if( typeof emulator != 'undefined' ){ // inside worker-thread // unix to js device emulator.readFromPipe( 'dev/browser/js', async (data) => { const convert = ISOTerminal.prototype.convert const buf = await this.emulator.read_file("dev/browser/js") const script = convert.Uint8ArrayToString(buf) let PID="?" try{ if( script.match(/^PID/) ){ PID = script.match(/^PID=([0-9]+);/)[1] } this.postMessage({event:'javascript-eval',data:{script,PID}}) }catch(e){ console.error(e) } }) }else{ // inside browser-thread ISOTerminal.addEventListener('javascript-eval', async function(e){ const {script,PID} = e.detail let res try{ res = (new Function(`${script}`))() if( res && typeof res != 'string' ) res = JSON.stringify(res,null,2) }catch(e){ console.error(e) console.info(script) res = "error: "+e.toString() if( e.filename ){ res += "\n"+e.filename+":"+e.lineno+":"+e.colno } } // update output to 9p with PID as filename (in /mnt/run) this.emit('fs9p.update_file', [`run/${PID}`, this.convert.toUint8Array(res)] ) }) }