
1796 lines
80 KiB

import sys
import math as python_lib_Math
import math as Math
import inspect as python_lib_Inspect
import sys as python_lib_Sys
import functools as python_lib_Functools
import re as python_lib_Re
import traceback as python_lib_Traceback
import urllib.parse as python_lib_urllib_Parse
class _hx_AnonObject:
_hx_disable_getattr = False
def __init__(self, fields):
self.__dict__ = fields
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__dict__)
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.__dict__
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.__dict__[item]
def __getattr__(self, name):
if (self._hx_disable_getattr):
raise AttributeError('field does not exist')
return None
def _hx_hasattr(self,field):
self._hx_disable_getattr = True
getattr(self, field)
self._hx_disable_getattr = False
return True
except AttributeError:
self._hx_disable_getattr = False
return False
class Enum:
_hx_class_name = "Enum"
__slots__ = ("tag", "index", "params")
_hx_fields = ["tag", "index", "params"]
_hx_methods = ["__str__"]
def __init__(self,tag,index,params):
self.tag = tag
self.index = index
self.params = params
def __str__(self):
if (self.params is None):
return self.tag
return self.tag + '(' + (', '.join(str(v) for v in self.params)) + ')'
class Class: pass
class EReg:
_hx_class_name = "EReg"
__slots__ = ("pattern", "matchObj", "_hx_global")
_hx_fields = ["pattern", "matchObj", "global"]
_hx_methods = ["split"]
def __init__(self,r,opt):
self.matchObj = None
self._hx_global = False
options = 0
_g = 0
_g1 = len(opt)
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
c = (-1 if ((i >= len(opt))) else ord(opt[i]))
if (c == 109):
options = (options | python_lib_Re.M)
if (c == 105):
options = (options | python_lib_Re.I)
if (c == 115):
options = (options | python_lib_Re.S)
if (c == 117):
options = (options | python_lib_Re.U)
if (c == 103):
self._hx_global = True
self.pattern = python_lib_Re.compile(r,options)
def split(self,s):
if self._hx_global:
ret = []
lastEnd = 0
x = python_HaxeIterator(python_lib_Re.finditer(self.pattern,s))
while x.hasNext():
x1 = x.next()
x2 = HxString.substring(s,lastEnd,x1.start())
lastEnd = x1.end()
x = HxString.substr(s,lastEnd,None)
return ret
self.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(self.pattern,s)
if (self.matchObj is None):
return [s]
return [HxString.substring(s,0,self.matchObj.start()), HxString.substr(s,self.matchObj.end(),None)]
class Reflect:
_hx_class_name = "Reflect"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["field", "deleteField"]
def field(o,field):
return python_Boot.field(o,field)
def deleteField(o,field):
if (field in python_Boot.keywords):
field = ("_hx_" + field)
elif ((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95))):
field = ("_hx_" + field)
if (not python_Boot.hasField(o,field)):
return False
return True
class Std:
_hx_class_name = "Std"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["isOfType", "string", "parseInt", "shortenPossibleNumber", "parseFloat"]
def isOfType(v,t):
if ((v is None) and ((t is None))):
return False
if (t is None):
return False
if ((type(t) == type) and (t == Dynamic)):
return (v is not None)
isBool = isinstance(v,bool)
if (((type(t) == type) and (t == Bool)) and isBool):
return True
if ((((not isBool) and (not ((type(t) == type) and (t == Bool)))) and ((type(t) == type) and (t == Int))) and isinstance(v,int)):
return True
vIsFloat = isinstance(v,float)
tmp = None
tmp1 = None
if (((not isBool) and vIsFloat) and ((type(t) == type) and (t == Int))):
f = v
tmp1 = (((f != Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY) and ((f != Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY))) and (not python_lib_Math.isnan(f)))
tmp1 = False
if tmp1:
tmp1 = None
tmp1 = int(v)
except BaseException as _g:
tmp1 = None
tmp = (v == tmp1)
tmp = False
if ((tmp and ((v <= 2147483647))) and ((v >= -2147483648))):
return True
if (((not isBool) and ((type(t) == type) and (t == Float))) and isinstance(v,(float, int))):
return True
if ((type(t) == type) and (t == str)):
return isinstance(v,str)
isEnumType = ((type(t) == type) and (t == Enum))
if ((isEnumType and python_lib_Inspect.isclass(v)) and hasattr(v,"_hx_constructs")):
return True
if isEnumType:
return False
isClassType = ((type(t) == type) and (t == Class))
if ((((isClassType and (not isinstance(v,Enum))) and python_lib_Inspect.isclass(v)) and hasattr(v,"_hx_class_name")) and (not hasattr(v,"_hx_constructs"))):
return True
if isClassType:
return False
tmp = None
tmp = isinstance(v,t)
except BaseException as _g:
tmp = False
if tmp:
return True
if python_lib_Inspect.isclass(t):
cls = t
loop = None
def _hx_local_1(intf):
f = (intf._hx_interfaces if (hasattr(intf,"_hx_interfaces")) else [])
if (f is not None):
_g = 0
while (_g < len(f)):
i = (f[_g] if _g >= 0 and _g < len(f) else None)
_g = (_g + 1)
if (i == cls):
return True
l = loop(i)
if l:
return True
return False
return False
loop = _hx_local_1
currentClass = v.__class__
result = False
while (currentClass is not None):
if loop(currentClass):
result = True
currentClass = python_Boot.getSuperClass(currentClass)
return result
return False
def string(s):
return python_Boot.toString1(s,"")
def parseInt(x):
if (x is None):
return None
return int(x)
except BaseException as _g:
base = 10
_hx_len = len(x)
foundCount = 0
sign = 0
firstDigitIndex = 0
lastDigitIndex = -1
previous = 0
_g = 0
_g1 = _hx_len
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
c = (-1 if ((i >= len(x))) else ord(x[i]))
if (((c > 8) and ((c < 14))) or ((c == 32))):
if (foundCount > 0):
return None
c1 = c
if (c1 == 43):
if (foundCount == 0):
sign = 1
elif (not (((48 <= c) and ((c <= 57))))):
if (not (((base == 16) and ((((97 <= c) and ((c <= 122))) or (((65 <= c) and ((c <= 90))))))))):
elif (c1 == 45):
if (foundCount == 0):
sign = -1
elif (not (((48 <= c) and ((c <= 57))))):
if (not (((base == 16) and ((((97 <= c) and ((c <= 122))) or (((65 <= c) and ((c <= 90))))))))):
elif (c1 == 48):
if (not (((foundCount == 0) or (((foundCount == 1) and ((sign != 0))))))):
if (not (((48 <= c) and ((c <= 57))))):
if (not (((base == 16) and ((((97 <= c) and ((c <= 122))) or (((65 <= c) and ((c <= 90))))))))):
elif ((c1 == 120) or ((c1 == 88))):
if ((previous == 48) and ((((foundCount == 1) and ((sign == 0))) or (((foundCount == 2) and ((sign != 0))))))):
base = 16
elif (not (((48 <= c) and ((c <= 57))))):
if (not (((base == 16) and ((((97 <= c) and ((c <= 122))) or (((65 <= c) and ((c <= 90))))))))):
elif (not (((48 <= c) and ((c <= 57))))):
if (not (((base == 16) and ((((97 <= c) and ((c <= 122))) or (((65 <= c) and ((c <= 90))))))))):
if (((foundCount == 0) and ((sign == 0))) or (((foundCount == 1) and ((sign != 0))))):
firstDigitIndex = i
foundCount = (foundCount + 1)
lastDigitIndex = i
previous = c
if (firstDigitIndex <= lastDigitIndex):
digits = HxString.substring(x,firstDigitIndex,(lastDigitIndex + 1))
