AFRAME.registerComponent('save', { schema: { foo: { type:"string"} }, init: async function () { this.el.object3D.visible = false await AFRAME.utils.require(this.dependencies) }, dependencies:{ 'xhook': '' }, events:{ launcher: function(e){ }, }, convert:{ arrayBufferToBase64: function(buffer){ let binary = ''; const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); const len = bytes.byteLength; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); return window.btoa(binary); }, base64ToArrayBuffer: function(base64) { const binaryString = window.atob(base64); const len = binaryString.length; const bytes = new Uint8Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes.buffer; } }, save: function(){ let l = document.querySelector("#left-hand") let r = document.querySelector("#right-hand") l.remove() r.remove() // *TODO* dont crash on hands this.save_state() .then( this.inlineFiles ) .then( () =>,"xrsh.html") ) .catch(console.error) }, save_state: async function(){ if( window.emulator ){ let binaryString = ''; const state = await emulator.save_state() //restore_state(state); //console.log(this.convert.arrayBufferToBase64(state)) } }, download: function(content, filename, contentType){ const a = document.createElement('a'); const file = new Blob([document.documentElement.innerHTML], {type: "text/html"}); a.href= URL.createObjectURL(file); = filename; URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href); }, inlineFiles: function(){ let p = [] let tags = [ ...document.querySelectorAll('script[src]'), ...document.querySelectorAll('link[href]') ] (el) => { let remoteFile = el.src || el.href if( remoteFile ){ p.push( new Promise((resolve,reject) => { fetch( remoteFile ) .then( (res) => res.text() ) .then( (text) => { switch( el.tagName ){ case 'LINK': el2 = document.createElement('style') el2.setAttribute("type","text/css") el2.setAttribute("_href", el.href ) el2.innerHTML = `${text}` el.parentNode.appendChild(el2) el.remove() break; case 'SCRIPT': el.innerHTML = `${text.replace(/<\//g,'</')}` el.setAttribute("_src", el.src) el.removeAttribute("src") break; } resolve() }) .catch(reject) })) } }) return Promise.all(p) }, manifest: { // HTML5 manifest to identify app to xrsh "short_name": "Save", "name": "Save", "icons": [ { "src": "", "src": "", "type": "image/svg+xml", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "id": "/?source=pwa", "start_url": "/?source=pwa", "background_color": "#3367D6", "display": "standalone", "scope": "/", "theme_color": "#3367D6", "shortcuts": [ { "name": "What is the latest news?", "cli":{ "usage": "helloworld [options]", "example": "helloworld news", "args":{ "--latest": {type:"string"} } }, "short_name": "Today", "description": "View weather information for today", "url": "/today?source=pwa", "icons": [{ "src": "/images/today.png", "sizes": "192x192" }] } ], "description": "Export the current XRSH(ell) as a standalone HTML file", "screenshots": [ { "src": "/images/screenshot1.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "540x720", "form_factor": "narrow" } ], "help":` Helloworld application This is a help file which describes the application. It will be rendered thru troika text, and will contain headers based on non-punctualized lines separated by linebreaks, in above's case "\nHelloworld application\n" will qualify as header. ` } });