XRSH Manual =========== # Multiple terminals [GNU screen] ## From the cmdline ``` xrsh # screen –DR # list of detached screen xrsh # screen –r PID # attach detached screen ses­sion xrsh # screen –dmS Myses # start a detached screen ses­sion xrsh # screen –r MySes #attach screen ses­sion with name MySession ``` ## Basics ``` ctrl a c -> create new window ctrl a A -> set win­dow name ctrl a w -> show all win­dow ctrl a 1|2|3|… -> switch to win­dow n ctrl a " -> choose win­dow ctrl a ctrl a -> switch between win­dow ctrl a d -> detach win­dow ctrl a ? -> help ctrl a [ -> start copy, move cur­sor to the copy loca­tion, press ENTER, select the chars, press ENTER to copy the selected char­ac­ters to the buffer ctrl a ] -> paste from buffer ``` ## Advanced ``` ctrl a S -> cre­ate split screen ctrl a TAB -> switch between split screens ctrl a Q -> Kill all regions but the cur­rent one. ctrl a X -> remove active win­dow from split screen ctrl a O -> logout active win­dow (dis­able out­put) ctrl a I -> login active win­dow (enable output) ```