return (((-1 if ((sign == -1)) else 1)) * int(digits,base))
except BaseException as _g:
return None
return None
def shortenPossibleNumber(x):
r = ""
_g = 0
_g1 = len(x)
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
c = ("" if (((i < 0) or ((i >= len(x))))) else x[i])
_g2 = HxString.charCodeAt(c,0)
if (_g2 is None):
_g3 = _g2
if (((((((((((_g3 == 57) or ((_g3 == 56))) or ((_g3 == 55))) or ((_g3 == 54))) or ((_g3 == 53))) or ((_g3 == 52))) or ((_g3 == 51))) or ((_g3 == 50))) or ((_g3 == 49))) or ((_g3 == 48))) or ((_g3 == 46))):
r = (("null" if r is None else r) + ("null" if c is None else c))
return r
def parseFloat(x):
return float(x)
except BaseException as _g:
if (x is not None):
r1 = Std.shortenPossibleNumber(x)
if (r1 != x):
return Std.parseFloat(r1)
return Math.NaN
class Float: pass
class Int: pass
class Bool: pass
class Dynamic: pass
class StringTools:
_hx_class_name = "StringTools"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["isSpace", "ltrim", "rtrim", "trim", "replace"]
def isSpace(s,pos):
if (((len(s) == 0) or ((pos < 0))) or ((pos >= len(s)))):
return False
c = HxString.charCodeAt(s,pos)
if (not (((c > 8) and ((c < 14))))):
return (c == 32)
return True
def ltrim(s):
l = len(s)
r = 0
while ((r < l) and StringTools.isSpace(s,r)):
r = (r + 1)
if (r > 0):
return HxString.substr(s,r,(l - r))
return s
def rtrim(s):
l = len(s)
r = 0
while ((r < l) and StringTools.isSpace(s,((l - r) - 1))):
r = (r + 1)
if (r > 0):
return HxString.substr(s,0,(l - r))
return s
def trim(s):
return StringTools.ltrim(StringTools.rtrim(s))
def replace(s,sub,by):
_this = (list(s) if ((sub == "")) else s.split(sub))
return by.join([python_Boot.toString1(x1,'') for x1 in _this])
class Test:
_hx_class_name = "Test"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["errors", "main", "test", "equalXY", "equalXYZ", "equalMulti"]
def main():
Test.test([_hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "equal.xyz", 'input': "pos", 'out': False}), 'label': "equal.xyz: should trigger incompatible type)", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#pos=1.2,2.2"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "equal.xyz", 'input': "pos", 'out': "1.2,2.2,3"}), 'label': "equal.xyz", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#pos=1.2,2.2,3"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "equal.xy", 'input': "t", 'out': "1,100"}), 'label': "a equal.xy", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#t=1,100"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testParsed", 'input': "prio", 'out': False}), 'label': "should trigger incompatible type", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#prio=foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "equal.multi", 'input': "pos", 'out': "c|d|1,2,3"}), 'label': "b equal.multi", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#pos=c|d|1,2,3"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testBrowserOverride", 'input': "t", 'out': True}), 'label': "browser URI can override t (defined in asset)", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#t=2,500"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testBrowserOverride", 'input': "q", 'out': False}), 'label': "browser URI cannot override q (defined in asset)", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#q=-bar"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testBrowserOverride", 'input': "scale", 'out': False}), 'label': "scale does not have NAVIGATOR set", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#scale=2,2,2"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testEmbedOverride", 'input': "scale", 'out': True}), 'label': "embedded (src) URI can override scale", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#scale=2,2,2"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testPredefinedView", 'input': "mypredefinedview", 'out': True}), 'label': "test predefined view executed", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#mypredefinedview"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testPredefinedView", 'input': "another", 'out': True}), 'label': "test predefined view executed (multiple)", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#mypredefinedview&another"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testPredefinedView", 'input': "mypredefinedview", 'out': True}), 'label': "test predefined view executed (multiple)", 'data': "http://foo.com?foo=1#mypredefinedview&another"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testPropertyAssign", 'input': "cube.position.x", 'out': True}), 'label': "test data assign", 'data': "#cube.position.x=music.position.x"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "url", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testPropertyAssign", 'input': "cube.position.x", 'out': True}), 'label': "test one-way data bind", 'data': "#cube.position.x=@music.position.x"})])
Test.test([_hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "bar"], 'out': True}), 'data': "class:bar"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "bar"], 'out': True}), 'label': ".bar shorthand", 'data': ".bar"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "foo"], 'out': False}), 'data': ".bar -.foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'data': ".bar -.foo .foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "bar"], 'out': True}), 'data': ".bar -.bar .bar"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'label': "class:foo", 'data': ".foo -.foo .foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'label': "class:foo", 'data': ".foo -.foo bar:5 .foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'label': "class:foo", 'data': ".foo -.foo bar:>5 .foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'label': "class:foo", 'data': ".foo -.foo bar:>5 .foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["class", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'label': "class:foo", 'data': ".foo -.foo .foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["id", "foo"], 'out': False}), 'label': "!id:foo", 'data': ".foo -.foo .foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["id", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'label': "id:foo?", 'data': "foo -foo foo"})])
