Title = "XR Fragments"
area = "Internet"
workgroup = "Internet Engineering Task Force"
name = "XR-Fragments"
value = "draft-XRFRAGMENTS-leonvankammen-00"
stream = "IETF"
status = "informational"
date = 2023-04-12T00:00:00Z
surname="van Kammen"
fullname="L.R. van Kammen"
.# Abstract
This draft offers a specification for 4D URLs & navigation, to link 3D scenes and text together with- or without a network-connection.
The specification promotes spatial addressibility, sharing, navigation, query-ing and tagging interactive (text)objects across for (XR) Browsers.
XR Fragments allows us to enrich existing dataformats, by recursive use of existing proven technologies like [URI Fragments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment) and BibTags notation.
> Almost every idea in this document is demonstrated at [https://xrfragment.org](https://xrfragment.org)
# Introduction
How can we add more features to existing text & 3D scenes, without introducing new dataformats?
Historically, there's many attempts to create the ultimate markuplanguage or 3D fileformat.
However, thru the lens of authoring, their lowest common denominator is still: plain text.
XR Fragments allows us to enrich/connect existing dataformats, by recursive use of existing technologies:
1. addressibility and navigation of 3D scenes/objects: [URI Fragments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment) + src/href spatial metadata
1. hasslefree tagging across text and spatial objects using [BibTags](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX) as appendix (see [visual-meta](https://visual-meta.info) e.g.)
> NOTE: The chapters in this document are ordered from highlevel to lowlevel (technical) as much as possible
# Core principle
XR Fragments strives to serve (nontechnical/fuzzy) humans first, and machine(implementations) later, by ensuring hasslefree text-vs-thought feedback loops.
This also means that the repair-ability of machine-matters should be human friendly too (not too complex).
> "When a car breaks down, the ones **without** turbosupercharger are easier to fix"
Let's always focus on average humans: the 'fuzzy symbolical mind' must be served first, before serving the greater ['categorized typesafe RDF hive mind'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg)).
> Humans first, machines (AI) later.
# Conventions and Definitions
|definition | explanation |
|human | a sentient being who thinks fuzzy, absorbs, and shares thought (by plain text, not markuplanguage) |
|scene | a (local/remote) 3D scene or 3D file (index.gltf e.g.) |
|3D object | an object inside a scene characterized by vertex-, face- and customproperty data. |
|metadata | custom properties of text, 3D Scene or Object(nodes), relevant to machines and a human minority (academics/developers) |
|XR fragment | URI Fragment with spatial hints like `#pos=0,0,0&t=1,100` e.g. |
|src | (HTML-piggybacked) metadata of a 3D object which instances content |
|href | (HTML-piggybacked) metadata of a 3D object which links to content |
|query | an URI Fragment-operator which queries object(s) from a scene like `#q=cube` |
|visual-meta | [visual-meta](https://visual.meta.info) data appended to text/books/papers which is indirectly visible/editable in XR. |
|requestless metadata | opposite of networked metadata (RDF/HTML requests can easily fan out into framerate-dropping, hence not used a lot in games). |
|FPS | frames per second in spatial experiences (games,VR,AR e.g.), should be as high as possible |
|introspective | inward sensemaking ("I feel this belongs to that") |
|extrospective | outward sensemaking ("I'm fairly sure John is a person who lives in oklahoma") |
|`◻` | ascii representation of an 3D object/mesh |
|(un)obtrusive | obtrusive: wrapping human text/thought in XML/HTML/JSON obfuscates human text into a salad of machine-symbols and words |
|BibTeX | simple tagging/citing/referencing standard for plaintext |
|BibTag | a BibTeX tag |
# List of URI Fragments
| fragment | type | example | info |
| `#pos` | vector3 | `#pos=0.5,0,0` | positions camera to xyz-coord 0.5,0,0 |
| `#rot` | vector3 | `#rot=0,90,0` | rotates camera to xyz-coord 0.5,0,0 |
| `#t` | vector2 | `#t=500,1000` | sets animation-loop range between frame 500 and 1000 |
| `#......` | string | `#.cubes` `#cube` | object(s) of interest (fragment to object name or class mapping) |
> xyz coordinates are similar to ones found in SVG Media Fragments
# List of metadata for 3D nodes
| key | type | example (JSON) | info |
| `name` | string | `"name": "cube"` | available in all 3D fileformats & scenes |
| `class` | string | `"class": "cubes"` | available through custom property in 3D fileformats |
| `href` | string | `"href": "b.gltf"` | available through custom property in 3D fileformats |
| `src` | string | `"src": "#q=cube"` | available through custom property in 3D fileformats |
Popular compatible 3D fileformats: `.gltf`, `.obj`, `.fbx`, `.usdz`, `.json` (THREEjs), `COLLADA` and so on.
> NOTE: XR Fragments are file-agnostic, which means that the metadata exist in programmatic 3D scene(nodes) too.
# Navigating 3D
Here's an ascii representation of a 3D scene-graph which contains 3D objects `◻` and their metadata:
| |
| index.gltf |
| │ |
| ├── ◻ buttonA |
| │ └ href: #pos=1,0,1&t=100,200 |
| │ |
| └── ◻ buttonB |
| └ href: other.fbx | <-- file-agnostic (can be .gltf .obj etc)
| |
An XR Fragment-compatible browser viewing this scene, allows the end-user to interact with the `buttonA` and `buttonB`.
