#!/usr/bin/env bash # # commandline asciii kanban board for minimalist productivity bash hackers (csv-based) # # Usage: # # kanban init # initialize kanban in current directory # kanban add # add item interactive (adviced) # kanban show [status] .... # show ascii kanban board [with status] # kanban # edit or update item # kanban # update status of todo id (uses $EDITOR as preferred editor) # kanban ..... # list only todo items with this status(es) # kanban list # list all todos (heavy) # kanban tags # list all submitted tags # kanban add # add item (use quoted strings for args) # kanban stats status [tag] # kanban stats tag # kanban stats history # kanban csv # edit raw csv # # NOTE #1: statuses can be managed in ~/.kanban/.kanban.conf # NOTE #2: the database csv can be found in ~/.kanban/.kanban.csv # # Examples: # # kanban add TODO projectX "do foo" # kanban TODO DOING HOLD # kanban stats status projectX # kanban stats tag projectX # # notekeeping by entering a filename as description: # echo hello > note.txt && kanban add DOING note.txt # # store in github repo # git clone https://../foo.git && cd foo.git && kanban init && git add .kanban # # Environment: # # X=120 kanban .... # set max line-width to 120 # NOCOLOR=1 kanban .... # disable colors # PLAIN=1 kanban ... # plaintext, disable utf8 chars # # Tips: # # * /.kanban or ~/.kanban dir is checked for configuration / data # * put .kanban directories in project-dirs # * entering an existing text-filename as description enables note-keeping # # Copyright (C) 2015, Leon van Kammen / Coder of Salvation # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . deps="tput column pr gawk" for dep in $deps; do which $dep &>/dev/null || { echo "$dep-cmd not installed..aborting (maybe install coreutils util-linux pkgs?)"; exit 1; }; done BOX=(┌ ─ ┐ └ ┘ │ ┤ ┴ ┬ ├ ┼) BAR=(▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▆ ▇ ▇ '█' '█') COL0="\033[0m" COL1="\033[37;1m" COL2="\033[91;1m" COL3="\033[91;5m" TMP=~/.kanban.tmp [[ ! -n $TERM ]] && TERM=vt100 locale | grep -q "UTF-8" && UTF8=1 [[ -n $PLAIN ]] && unset UTF8 [[ ! -n $X ]] && X=$(tput cols) # get size of terminal window [[ ! -n $Y ]] && Y=$(tput lines) # SMALLSCREEN=('SCHEDULED' 'HOLD' 'DOING') # uncomment to get simplified kanban board [[ ! -n $XSMALL ]] && XSMALL=119 FILE_CONF=".kanban/.kanban.conf" FILE_CSV=".kanban/.kanban.csv" [[ ! -n $EDITOR ]] && { which nano &>/dev/null && EDITOR=nano which pico &>/dev/null && EDITOR=pico } # migration: move config files of old kanban versions to .kanban moveconfig(){ mkdir $1/.kanban echo "[!] old config files detected..moving to .kanban-folder" mv $1/.kanban.* $1/.kanban/. sleep 3s clear } [[ -f ~/.kanban.csv ]] && moveconfig ~ [[ -f .kanban.csv ]] && moveconfig "$(pwd)" config_example="# kanban config file statuses=('TODO' 'HOLD' 'DOING' 'DONE' 'NOTES' 'BACKLOG') XSMALL=119 # show small kanban for terminalwidth < 119 chars SMALLSCREEN=('DOING' 'TODO' 'HOLD') # define simplified kanban board statuses # maximum amount of todos within status (triggers warning when exceeds) declare -A maximum_todo maximum_todo[HOLD]=10 maximum_todo[DOING]=5 " # usage: fb put put() { printf "\x1B["$2";"$1"f$3" "$4"; } strtoline(){ for((i=0;i<${#1};i++)); do printf "$2"; done; } draw_line(){ for((i=0;i<$1;i++)); do printf "-"; done } # usage: fb box draw_topline(){ w=$((X-2)); printf ${BOX[0]}; draw_line $w; printf "${BOX[2]}\n" } createconfig(){ dir="$1" [[ ! -n $1 ]] && { dir=~ [[ -f ~/$FILE_CONF ]] && { read -p "overwrite current config? (y/n)" overwrite; [[ ! "$overwrite" == "y" ]] && echo "aborted" && exit 1; } } [[ ! -d $dir/.kanban ]] && mkdir $dir/.kanban echo "$config_example" > $dir/$FILE_CONF touch $dir/$FILE_CSV } init(){ createconfig $(pwd); } tags(){ cat $KANBANFILE | awk -F',' '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/,.*//g;s/"//g' | tail -n+2 | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' ' } get_statuses(){ echo ${statuses[@]} } add_interactive(){ echo "enter description:" read -p "> " description echo "enter one of statuses: ${statuses[@]}" read -p "> " status echo "enter one of tags: $(tags)" read -p "> " tag add "$status" "$tag" "$description" } add(){ [[ ! -n $1 ]] && { add_interactive "$@"; return 0; } [[ ! "${statuses[*]}" =~ "$1" ]] && echo "invalid status $1 (possible: ${statuses[*]})" && exit 1 status="$1" csvline='"'$1'","'$2'"'; shift;shift; csvline="$csvline,\"$*\",\"${status:0:1}\",\"$(get_current_date)\"\"" echo "${csvline:0:$((${#csvline}-1))}" >> $KANBANFILE } evaluate(){ IFS=''; cat - | sed 's/\\/\\\\\\\\/g' | while read -r line; do [[ "$line" =~ '$' ]] && line="$(eval "echo \"$( echo "$line" | sed 's/"/\\"/g')\"")"; echo "$line" done } stats(){ [[ ! -n $1 ]] && exit 1 create_index field=$1; shift; tags="$*" greppattern="(${tags// /\|})" [[ "$field" == "status" ]] && field=2 [[ "$field" == "tag" ]] && field=3 [[ "$field" == "history" ]] && field=5 [[ -n $2 ]] && WIDTH=$2 || WIDTH=20; [[ -n $3 ]] && PADDING=$3 || PADDING=20; { if [[ -n $PADDING ]]; then cat $TMP.index | grep -E "$greppattern" | gawk -vFS='^"|","|"$|",|,"|,' '{h[$'"$field"']++}END{for(i in h){print h[i],i|"sort -rn|head -20"}}' |gawk '!max{max=$1;}{r="";i=s='$WIDTH'*$1/max;while(i-->0)r=r"'"${BAR[5]}"'";printf "%'$PADDING's %5d %s %s",$2,$1,r,"\n";}' else cat $TMP.index | grep -E "$greppattern" | gawk -vFS='^"|","|"$|",|,"|,' '{h[$'"$field"']++}END{for(i in h){print h[i],i|"sort -rn|head -20"}}' |gawk '!max{max=$1;}{r="";i=s='$WIDTH'*$1/max;while(i-->0)r=r"'"${BAR[5]}"'";printf "%s %s: %5d\n",r,$2,$1;}' | tr -s " " fi } | grep -v 'tag\|status\|history\|-[ ]\+1' | grep -v '^[ ]\+1' # remove header rows } _init(){ trap "[[ ! -n \$NOCOLOR ]] && tput cnorm -- normal; " 0 1 5 # reset terminal colors to normal (( $X > $XSMALL )) && unset SMALLSCREEN [[ -n $NOCOLOR ]] && { COL1="";COL0="";COL2=""; COL3=""; } } list(){ tags="$*" greppattern="(${tags// /\|})" create_index echo -e "$COL1" cat $TMP.index | grep -E "$greppattern" | sort -k2 -t, | HEADER="id,status,tag,description,history,start,touched\n-,-,-,-,-\n" printcsv 6 | cut -c 1-$X | colorize 3 rm $TMP.* } create_index(){ rm $TMP.index &>/dev/null cat -n $KANBANFILE | sed 's/^[ ]\+//g;s/\t/,/g;s/"\/.*\//"/g' | evaluate >> $TMP.index } columnize(){ awkformat='{ tag=substr($2,1,4); gsub($2,tag); printf("%-5s",$1); print " #"$2" "$3" "$4" "$5 }' [[ -n $SMALLSCREEN ]] && awkformat='{ print $1" "$3" "$4" "$5 }' i=1; lines="$(cat)"; header="$( echo "$lines" | head -n0 )"; output=""; rm $TMP.col.