Test.test([_hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["price", "10"], 'out': True}), 'data': "price:>=5"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["price", "10"], 'out': False}), 'data': "price:>=15"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["price", "4"], 'out': False}), 'data': "price:>=5"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["price", "0"], 'out': False}), 'data': "price:>=5"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["price", "1"], 'out': False}), 'label': "price=1", 'data': "price:>=5 price:0"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["price", "0"], 'out': True}), 'label': "price=0", 'data': "price:>=5 price:0"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["price", "6"], 'out': True}), 'label': "price=6", 'data': "price:>=5 price:0"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["tag", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'data': "tag:foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testProperty", 'input': ["tag", "foo"], 'out': False}), 'data': "-tag:foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "testPropertyExclude", 'input': ["tag", "foo"], 'out': True}), 'label': "testExclude", 'data': "-tag:foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "test", 'input': [_hx_AnonObject({'price': 5})], 'out': True}), 'data': ".foo price:5 -tag:foo"}), _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "query", 'expect': _hx_AnonObject({'fn': "test", 'input': [_hx_AnonObject({'tag': "foo", 'price': 5})], 'out': False}), 'data': ".foo price:5 -tag:foo"})])
if (Test.errors > 1):
print(str((("\n-----\n[ ❌] " + Std.string(Test.errors)) + " errors :/")))
def test(spec):
Query = xrfragment_Query
_g = 0
_g1 = len(spec)
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
q = None
res = None
valid = False
item = (spec[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(spec) else None)
if (Reflect.field(item,"fn") == "query"):
q = xrfragment_Query(Reflect.field(item,"data"))
if (Reflect.field(item,"fn") == "url"):
res = xrfragment_URI.parse(Reflect.field(item,"data"),0)
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "test"):
valid = (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == q.test(HxOverrides.arrayGet(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input"), 0)))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "testProperty"):
valid = (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == q.testProperty(HxOverrides.arrayGet(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input"), 0),HxOverrides.arrayGet(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input"), 1)))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "testPropertyExclude"):
valid = (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == q.testProperty(HxOverrides.arrayGet(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input"), 0),HxOverrides.arrayGet(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input"), 1),True))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "testParsed"):
valid = (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == python_Boot.hasField(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "testPredefinedView"):
valid = (python_Boot.hasField(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")) and (HxOverrides.eq(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out"),Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"is")(xrfragment_XRF.PV_EXECUTE))))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "testPropertyAssign"):
valid = (python_Boot.hasField(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")) and (HxOverrides.eq(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out"),Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"is")(xrfragment_XRF.PROP_BIND))))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "testBrowserOverride"):
valid = (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == python_Boot.hasField(xrfragment_URI.parse(Reflect.field(item,"data"),xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR),Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "testEmbedOverride"):
valid = (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == python_Boot.hasField(xrfragment_URI.parse(Reflect.field(item,"data"),xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED),Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "equal.string"):
valid = (Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")) and (HxOverrides.eq(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out"),Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"string"))))
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "equal.xy"):
valid = Test.equalXY(res,item)
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "equal.xyz"):
valid = Test.equalXYZ(res,item)
if (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn") == "equal.multi"):
valid = Test.equalMulti(res,item)
ok = ("[ ✔ ] " if valid else "[ ❌] ")
print(str((((((("null" if ok is None else ok) + Std.string(Reflect.field(item,"fn"))) + ": '") + Std.string(Reflect.field(item,"data"))) + "'") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(((((" (" + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(((Reflect.field(item,"label") if (Reflect.field(item,"label")) else Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"fn"))))) + ")") if (Reflect.field(item,"label")) else ""))))))
if (not valid):
_hx_local_0 = Test
_hx_local_1 = _hx_local_0.errors
_hx_local_0.errors = (_hx_local_1 + 1)
def equalXY(res,item):
if ((not Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out")) and (not Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")))):
return True
elif Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")):
return (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == (((Std.string(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"x")) + ",") + Std.string(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"y")))))
return False
def equalXYZ(res,item):
if ((not Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out")) and (not Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")))):
return True
elif Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")):
return (Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out") == (((((Std.string(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"x")) + ",") + Std.string(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"y"))) + ",") + Std.string(Reflect.field(Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input")),"z")))))
return False
def equalMulti(res,item):
target = Reflect.field(res,Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"input"))
_hx_str = ""
if (not target):
return False
_g = 0
_g1 = Reflect.field(Reflect.field(target,"args"),"length")
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
_hx_str = ((("null" if _hx_str is None else _hx_str) + "|") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(HxOverrides.arrayGet(Reflect.field(target,"args"), i).string))
_hx_str = HxString.substr(_hx_str,1,None)
if Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out"):
return (_hx_str == Reflect.field(Reflect.field(item,"expect"),"out"))
return False
class haxe_IMap:
_hx_class_name = "haxe.IMap"
__slots__ = ()
class haxe_Exception(Exception):
_hx_class_name = "haxe.Exception"
__slots__ = ("_hx___nativeStack", "_hx___nativeException", "_hx___previousException")
_hx_fields = ["__nativeStack", "__nativeException", "__previousException"]
