AFRAME.registerComponent('isoterminal', { schema: { iso: { type:"string", "default":"com/isoterminal/xrsh.iso" }, cols: { type: 'number',"default": 120 }, rows: { type: 'number',"default": 30 }, padding:{ type: 'number',"default": 15 }, transparent: { type:'boolean', "default":false } // need good gpu }, init: function(){ this.el.object3D.visible = false }, requires:{ 'window': "com/window.js", winboxjs: "", // deadsimple windows: winboxcss: "", // xtermcss: "", xtermjs: "", v86: "com/isoterminal/libv86.js" //axterm: "" }, dom: { scale: 0.7, events: ['click','keydown'], html: (me) => `
`, css: (me) => `.isoterminal{ background:#000; padding: ${}px; /*overflow:hidden; */ } .isoterminal *{ white-space: pre; font-size: 14px; font-family: Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Courier New,monospace; font-weight:700; display:inline; overflow: hidden; } .wb-body:has(> .isoterminal){ background: #000; } .isoterminal div{ display:block; } .isoterminal span{ display: inline } @keyframes fade { from { opacity: 1.0; } 50% { opacity: 0.5; } to { opacity: 1.0; } } @-webkit-keyframes fade { from { opacity: 1.0; } 50% { opacity: 0.5; } to { opacity: 1.0; } } .blink { animation:fade 1000ms infinite; -webkit-animation:fade 1000ms infinite; } ` }, toUint8Array: function(str) { // Create a new Uint8Array with the same length as the input string const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(str.length); // Iterate over the string and populate the Uint8Array for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { uint8Array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return uint8Array; }, runISO: function(dom){ var emulator = window.emulator = dom.emulator = new V86({ wasm_path: "com/isoterminal/v86.wasm", memory_size: 32 * 1024 * 1024, vga_memory_size: 2 * 1024 * 1024, screen_container: dom, //this.canvas.parentElement, bios: { url: "com/isoterminal/bios/seabios.bin", }, vga_bios: { url: "com/isoterminal/bios/vgabios.bin", }, network_relay_url: "wss://", cdrom: { url:, }, network_relay_url: "", cmdline: "rw root=host9p rootfstype=9p rootflags=trans=virtio,cache=loose modules=virtio_pci tsc=reliable init_on_free=on init=/bin/date", //bzimage:{ // url: "com/isoterminal/images/buildroot-bzimage.bin" //}, //bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem: true, //filesystem: { // baseurl: "com/isoterminal/v86/images/alpine-rootfs-flat", // basefs: "com/isoterminal/v86/images/alpine-fs.json", // }, //screen_dummy: true, //disable_jit: false, filesystem: {}, autostart: true, }); emulator.bus.register("emulator-started", () => { emulator.create_file("motd", this.toUint8Array(`  ____ _____________ _________ ___ ___  \ \/ /\______ \/ _____// | \  \ / | _/\_____ \/ ~ \  / \ | | \/ \ Y /  /___/\ \ |____|_ /_______ /\___|_ /  \_/ \/ \/ \/ `+ "\033[0m" )) emulator.create_file("js", this.toUint8Array(`#!/bin/sh cat /mnt/motd cat > /dev/null `)) //emulator.serial0_send('chmod +x /mnt/js') //emulator.serial0_send() }); let line = '' emulator.add_listener("serial0-output-byte", async (byte) => { var chr = String.fromCharCode(byte); if(chr < " " && chr !== "\n" && chr !== "\t" || chr > "~") { return; } if(chr === "\n") { var new_line = line; line = ""; } else if(chr >= " " && chr <= "~") { line += chr; } //if(!ran_command && line.endsWith("~% ")) //{ // ran_command = true; // emulator.serial0_send("chmod +x /mnt/test-i386\n"); // emulator.serial0_send("/mnt/test-i386 > /mnt/result\n"); // emulator.serial0_send("echo test fini''shed\n"); //} //console.dir({line,new_line}) if(new_line && new_line.includes("buildroot login:")) { emulator.serial0_send("root\n") emulator.serial0_send("mv /mnt/js . && chmod +x js\n") } }); }, events:{ // combined AFRAME+DOM reactive events click: function(e){ }, // keydown: function(e){ }, // reactive events for updates myvalue: function(e){ this.el.dom.querySelector('b').innerText = }, ready: function( ){ = 'none' }, launcher: async function(){ if( this.instance ){ const el = document.querySelector('.isoterminal') el.classList.add('blink') setTimeout( () => el.classList.remove('blink'), 2000 ) return console.warn('TODO: allow multiple terminals (see v86 examples)') } let s = await AFRAME.utils.require(this.requires) // instance this component const instance = this.instance = this.el.cloneNode(false) this.el.sceneEl.appendChild( instance ) instance.addEventListener('DOMready', () => { this.runISO(instance.dom) instance.setAttribute("window", `title: ${}; uid: ${instance.uid}; attach: #overlay; dom: #${}`) }) instance.addEventListener('window.oncreate', (e) => { instance.dom.classList.add('blink') // resize after the dom content has been rendered & updated setTimeout( () => { let spans = [...instance.dom.querySelectorAll('span')] instance.winbox.resize( (spans[0].offsetWidth + (2*'px', ((spans.length * spans[0].offsetHeight) ) +'px' ) },1200) setTimeout( () => instance.dom.classList.remove('blink'), 5000 ) }) instance.addEventListener('window.onclose', (e) => { if( !confirm('do you want to kill this virtual machine and all its processes?') ) e.halt = true }) instance.setAttribute("dom", "") instance.setAttribute("xd", "") // allows flipping between DOM/WebGL when toggling XD-button instance.setAttribute("visible", AFRAME.utils.XD() == '3D' ? 'true' : 'false' ) instance.setAttribute("position", AFRAME.utils.XD.getPositionInFrontOfCamera(0.5) ) instance.setAttribute("grabbable","") const focus = () => document.querySelector('canvas.a-canvas').focus() instance.addEventListener('obbcollisionstarted', focus ) this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('enter-vr', focus ) instance.object3D.quaternion.copy( AFRAME.scenes[0].camera.quaternion ) // face towards camera } }, manifest: { // HTML5 manifest to identify app to xrsh "iso": "linux-x64-4.15.iso", "short_name": "ISOTerm", "name": "terminal", "icons": [ { "src": "", "src": "", "type": "image/svg+xml", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "id": "/?source=pwa", "start_url": "/?source=pwa", "background_color": "#3367D6", "display": "standalone", "scope": "/", "theme_color": "#3367D6", "shortcuts": [ { "name": "What is the latest news?", "cli":{ "usage": "helloworld [options]", "example": "helloworld news", "args":{ "--latest": {type:"string"} } }, "short_name": "Today", "description": "View weather information for today", "url": "/today?source=pwa", "icons": [{ "src": "/images/today.png", "sizes": "192x192" }] } ], "description": "Hello world information", "screenshots": [ { "src": "/images/screenshot1.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "540x720", "form_factor": "narrow" } ], "help":` Helloworld application This is a help file which describes the application. It will be rendered thru troika text, and will contain headers based on non-punctualized lines separated by linebreaks, in above's case "\nHelloworld application\n" will qualify as header. ` } });