* &>/dev/null for status in "${statuses[@]}"; do [[ -n $SMALLSCREEN ]] && ! [[ "${SMALLSCREEN[@]}" =~ $status ]] && continue label=$status nlines=$(cat $TMP.index | grep "$status" | wc -l) maxlines=0 [[ -v "maximum_todo[$status]" ]] && maxlines=${maximum_todo[$status]} [[ ${maximum_todo[$status]} > 0 ]] && [[ $nlines > ${maximum_todo[$status]} ]] && label="*$status*" echo -e ".$(strtoline "$label" "~")~~.\n| $label |_______\n|" > $TMP.col.$i cat $TMP.index | grep "$status" | sed 's/["]\?'$status'["]\?//g' | \ printcsv 5 | awk "$awkformat" | sed 's/^/| /g;s/ / /g' | unexpand >> $TMP.col.$i i=$((i+1)) done pr -m -t -w$((X-5)) -S" " $TMP.col.* | lines rm $TMP.col.* # print and cleanup } lines(){ echo -e "$COL1" if [[ -n $UTF8 ]]; then cat | sed 's/| /│ /g;s/\.~/┌/g;s/~\./──┐/g;s///g;s/~/─/g;s/|\./└/g;s/|/│/g' # nice utf9 lines else cat | sed 's/~/-/g;s/|+/|/g;'; fi | colorize 3 } colorize(){ cat | awk '{ a = gensub(/#([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+) /,"'$COL1'&'$COL0'","g") a = gensub(/\*([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+)\*/,"'$COL3'&'$COL0'","g",a) if( NR == '$1' ){ printf "'$COL0'"; } print a }' } align(){ cat | awk '{ for(i=3;i<=NF;i++){ $2=$2" "$i } printf "%-5s %s\n", $1,$2 ; }' } show(){ [[ -n $1 ]] && { cd $1; echo "[kanban] showing nested kanban '$1'"; $0 show; exit 0; } [[ ! -f "$KANBANFILE" ]] && touch "$KANBANFILE" create_index if [[ -n $1 ]]; then statuses=(); for status in $*; do statuses+=($status); done fi { echo "$1" if [[ -n $1 ]]; then cat $TMP.index | grep "$1"; else cat $TMP.index; fi } | columnize [[ -n $SMALLSCREEN ]] && echo -e " ${COL1}(${COL0} small terminal detected, hiding certain columns ${COL1})" echo "" } get_current_date(){ date "+%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M"; } update_item_status(){ item="$( cat $KANBANFILE | awk "{ if (NR==$1) print \$0 }" )" [[ ${#item} == 0 ]] && echo "item $1 not found" && exit 1 if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then # status change status="$(echo "$item" | awk -F',' '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/"//g' )" flags="$(echo "$item" | awk -F',' '{ print $4 }' | sed 's/"//g' )" dates="$(echo "$item" | awk -F',' '{ print $5 }' | sed 's/"//g' )" newflags="$flags${2:0:1}" newdates="$dates $(get_current_date)" #[[ "$status" =~ "\$(" ]] && { update_item $1; return 0; } [[ "$2" =~ "DONE" ]] && date="$(get_current_date)" newitem="$item" newitem="${newitem/$status/$2}" newitem="${newitem/$flags/$newflags}" newitem="${newitem/$dates/$newdates}" sed -i "s|$item|$newitem|g" $KANBANFILE echo "$status -> $2" fi } update_item(){ item="$( cat $KANBANFILE | awk "{ if (NR==$1) print \$0 }" )" [[ ${#item} == 0 ]] && echo "item $1 not found" && exit 1 status="$(echo "$item" | awk -F',' '{ print $1 }')" file="$(echo "$item" | awk -F',' '{ print $3 }')" file="${file//\"/}" [[ -d $file/.kanban ]] && { show $file; return; } [[ -f $file ]] && ${EDITOR} "$file" echo '# # STATUSES ARE: '${statuses[*]}' # '"$item" > $TMP.update ${EDITOR} $TMP.update sed -i "s|$item|$(cat $TMP.update | tail -n1)|g" $KANBANFILE echo "updated item $1" } printcsv(){ csv="$HEADER$(cat)" [[ ! -n $1 ]] && max=999999 || max=$1 [[ ! -n $2 ]] && min=1 || min=$1 echo -e "$csv" | sed 's/,"",/," ",/g' | gawk -vFS='^"|","|"$|",|,"|,' \ '{out=""; for(i='$min';i