_hx_methods = ["unwrap"]
_hx_statics = ["caught"]
_hx_interfaces = []
_hx_super = Exception
def __init__(self,message,previous = None,native = None):
self._hx___previousException = None
self._hx___nativeException = None
self._hx___nativeStack = None
self._hx___previousException = previous
if ((native is not None) and Std.isOfType(native,BaseException)):
self._hx___nativeException = native
self._hx___nativeStack = haxe_NativeStackTrace.exceptionStack()
self._hx___nativeException = self
infos = python_lib_Traceback.extract_stack()
if (len(infos) != 0):
self._hx___nativeStack = infos
def unwrap(self):
return self._hx___nativeException
def caught(value):
if Std.isOfType(value,haxe_Exception):
return value
elif Std.isOfType(value,BaseException):
return haxe_Exception(str(value),None,value)
return haxe_ValueException(value,None,value)
class haxe_NativeStackTrace:
_hx_class_name = "haxe.NativeStackTrace"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["saveStack", "exceptionStack"]
def saveStack(exception):
def exceptionStack():
exc = python_lib_Sys.exc_info()
if (exc[2] is not None):
infos = python_lib_Traceback.extract_tb(exc[2])
return infos
return []
class haxe_ValueException(haxe_Exception):
_hx_class_name = "haxe.ValueException"
__slots__ = ("value",)
_hx_fields = ["value"]
_hx_methods = ["unwrap"]
_hx_statics = []
_hx_interfaces = []
_hx_super = haxe_Exception
def __init__(self,value,previous = None,native = None):
self.value = None
self.value = value
def unwrap(self):
return self.value
class haxe_ds_StringMap:
_hx_class_name = "haxe.ds.StringMap"
__slots__ = ("h",)
_hx_fields = ["h"]
_hx_interfaces = [haxe_IMap]
def __init__(self):
self.h = dict()
class haxe_iterators_ArrayIterator:
_hx_class_name = "haxe.iterators.ArrayIterator"
__slots__ = ("array", "current")
_hx_fields = ["array", "current"]
_hx_methods = ["hasNext", "next"]
def __init__(self,array):
self.current = 0
self.array = array
def hasNext(self):
return (self.current < len(self.array))
def next(self):
def _hx_local_3():
def _hx_local_2():
_hx_local_0 = self
_hx_local_1 = _hx_local_0.current
_hx_local_0.current = (_hx_local_1 + 1)
return _hx_local_1
return python_internal_ArrayImpl._get(self.array, _hx_local_2())
return _hx_local_3()
class haxe_iterators_ArrayKeyValueIterator:
_hx_class_name = "haxe.iterators.ArrayKeyValueIterator"
__slots__ = ("current", "array")
_hx_fields = ["current", "array"]
_hx_methods = ["hasNext", "next"]
def __init__(self,array):
self.current = 0
self.array = array
def hasNext(self):
return (self.current < len(self.array))
def next(self):
def _hx_local_3():
def _hx_local_2():
_hx_local_0 = self
_hx_local_1 = _hx_local_0.current
_hx_local_0.current = (_hx_local_1 + 1)
return _hx_local_1
return _hx_AnonObject({'value': python_internal_ArrayImpl._get(self.array, self.current), 'key': _hx_local_2()})
return _hx_local_3()
class python_Boot:
_hx_class_name = "python.Boot"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["keywords", "toString1", "fields", "simpleField", "hasField", "field", "getInstanceFields", "getSuperClass", "getClassFields", "prefixLength", "unhandleKeywords"]
def toString1(o,s):
if (o is None):
return "null"
if isinstance(o,str):
return o
if (s is None):
s = ""
if (len(s) >= 5):
return "<...>"
if isinstance(o,bool):
if o:
return "true"
return "false"
if (isinstance(o,int) and (not isinstance(o,bool))):
return str(o)
if isinstance(o,float):
if (o == int(o)):
return str(Math.floor((o + 0.5)))
return str(o)
except BaseException as _g:
return str(o)
if isinstance(o,list):
o1 = o
l = len(o1)
st = "["
s = (("null" if s is None else s) + "\t")
_g = 0
_g1 = l
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
prefix = ""
if (i > 0):
prefix = ","
st = (("null" if st is None else st) + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(((("null" if prefix is None else prefix) + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(python_Boot.toString1((o1[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(o1) else None),s))))))
st = (("null" if st is None else st) + "]")
return st
if hasattr(o,"toString"):
return o.toString()
except BaseException as _g:
if hasattr(o,"__class__"):
if isinstance(o,_hx_AnonObject):
toStr = None
fields = python_Boot.fields(o)
_g = []
_g1 = 0
while (_g1 < len(fields)):
f = (fields[_g1] if _g1 >= 0 and _g1 < len(fields) else None)
_g1 = (_g1 + 1)
x = ((("" + ("null" if f is None else f)) + " : ") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(python_Boot.toString1(python_Boot.simpleField(o,f),(("null" if s is None else s) + "\t"))))
fieldsStr = _g
toStr = (("{ " + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(", ".join([x1 for x1 in fieldsStr]))) + " }")
except BaseException as _g:
return "{ ... }"
if (toStr is None):
return "{ ... }"
return toStr
if isinstance(o,Enum):
o1 = o
l = len(o1.params)
hasParams = (l > 0)
if hasParams:
paramsStr = ""
_g = 0
_g1 = l
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
prefix = ""
if (i > 0):
prefix = ","
paramsStr = (("null" if paramsStr is None else paramsStr) + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(((("null" if prefix is None else prefix) + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(python_Boot.toString1(o1.params[i],s))))))
return (((HxOverrides.stringOrNull(o1.tag) + "(") + ("null" if paramsStr is None else paramsStr)) + ")")
return o1.tag
if hasattr(o,"_hx_class_name"):
if (o.__class__.__name__ != "type"):
fields = python_Boot.getInstanceFields(o)
_g = []
_g1 = 0
while (_g1 < len(fields)):
f = (fields[_g1] if _g1 >= 0 and _g1 < len(fields) else None)
_g1 = (_g1 + 1)
x = ((("" + ("null" if f is None else f)) + " : ") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(python_Boot.toString1(python_Boot.simpleField(o,f),(("null" if s is None else s) + "\t"))))
fieldsStr = _g
toStr = (((HxOverrides.stringOrNull(o._hx_class_name) + "( ") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(", ".join([x1 for x1 in fieldsStr]))) + " )")
return toStr
fields = python_Boot.getClassFields(o)
_g = []
_g1 = 0
while (_g1 < len(fields)):
f = (fields[_g1] if _g1 >= 0 and _g1 < len(fields) else None)
_g1 = (_g1 + 1)
x = ((("" + ("null" if f is None else f)) + " : ") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(python_Boot.toString1(python_Boot.simpleField(o,f),(("null" if s is None else s) + "\t"))))
fieldsStr = _g
toStr = (((("#" + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(o._hx_class_name)) + "( ") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(", ".join([x1 for x1 in fieldsStr]))) + " )")
return toStr
if ((type(o) == type) and (o == str)):
return "#String"
if ((type(o) == type) and (o == list)):
return "#Array"
if callable(o):
return "function"
if hasattr(o,"__repr__"):
return o.__repr__()
except BaseException as _g:
if hasattr(o,"__str__"):
return o.__str__([])
if hasattr(o,"__name__"):
return o.__name__
return "???"
