!/bin/js shebang to the top of a javascript file (+ chmod +x)
  2. Run js "alert('hello')" in the shell
  3. Run jsh alert hello in the shell
  4. Run jsh to start an interactive shell