In case of `buttonA` the end-user will be teleported to another location and time in the **current loaded scene**, but `buttonB` will
**replace the current scene** with a new one, like `other.fbx`.
# Embedding 3D content
Here's an ascii representation of a 3D scene-graph with 3D objects `◻` which embeds remote & local 3D objects `◻` (without) using queries:
+--------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------+
| | | |
| index.gltf | | ocean.com/aquarium.fbx |
| │ | | │ |
| ├── ◻ canvas | | └── ◻ fishbowl |
| │ └ src: painting.png | | ├─ ◻ bass |
| │ | | └─ ◻ tuna |
| ├── ◻ aquariumcube | | |
| │ └ src: ://rescue.com/fish.gltf#q=bass%20tuna | +-------------------------+
| │ |
| ├── ◻ bedroom |
| │ └ src: #q=canvas |
| │ |
| └── ◻ livingroom |
| └ src: #q=canvas |
| |
An XR Fragment-compatible browser viewing this scene, lazy-loads and projects `painting.png` onto the (plane) object called `canvas` (which is copy-instanced in the bed and livingroom).
Also, after lazy-loading `ocean.com/aquarium.gltf`, only the queried objects `bass` and `tuna` will be instanced inside `aquariumcube`.
Resizing will be happen accordingly to its placeholder object `aquariumcube`, see chapter Scaling.
# XR Fragment queries
Include, exclude, hide/shows objects using space-separated strings:
* `#q=cube`
* `#q=cube -ball_inside_cube`
* `#q=* -sky`
* `#q=-.language .english`
* `#q=cube&rot=0,90,0`
* `#q=price:>2 price:<5`
It's simple but powerful syntax which allows css-like class/id-selectors with a searchengine prompt-style feeling:
1. queries are showing/hiding objects **only** when defined as `src` value (prevents sharing of scene-tampered URL's).
1. queries are highlighting objects when defined in the top-Level (browser) URL (bar).
1. search words like `cube` and `foo` in `#q=cube foo` are matched against 3D object names or custom metadata-key(values)
1. search words like `cube` and `foo` in `#q=cube foo` are matched against tags (BibTeX) inside plaintext `src` values like `@cube{redcube, ...` e.g.
1. `#` equals `#q=*`
1. words starting with `.` like `.german` match class-metadata of 3D objects like `"class":"german"`
1. words starting with `.` like `.german` match class-metadata of (BibTeX) tags in XR Text objects like `@german{KarlHeinz, ...` e.g.
> **For example**: `#q=.foo` is a shorthand for `#q=class:foo`, which will select objects with custom property `class`:`foo`. Just a simple `#q=cube` will simply select an object named `cube`.
* see [an example video here](https://coderofsalvation.github.io/xrfragment.media/queries.mp4)
## including/excluding
| operator | info |
| `*` | select all objects (only useful in `src` custom property) |
| `-` | removes/hides object(s) |
| `:` | indicates an object-embedded custom property key/value |
| `.` | alias for `"class" :".foo"` equals `class:foo` |
| `>` `<` | compare float or int number |
| `/` | reference to root-scene.
Useful in case of (preventing) showing/hiding objects in nested scenes (instanced by `src`) (*) |
> \* = `#q=-/cube` hides object `cube` only in the root-scene (not nested `cube` objects)
`#q=-cube` hides both object `cube` in the root-scene AND nested `skybox` objects |
[» example implementation](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/q.js)
[» example 3D asset](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/example/assets/query.gltf#L192)
[» discussion](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/issues/3)
## Query Parser
Here's how to write a query parser:
1. create an associative array/object to store query-arguments as objects
1. detect object id's & properties `foo:1` and `foo` (reference regex: `/^.*:[><=!]?/` )
1. detect excluders like `-foo`,`-foo:1`,`-.foo`,`-/foo` (reference regex: `/^-/` )
1. detect root selectors like `/foo` (reference regex: `/^[-]?\//` )
1. detect class selectors like `.foo` (reference regex: `/^[-]?class$/` )
1. detect number values like `foo:1` (reference regex: `/^[0-9\.]+$/` )
1. expand aliases like `.foo` into `class:foo`
1. for every query token split string on `:`
1. create an empty array `rules`
1. then strip key-operator: convert "-foo" into "foo"
1. add operator and value to rule-array
1. therefore we we set `id` to `true` or `false` (false=excluder `-`)
1. and we set `root` to `true` or `false` (true=`/` root selector is present)
1. we convert key '/foo' into 'foo'
1. finally we add the key/value to the store like `store.foo = {id:false,root:true}` e.g.
> An example query-parser (which compiles to many languages) can be [found here](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/xrfragment/Query.hx)
## XR Fragment URI Grammar
reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims
gen-delims = "#" / "&"
sub-delims = "," / "="
> Example: `://foo.com/my3d.gltf#pos=1,0,0&prio=-5&t=0,100`
| Demo | Explanation |
| `pos=1,2,3` | vector/coordinate argument e.g. |
| `pos=1,2,3&rot=0,90,0&q=.foo` | combinators |
# Text in XR (tagging,linking to spatial objects)
We still think and speak in simple text, not in HTML or RDF.
The most advanced human will probably not shout `