return str(o)
def fields(o):
a = []
if (o is not None):
if hasattr(o,"_hx_fields"):
fields = o._hx_fields
if (fields is not None):
return list(fields)
if isinstance(o,_hx_AnonObject):
d = o.__dict__
keys = d.keys()
handler = python_Boot.unhandleKeywords
for k in keys:
if (k != '_hx_disable_getattr'):
elif hasattr(o,"__dict__"):
d = o.__dict__
keys1 = d.keys()
for k in keys1:
return a
def simpleField(o,field):
if (field is None):
return None
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
def hasField(o,field):
if isinstance(o,_hx_AnonObject):
return o._hx_hasattr(field)
return hasattr(o,(("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field)))
def field(o,field):
if (field is None):
return None
if isinstance(o,str):
field1 = field
_hx_local_0 = len(field1)
if (_hx_local_0 == 10):
if (field1 == "charCodeAt"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.charCodeAt)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_0 == 11):
if (field1 == "lastIndexOf"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.lastIndexOf)
elif (field1 == "toLowerCase"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.toLowerCase)
elif (field1 == "toUpperCase"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.toUpperCase)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_0 == 9):
if (field1 == "substring"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.substring)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_0 == 5):
if (field1 == "split"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.split)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_0 == 7):
if (field1 == "indexOf"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.indexOf)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_0 == 8):
if (field1 == "toString"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.toString)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_0 == 6):
if (field1 == "charAt"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.charAt)
elif (field1 == "length"):
return len(o)
elif (field1 == "substr"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,HxString.substr)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif isinstance(o,list):
field1 = field
_hx_local_1 = len(field1)
if (_hx_local_1 == 11):
if (field1 == "lastIndexOf"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.lastIndexOf)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_1 == 4):
if (field1 == "copy"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.copy)
elif (field1 == "join"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.join)
elif (field1 == "push"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.push)
elif (field1 == "sort"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.sort)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_1 == 5):
if (field1 == "shift"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.shift)
elif (field1 == "slice"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.slice)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_1 == 7):
if (field1 == "indexOf"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.indexOf)
elif (field1 == "reverse"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.reverse)
elif (field1 == "unshift"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.unshift)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_1 == 3):
if (field1 == "map"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.map)
elif (field1 == "pop"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.pop)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_1 == 8):
if (field1 == "contains"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.contains)
elif (field1 == "iterator"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.iterator)
elif (field1 == "toString"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.toString)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_1 == 16):
if (field1 == "keyValueIterator"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.keyValueIterator)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
elif (_hx_local_1 == 6):
if (field1 == "concat"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.concat)
elif (field1 == "filter"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.filter)
elif (field1 == "insert"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.insert)
elif (field1 == "length"):
return len(o)
elif (field1 == "remove"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.remove)
elif (field1 == "splice"):
return python_internal_MethodClosure(o,python_internal_ArrayImpl.splice)
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
field1 = (("_hx_" + field) if ((field in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + field) if (((((len(field) > 2) and ((ord(field[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(field[(len(field) - 1)]) != 95)))) else field))
if hasattr(o,field1):
return getattr(o,field1)
return None
def getInstanceFields(c):
f = (list(c._hx_fields) if (hasattr(c,"_hx_fields")) else [])
if hasattr(c,"_hx_methods"):
f = (f + c._hx_methods)
sc = python_Boot.getSuperClass(c)
if (sc is None):
return f
scArr = python_Boot.getInstanceFields(sc)
scMap = set(scArr)
_g = 0
while (_g < len(f)):
f1 = (f[_g] if _g >= 0 and _g < len(f) else None)
_g = (_g + 1)
if (not (f1 in scMap)):
return scArr
def getSuperClass(c):
if (c is None):
return None
if hasattr(c,"_hx_super"):
return c._hx_super
return None
except BaseException as _g:
return None
def getClassFields(c):
if hasattr(c,"_hx_statics"):
x = c._hx_statics
return list(x)
return []
def unhandleKeywords(name):
if (HxString.substr(name,0,python_Boot.prefixLength) == "_hx_"):
real = HxString.substr(name,python_Boot.prefixLength,None)
if (real in python_Boot.keywords):
return real
return name
class python_HaxeIterator:
_hx_class_name = "python.HaxeIterator"
__slots__ = ("it", "x", "has", "checked")
_hx_fields = ["it", "x", "has", "checked"]
_hx_methods = ["next", "hasNext"]
def __init__(self,it):
self.checked = False
self.has = False
self.x = None
self.it = it
def next(self):
if (not self.checked):
self.checked = False
return self.x
def hasNext(self):
if (not self.checked):
self.x = self.it.__next__()
self.has = True
except BaseException as _g:
if Std.isOfType(haxe_Exception.caught(_g).unwrap(),StopIteration):
self.has = False
self.x = None
raise _g
self.checked = True
return self.has
class python_internal_ArrayImpl:
_hx_class_name = "python.internal.ArrayImpl"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["get_length", "concat", "copy", "iterator", "keyValueIterator", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "join", "toString", "pop", "push", "unshift", "remove", "contains", "shift", "slice", "sort", "splice", "map", "filter", "insert", "reverse", "_get"]
def get_length(x):
return len(x)
def concat(a1,a2):
return (a1 + a2)
def copy(x):
return list(x)
def iterator(x):
return python_HaxeIterator(x.__iter__())
def keyValueIterator(x):
return haxe_iterators_ArrayKeyValueIterator(x)
def indexOf(a,x,fromIndex = None):
_hx_len = len(a)
l = (0 if ((fromIndex is None)) else ((_hx_len + fromIndex) if ((fromIndex < 0)) else fromIndex))
if (l < 0):
l = 0
_g = l
_g1 = _hx_len
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
if HxOverrides.eq(a[i],x):
return i
return -1
def lastIndexOf(a,x,fromIndex = None):
_hx_len = len(a)
l = (_hx_len if ((fromIndex is None)) else (((_hx_len + fromIndex) + 1) if ((fromIndex < 0)) else (fromIndex + 1)))
if (l > _hx_len):
l = _hx_len
while True:
l = (l - 1)
tmp = l
if (not ((tmp > -1))):
if HxOverrides.eq(a[l],x):
return l
return -1
def join(x,sep):
return sep.join([python_Boot.toString1(x1,'') for x1 in x])
def toString(x):
return (("[" + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(",".join([python_Boot.toString1(x1,'') for x1 in x]))) + "]")
def pop(x):
if (len(x) == 0):
return None
return x.pop()
def push(x,e):
return len(x)
def unshift(x,e):
x.insert(0, e)
def remove(x,e):
return True
except BaseException as _g:
return False
def contains(x,e):
return (e in x)
def shift(x):
if (len(x) == 0):
return None
return x.pop(0)
def slice(x,pos,end = None):
return x[pos:end]
def sort(x,f):
x.sort(key= python_lib_Functools.cmp_to_key(f))
def splice(x,pos,_hx_len):
if (pos < 0):
pos = (len(x) + pos)
if (pos < 0):
pos = 0
res = x[pos:(pos + _hx_len)]
del x[pos:(pos + _hx_len)]
return res
def map(x,f):
return list(map(f,x))
def filter(x,f):
return list(filter(f,x))
def insert(a,pos,x):
a.insert(pos, x)
def reverse(a):
def _get(x,idx):
if ((idx > -1) and ((idx < len(x)))):
return x[idx]
return None
class HxOverrides:
_hx_class_name = "HxOverrides"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["eq", "stringOrNull", "push", "length", "arrayGet"]
def eq(a,b):
if (isinstance(a,list) or isinstance(b,list)):
return a is b
return (a == b)
def stringOrNull(s):
if (s is None):
return "null"
return s
def push(x,e):
if isinstance(x,list):
_this = x
return len(_this)
return x.push(e)
def length(x):
if isinstance(x,str):
return len(x)
elif isinstance(x,list):
return len(x)
return x.length
def arrayGet(a,i):
if isinstance(a,list):
x = a
if ((i > -1) and ((i < len(x)))):
return x[i]
return None
return a[i]
class python_internal_MethodClosure:
_hx_class_name = "python.internal.MethodClosure"
__slots__ = ("obj", "func")
_hx_fields = ["obj", "func"]
_hx_methods = ["__call__"]
def __init__(self,obj,func):
self.obj = obj
self.func = func
def __call__(self,*args):
return self.func(self.obj,*args)
class HxString:
_hx_class_name = "HxString"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["split", "charCodeAt", "charAt", "lastIndexOf", "toUpperCase", "toLowerCase", "indexOf", "indexOfImpl", "toString", "get_length", "substring", "substr"]
def split(s,d):
if (d == ""):
return list(s)
return s.split(d)
def charCodeAt(s,index):
if ((((s is None) or ((len(s) == 0))) or ((index < 0))) or ((index >= len(s)))):
return None
return ord(s[index])
def charAt(s,index):
if ((index < 0) or ((index >= len(s)))):
return ""
return s[index]
def lastIndexOf(s,_hx_str,startIndex = None):
if (startIndex is None):
return s.rfind(_hx_str, 0, len(s))
elif (_hx_str == ""):
length = len(s)
if (startIndex < 0):
startIndex = (length + startIndex)
if (startIndex < 0):
startIndex = 0
if (startIndex > length):
return length
return startIndex
i = s.rfind(_hx_str, 0, (startIndex + 1))
startLeft = (max(0,((startIndex + 1) - len(_hx_str))) if ((i == -1)) else (i + 1))
check = s.find(_hx_str, startLeft, len(s))
if ((check > i) and ((check <= startIndex))):
return check
return i
def toUpperCase(s):
return s.upper()
def toLowerCase(s):
return s.lower()
def indexOf(s,_hx_str,startIndex = None):
if (startIndex is None):
return s.find(_hx_str)
return HxString.indexOfImpl(s,_hx_str,startIndex)
def indexOfImpl(s,_hx_str,startIndex):
if (_hx_str == ""):
length = len(s)
if (startIndex < 0):
startIndex = (length + startIndex)
if (startIndex < 0):
startIndex = 0
if (startIndex > length):
return length
return startIndex
return s.find(_hx_str, startIndex)
def toString(s):
return s
def get_length(s):
return len(s)
def substring(s,startIndex,endIndex = None):
if (startIndex < 0):
startIndex = 0
if (endIndex is None):
return s[startIndex:]
if (endIndex < 0):
endIndex = 0
if (endIndex < startIndex):
return s[endIndex:startIndex]
return s[startIndex:endIndex]
def substr(s,startIndex,_hx_len = None):
if (_hx_len is None):
return s[startIndex:]
if (_hx_len == 0):
return ""
if (startIndex < 0):
startIndex = (len(s) + startIndex)
if (startIndex < 0):
startIndex = 0
return s[startIndex:(startIndex + _hx_len)]
class xrfragment_Parser:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Parser"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["error", "debug", "parse"]
def parse(key,value,resultMap):
Frag = haxe_ds_StringMap()
Frag.h["prio"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_INT)
Frag.h["#"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_PREDEFINED_VIEW)
Frag.h["class"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING)
Frag.h["src"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_URL)
Frag.h["pos"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE | xrfragment_XRF.ROUNDROBIN) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3) | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING_OBJ) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["href"] = ((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_URL) | xrfragment_XRF.T_PREDEFINED_VIEW)
Frag.h["q"] = ((xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["scale"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.QUERY_OPERATOR | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.ROUNDROBIN) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["rot"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.QUERY_OPERATOR | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.ROUNDROBIN) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["translate"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.QUERY_OPERATOR | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.ROUNDROBIN) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["visible"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.QUERY_OPERATOR | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.ROUNDROBIN) | xrfragment_XRF.T_INT) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["env"] = (((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["t"] = (((((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.ROUNDROBIN) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR2) | xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["gravity"] = (((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["physics"] = (((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["fov"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.T_INT) | xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["clip"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR2) | xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["fog"] = ((((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING) | xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED)
Frag.h["namespace"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING)
Frag.h["SPDX"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING)
Frag.h["unit"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING)
Frag.h["description"] = (xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING)
Frag.h["session"] = (((((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.T_URL) | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR) | xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED) | xrfragment_XRF.PROMPT)
if ((len(value) == 0) and (not (key in Frag.h))):
value1 = xrfragment_XRF(key,(xrfragment_XRF.PV_EXECUTE | xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR))
setattr(resultMap,(("_hx_" + key) if ((key in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + key) if (((((len(key) > 2) and ((ord(key[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[(len(key) - 1)]) != 95)))) else key)),value1)
