#!/bin/bash ### App file generated with YoloGen, the YunoHost app generator, version . # This is the tutorial version of the app. # It contains extra commands to explain what should be done in case you want to adjust some part of the script. # Once you are done, you may remove them. source _common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers ### Settings are automatically loaded as bash variables ### in every app script context, therefore typically these will exist: ### - $domain ### - $path ### - $language ### - $install_dir ### - $port ### ... ### In the context of upgrade, ### - resources are automatically provisioned / updated / deleted (depending on existing resources) ### - a safety backup is automatically created by the core and will be restored if the upgrade fails #================================================= # ENSURE DOWNWARD COMPATIBILITY #================================================= #ynh_script_progression "Ensuring downward compatibility..." ### N.B. : the following setting migration snippets are provided as *EXAMPLES* ### of what you may want to do in some cases (e.g. a setting was not defined on ### some legacy installs and you therefore want to initiaze stuff during upgrade) # If db_name doesn't exist, create it # ynh_app_setting_set_default --key=db_name --value="$(ynh_sanitize_dbid --db_name=$app)" # If install_dir doesn't exist, create it # ynh_app_setting_set_default --key=install_dir --value="/var/www/$app" #================================================= # INSTALL DEPENDENCIES #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Installing dependencies..." #================================================= # DOWNLOAD, CHECK AND UNPACK SOURCE #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrading source files..." ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$install_dir" --full_replace --keep="" # $install_dir will automatically be initialized with some decent # permission by default... however, you may need to recursively reapply # ownership to all files such as after the ynh_setup_source step chown -R $app:www-data "$install_dir" #================================================= # REAPPLY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Upgrading system configurations related to $app..." # This should be a literal copypasta of what happened in the install's "System configuration" section ynh_config_add_nginx #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_script_progression "Upgrade of $app completed"