
194 lines
7.8 KiB

import xrfragment.Query;
import xrfragment.URI;
import xrfragment.XRF;
class Spec {
macro public static function load(path : String) {
var value = sys.io.File.getContent(path),
json = haxe.Json.parse(value);
return macro $v{json};
class Test {
static var errors:Int = 0;
static public function main():Void {
test( Spec.load("src/spec/url.json") );
test( Spec.load("src/spec/query.selectors.json") );
test( Spec.load("src/spec/query.root.json") );
test( Spec.load("src/spec/query.rules.json") );
//test( Spec.load("src/spec/tmp.json") );
if( errors > 1 ) trace("\n-----\n[ ] "+errors+" errors :/");
static public function test(spec:Array<Dynamic>):Void {
var Query = xrfragment.Query;
for( i in 0...spec.length ){
var q:Query = null;
var res:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic> = null;
var valid:Bool = false;
var item:Dynamic = spec[i];
if( item.fn == "query" ) q = new Query(item.data);
if( item.fn == "url" ) res = URI.parse(item.data,0);
if( item.expect.fn == "test" ) valid = item.expect.out == q.test( item.expect.input[0] );
if( item.expect.fn == "testProperty" ) valid = item.expect.out == q.testProperty( item.expect.input[0], item.expect.input[1] );
if( item.expect.fn == "testPropertyExclude" ) valid = item.expect.out == q.testProperty( item.expect.input[0], item.expect.input[1], true );
if( item.expect.fn == "testParsed" ) valid = item.expect.out == res.exists(item.expect.input);
if( item.expect.fn == "testPredefinedView" ) valid = res.exists(item.expect.input) && item.expect.out == res.get(item.expect.input).is( XRF.PV_EXECUTE) ;
if( item.expect.fn == "testPropertyAssign" ) valid = res.exists(item.expect.input) && item.expect.out == res.get(item.expect.input).is( XRF.PROP_BIND) ;
if( item.expect.fn == "testBrowserOverride" ) valid = item.expect.out == (URI.parse(item.data,XRF.NAVIGATOR)).exists(item.expect.input);
if( item.expect.fn == "testEmbedOverride" ) valid = item.expect.out == (URI.parse(item.data,XRF.EMBEDDED)).exists(item.expect.input);
if( item.expect.fn == "equal.string" ) valid = res.get(item.expect.input) && item.expect.out == res.get(item.expect.input).string;
if( item.expect.fn == "equal.xy" ) valid = equalXY(res,item);
if( item.expect.fn == "equal.xyz" ) valid = equalXYZ(res,item);
if( item.expect.fn == "equal.multi" ) valid = equalMulti(res, item);
if( item.expect.fn == "testQueryRoot" ) valid = item.expect.out == q.get()[ item.expect.input[0] ].root;
var ok:String = valid ? "[ ] " : "[ ] ";
trace( ok + item.fn + ": '" + item.data + "'" + (item.label ? " (" + (item.label?item.label:item.expect.fn) +")" : ""));
if( !valid ) errors += 1;
static public function equalXY(res:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>, item:Dynamic):Bool {
if( !item.expect.out && !res.get(item.expect.input) ) return true;
else return res.get(item.expect.input) && item.expect.out == (Std.string(res.get(item.expect.input).x) +","+ Std.string(res.get(item.expect.input).y) );
static public function equalXYZ(res:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>, item:Dynamic):Bool {
if( !item.expect.out && !res.get(item.expect.input) ) return true;
else return res.get(item.expect.input) && item.expect.out == (Std.string(res.get(item.expect.input).x) +","+ Std.string(res.get(item.expect.input).y)+","+ Std.string(res.get(item.expect.input).z));
static public function equalMulti(res:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>, item:Dynamic):Bool {
var target:Dynamic = res.get(item.expect.input);
var str:String = "";
if( !target ) return false;
for( i in 0...target.args.length ){
str = str + "|" + target.args[i].string;
str = str.substr(1);
return item.expect.out ? str == item.expect.out : false;
static public function testUrl():Void {
var Uri = xrfragment.URI;
var url:String = "http://foo.com?foo=1#bar=flop&a=1,2&b=c|d|1,2,3";
trace( Uri.parse(url,0) );
static public function testQuery():Void {
var Query = xrfragment.Query;
trace( (new Query("foo or bar")).toObject() );
trace( (new Query("class:fopoer or bar foo:bar")).toObject().or[0] );
trace( (new Query("-skybox class:foo")).toObject().or[0] );
trace( (new Query("foo/flop moo or bar")).toObject().or[0] );
trace( (new Query("-foo/flop moo or bar")).toObject().or[0] );
trace( (new Query("price:>4 moo or bar")).toObject().or[0] );
trace( (new Query("price:>=4 moo or bar")).toObject().or[0] );
trace( (new Query("price:<=4 moo or bar")).toObject().or[0] );
trace( (new Query("price:!=4 moo or bar")).toObject().or[0] );
var q:Dynamic = new Query("price:!=4 moo or bar");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
q.test( "price", 4);
var ok = !q.selected("slkklskdf");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should not be allowed';
q = new Query("price:!=3 moo or bar");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
q.test( "price", 4);
var ok = q.selected("slkklskdf");
if( !ok ) throw 'non-mentioned node should be allowed';
q = new Query("moo or bar");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
var ok = !q.selected("slkklskdf");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should not be allowed';
obj = q.toObject();
var ok = q.selected("moo");
if( !ok ) throw 'moo should be allowed';
var ok = q.selected("bar");
if( !ok ) throw 'bar should be allowed';
q = new Query("price:>3 moo or bar");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
q.test( "price", 4);
var ok = q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should be allowed';
var ok = q.selected("bar");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should be allowed';
var ok = q.selected("moo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should be allowed';
q = new Query("price:>3 price:<10 -bar");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
q.test( "price", 4);
var ok = q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should be allowed';
var ok = !q.selected("bar");
if( !ok ) throw 'bar should not be allowed';
q.test("price", 20);
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'price 20 should not be allowed';
q = new Query("-bar");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
var ok = q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should be allowed';
var ok = !q.selected("bar");
if( !ok ) throw 'bar should not be allowed';
q = new Query("title:*");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should not be allowed';
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should not be allowed';
var ok = q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should be allowed';
q = new Query("-bar +bar");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
var ok = q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'node should be allowed';
var ok = q.selected("bar");
if( !ok ) throw 'bar should be allowed';
q = new Query("?discount");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'foo should not be allowed';
q = new Query("?");
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'foo should not be allowed';
q = new Query("?");
var ok = q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'foo should not be allowed';
q = new Query("?discount");
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'foo should not be allowed';
q = new Query("?discount +foo");
var obj:Dynamic = q.toObject();
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'foo should not be allowed';
var ok = !q.selected("foo");
if( !ok ) throw 'foo should not be allowed';
trace("all tests passed");