return True
if ((len(key.split(".")) > 1) and ((len(value.split(".")) > 1))):
value1 = xrfragment_XRF(key,(((xrfragment_XRF.ASSET | xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE) | xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING) | xrfragment_XRF.PROP_BIND))
setattr(resultMap,(("_hx_" + key) if ((key in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + key) if (((((len(key) > 2) and ((ord(key[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[(len(key) - 1)]) != 95)))) else key)),value1)
return True
if (key in Frag.h):
v = xrfragment_XRF(key,Frag.h.get(key,None))
if (not v.validate(value)):
print(str((((("⚠ fragment '" + ("null" if key is None else key)) + "' has incompatible value (") + ("null" if value is None else value)) + ")")))
return False
if xrfragment_Parser.debug:
print(str(((("" + ("null" if key is None else key)) + ": ") + HxOverrides.stringOrNull(v.string))))
setattr(resultMap,(("_hx_" + key) if ((key in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + key) if (((((len(key) > 2) and ((ord(key[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[(len(key) - 1)]) != 95)))) else key)),v)
return True
class xrfragment_Query:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Query"
__slots__ = ("str", "q", "isProp", "isExclude", "isClass", "isNumber")
_hx_fields = ["str", "q", "isProp", "isExclude", "isClass", "isNumber"]
_hx_methods = ["toObject", "expandAliases", "get", "parse", "test", "testProperty"]
def __init__(self,_hx_str):
self.isNumber = EReg("^[0-9\\.]+$","")
self.isClass = EReg("^[-]?class$","")
self.isExclude = EReg("^-","")
self.isProp = EReg("^.*:[><=!]?","")
self.q = _hx_AnonObject({})
self.str = ""
if (_hx_str is not None):
def toObject(self):
return self.q
def expandAliases(self,token):
classAlias = EReg("^(-)?\\.","")
classAlias.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(classAlias.pattern,token)
if (classAlias.matchObj is not None):
return StringTools.replace(token,".","class:")
return token
def get(self):
return self.q
def parse(self,_hx_str,recurse = None):
if (recurse is None):
recurse = False
_gthis = self
token = _hx_str.split(" ")
q = _hx_AnonObject({})
def _hx_local_0(_hx_str,prefix = None):
if (prefix is None):
prefix = ""
_hx_str = StringTools.trim(_hx_str)
k = HxOverrides.arrayGet(_hx_str.split(":"), 0)
v = HxOverrides.arrayGet(_hx_str.split(":"), 1)
_hx_filter = _hx_AnonObject({})
if Reflect.field(q,(("null" if prefix is None else prefix) + ("null" if k is None else k))):
_hx_filter = Reflect.field(q,(("null" if prefix is None else prefix) + ("null" if k is None else k)))
value = (Reflect.field(_hx_filter,"rules") if ((Reflect.field(_hx_filter,"rules") is not None)) else list())
setattr(_hx_filter,(("_hx_" + "rules") if (("rules" in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + "rules") if (((((len("rules") > 2) and ((ord("rules"[0]) == 95))) and ((ord("rules"[1]) == 95))) and ((ord("rules"[(len("rules") - 1)]) != 95)))) else "rules")),value)
_this = _gthis.isProp
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
oper = ""
startIndex = None
if (((_hx_str.find("*") if ((startIndex is None)) else HxString.indexOfImpl(_hx_str,"*",startIndex))) != -1):
oper = "*"
startIndex = None
if (((_hx_str.find(">") if ((startIndex is None)) else HxString.indexOfImpl(_hx_str,">",startIndex))) != -1):
oper = ">"
startIndex = None
if (((_hx_str.find("<") if ((startIndex is None)) else HxString.indexOfImpl(_hx_str,"<",startIndex))) != -1):
oper = "<"
startIndex = None
if (((_hx_str.find(">=") if ((startIndex is None)) else HxString.indexOfImpl(_hx_str,">=",startIndex))) != -1):
oper = ">="
startIndex = None
if (((_hx_str.find("<=") if ((startIndex is None)) else HxString.indexOfImpl(_hx_str,"<=",startIndex))) != -1):
oper = "<="
_this = _gthis.isExclude
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,k)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
oper = "!="
k = HxString.substr(k,1,None)
v = HxString.substr(v,len(oper),None)
if (len(oper) == 0):
oper = "="
_this = _gthis.isClass
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,k)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
key = (("null" if prefix is None else prefix) + ("null" if k is None else k))
value = (oper != "!=")
setattr(_hx_filter,(("_hx_" + key) if ((key in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + key) if (((((len(key) > 2) and ((ord(key[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[(len(key) - 1)]) != 95)))) else key)),value)
setattr(q,(("_hx_" + v) if ((v in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + v) if (((((len(v) > 2) and ((ord(v[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(v[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(v[(len(v) - 1)]) != 95)))) else v)),_hx_filter)
rule = _hx_AnonObject({})
_this = _gthis.isNumber
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,v)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
value = Std.parseFloat(v)
setattr(rule,(("_hx_" + oper) if ((oper in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + oper) if (((((len(oper) > 2) and ((ord(oper[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(oper[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(oper[(len(oper) - 1)]) != 95)))) else oper)),value)
setattr(rule,(("_hx_" + oper) if ((oper in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + oper) if (((((len(oper) > 2) and ((ord(oper[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(oper[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(oper[(len(oper) - 1)]) != 95)))) else oper)),v)
setattr(q,(("_hx_" + k) if ((k in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + k) if (((((len(k) > 2) and ((ord(k[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(k[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(k[(len(k) - 1)]) != 95)))) else k)),_hx_filter)
_this = _gthis.isExclude
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
value = (False if ((_this.matchObj is not None)) else True)
setattr(_hx_filter,(("_hx_" + "id") if (("id" in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + "id") if (((((len("id") > 2) and ((ord("id"[0]) == 95))) and ((ord("id"[1]) == 95))) and ((ord("id"[(len("id") - 1)]) != 95)))) else "id")),value)
_this = _gthis.isExclude
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
key = (HxString.substr(_hx_str,1,None) if ((_this.matchObj is not None)) else _hx_str)
setattr(q,(("_hx_" + key) if ((key in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + key) if (((((len(key) > 2) and ((ord(key[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[(len(key) - 1)]) != 95)))) else key)),_hx_filter)
process = _hx_local_0
_g = 0
_g1 = len(token)
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
process(self.expandAliases((token[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(token) else None)))
def _hx_local_2():
def _hx_local_1():
self.q = q
return self.q
return _hx_local_1()
return _hx_local_2()
def test(self,obj = None):
qualify = False
_g = 0
_g1 = python_Boot.fields(obj)
while (_g < len(_g1)):
k = (_g1[_g] if _g >= 0 and _g < len(_g1) else None)
_g = (_g + 1)
v = Std.string(Reflect.field(obj,k))
if self.testProperty(k,v):
qualify = True
_g = 0
_g1 = python_Boot.fields(obj)
while (_g < len(_g1)):
k = (_g1[_g] if _g >= 0 and _g < len(_g1) else None)
_g = (_g + 1)
v = Std.string(Reflect.field(obj,k))
if self.testProperty(k,v,True):
qualify = False
return qualify
def testProperty(self,property,value,exclude = None):
conds = 0
fails = 0
qualify = 0
def _hx_local_2(expr):
nonlocal conds
nonlocal fails
conds = (conds + 1)
fails = (fails + (0 if expr else 1))
return expr
testprop = _hx_local_2
if (Reflect.field(self.q,value) is not None):
v = Reflect.field(self.q,value)
if (Reflect.field(v,property) is not None):
return Reflect.field(v,property)
_g = 0
_g1 = python_Boot.fields(self.q)
while (_g < len(_g1)):
k = (_g1[_g] if _g >= 0 and _g < len(_g1) else None)
_g = (_g + 1)
_hx_filter = Reflect.field(self.q,k)
if (Reflect.field(_hx_filter,"rules") is None):
rules = Reflect.field(_hx_filter,"rules")
_g2 = 0
while (_g2 < len(rules)):
rule = (rules[_g2] if _g2 >= 0 and _g2 < len(rules) else None)
_g2 = (_g2 + 1)
if exclude:
if (((Reflect.field(rule,"!=") is not None) and testprop((Std.string(value) == Std.string(Reflect.field(rule,"!="))))) and exclude):
qualify = (qualify + 1)
if ((Reflect.field(rule,"*") is not None) and testprop((Std.parseFloat(value) is not None))):
qualify = (qualify + 1)
if ((Reflect.field(rule,">") is not None) and testprop((Std.parseFloat(value) > Std.parseFloat(Reflect.field(rule,">"))))):
qualify = (qualify + 1)
if ((Reflect.field(rule,"<") is not None) and testprop((Std.parseFloat(value) < Std.parseFloat(Reflect.field(rule,"<"))))):
qualify = (qualify + 1)
if ((Reflect.field(rule,">=") is not None) and testprop((Std.parseFloat(value) >= Std.parseFloat(Reflect.field(rule,">="))))):
qualify = (qualify + 1)
if ((Reflect.field(rule,"<=") is not None) and testprop((Std.parseFloat(value) <= Std.parseFloat(Reflect.field(rule,"<="))))):
qualify = (qualify + 1)
if ((Reflect.field(rule,"=") is not None) and ((testprop((value == Reflect.field(rule,"="))) or testprop((Std.parseFloat(value) == Std.parseFloat(Reflect.field(rule,"="))))))):
qualify = (qualify + 1)
return (qualify > 0)
class xrfragment_URI:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.URI"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["parse"]
def parse(url,_hx_filter):
store = _hx_AnonObject({})
startIndex = None
if (((url.find("#") if ((startIndex is None)) else HxString.indexOfImpl(url,"#",startIndex))) == -1):
return store
fragment = url.split("#")
_this = (fragment[1] if 1 < len(fragment) else None)
splitArray = _this.split("&")
_g = 0
_g1 = len(splitArray)
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
_this = (splitArray[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(splitArray) else None)
splitByEqual = _this.split("=")
regexPlus = EReg("\\+","g")
key = (splitByEqual[0] if 0 < len(splitByEqual) else None)
value = ""
if (len(splitByEqual) > 1):
_this1 = regexPlus.split((splitByEqual[1] if 1 < len(splitByEqual) else None))
value = python_lib_urllib_Parse.unquote(" ".join([python_Boot.toString1(x1,'') for x1 in _this1]))
ok = xrfragment_Parser.parse(key,value,store)
if ((_hx_filter is not None) and ((_hx_filter != 0))):
_g = 0
_g1 = python_Boot.fields(store)
while (_g < len(_g1)):
key = (_g1[_g] if _g >= 0 and _g < len(_g1) else None)
_g = (_g + 1)
xrf = Reflect.field(store,key)
if (not xrf._hx_is(_hx_filter)):
return store
class xrfragment_XRF:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.XRF"
__slots__ = ("fragment", "flags", "x", "y", "z", "color", "string", "int", "float", "args", "query")
_hx_fields = ["fragment", "flags", "x", "y", "z", "color", "string", "int", "float", "args", "query"]
_hx_methods = ["is", "validate", "guessType"]
_hx_statics = ["ASSET", "PROP_BIND", "QUERY_OPERATOR", "PROMPT", "ROUNDROBIN", "NAVIGATOR", "EMBEDDED", "PV_OVERRIDE", "PV_EXECUTE", "T_COLOR", "T_INT", "T_FLOAT", "T_VECTOR2", "T_VECTOR3", "T_URL", "T_PREDEFINED_VIEW", "T_STRING", "T_STRING_OBJ", "T_STRING_OBJ_PROP", "isColor", "isInt", "isFloat", "isVector", "isUrl", "isUrlOrPretypedView", "isString", "set", "unset"]
def __init__(self,_fragment,_flags):
self.query = None
self.args = None
self.float = None
self.int = None
self.string = None
self.color = None
self.z = None
self.y = None
self.x = None
self.fragment = _fragment
self.flags = _flags
def _hx_is(self,flag):
return (((self.flags & flag)) != 0)
def validate(self,value):
if (len(value.split("|")) > 1):
self.args = list()
args = value.split("|")
_g = 0
_g1 = len(args)
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
x = xrfragment_XRF(self.fragment,self.flags)
self.guessType(x,(args[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(args) else None))
_this = self.args
if (self.fragment == "q"):
self.query = xrfragment_Query(value).get()
ok = True
if (not Std.isOfType(self.args,list)):
if (self._hx_is(xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3) and (not (((Std.isOfType(self.x,Float) and Std.isOfType(self.y,Float)) and Std.isOfType(self.z,Float))))):
ok = False
if (self._hx_is(xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR2) and (not ((Std.isOfType(self.x,Float) and Std.isOfType(self.y,Float))))):
ok = False
if (self._hx_is(xrfragment_XRF.T_INT) and (not Std.isOfType(self.int,Int))):
ok = False
return ok
def guessType(self,v,_hx_str):
v.string = _hx_str
if (len(_hx_str.split(",")) > 1):
xyz = _hx_str.split(",")
if (len(xyz) > 0):
v.x = Std.parseFloat((xyz[0] if 0 < len(xyz) else None))
if (len(xyz) > 1):
v.y = Std.parseFloat((xyz[1] if 1 < len(xyz) else None))
if (len(xyz) > 2):
v.z = Std.parseFloat((xyz[2] if 2 < len(xyz) else None))
_this = xrfragment_XRF.isColor
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.color = _hx_str
_this = xrfragment_XRF.isFloat
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.float = Std.parseFloat(_hx_str)
_this = xrfragment_XRF.isInt
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.int = Std.parseInt(_hx_str)
def set(flag,flags):
return (flags | flag)
def unset(flag,flags):
return (flags & ~flag)
Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = float("-inf")
Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY = float("inf")
Math.NaN = float("nan")
Math.PI = python_lib_Math.pi
Test.errors = 0
python_Boot.keywords = set(["and", "del", "from", "not", "with", "as", "elif", "global", "or", "yield", "assert", "else", "if", "pass", "None", "break", "except", "import", "raise", "True", "class", "exec", "in", "return", "False", "continue", "finally", "is", "try", "def", "for", "lambda", "while"])
python_Boot.prefixLength = len("_hx_")
xrfragment_Parser.error = ""
xrfragment_Parser.debug = False
xrfragment_XRF.ASSET = 1
xrfragment_XRF.PROP_BIND = 2
xrfragment_XRF.QUERY_OPERATOR = 4
xrfragment_XRF.PROMPT = 8
xrfragment_XRF.ROUNDROBIN = 16
xrfragment_XRF.NAVIGATOR = 32
xrfragment_XRF.EMBEDDED = 64
xrfragment_XRF.PV_OVERRIDE = 128
xrfragment_XRF.PV_EXECUTE = 256
xrfragment_XRF.T_COLOR = 8192
xrfragment_XRF.T_INT = 16384
xrfragment_XRF.T_FLOAT = 32768
xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR2 = 65536
xrfragment_XRF.T_VECTOR3 = 131072
xrfragment_XRF.T_URL = 262144
xrfragment_XRF.T_PREDEFINED_VIEW = 524288
xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING = 1048576
xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING_OBJ = 2097152
xrfragment_XRF.T_STRING_OBJ_PROP = 4194304
xrfragment_XRF.isColor = EReg("^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$","")
xrfragment_XRF.isInt = EReg("^[0-9]+$","")
xrfragment_XRF.isFloat = EReg("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$","")
xrfragment_XRF.isVector = EReg("([,]+|\\w)","")
xrfragment_XRF.isUrl = EReg("(://)?\\..*","")
xrfragment_XRF.isUrlOrPretypedView = EReg("(^#|://)?\\..*","")
xrfragment_XRF.isString = EReg(".*","")