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<rfc version="3" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-XRFRAGMENTS-leonvankammen-00" submissionType="IETF" category="info" xml:lang="en" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" indexInclude="true" consensus="true">

<title>XR Fragments</title><seriesInfo value="draft-XRFRAGMENTS-leonvankammen-00" stream="IETF" status="informational" name="XR-Fragments"></seriesInfo>
<author initials="L.R." surname="van Kammen" fullname="L.R. van Kammen"><organization></organization><address><postal><street></street>
<workgroup>Jens &amp; Leon Internet Engineering Task Force</workgroup>

<t>This draft is a specification for 4D URI's &amp; <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hypermediatic">hypermediatic</eref> navigation, to enable a spatial web for hypermedia browsers with- or without a network-connection.<br />

The specification uses <eref target="https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/">W3C Media Fragments</eref> and <eref target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570">URI Templates (RFC6570)</eref> to promote spatial addressibility, sharing, navigation, filtering and databinding objects for (XR) Browsers.<br />

XR Fragments allows us to better use existing metadata inside 3D scene(files), by connecting it to proven technologies like <eref target="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment">URI Fragments</eref>.<br />

XR Fragments views spatial webs thru the lens of 3D scene URI's, rather than thru code(frameworks) or protocol-specific browsers (webbrowser e.g.).</t>
<t>Almost every idea in this document is demonstrated at <eref target="https://xrfragment.org">https://xrfragment.org</eref></t>



<section anchor="introduction"><name>Introduction</name>
<t>How can we add more control to existing text and 3D scenes, without introducing new dataformats?<br />

Historically, there's many attempts to create the ultimate 3D fileformat.<br />

The lowest common denominator is: designers describing/tagging/naming things using <strong>plain text</strong>.<br />

XR Fragments exploits the fact that all 3D models already contain such metadata:</t>
<t><strong>XR Fragments allows controlling of metadata in 3D scene(files) using URI's</strong></t>
<t>It solves:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>addressibility and <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hypermediatic">hypermediatic</eref> navigation of 3D scenes/objects: <eref target="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment">URI Fragments</eref> using src/href spatial metadata</li>
<li>Interlinking text &amp; spatial objects by collapsing space into a Word Graph (XRWG) to show <eref target="#visible-links">visible links</eref></li>
<li>unlocking spatial potential of the (originally 2D) hashtag (which jumps to a chapter) for navigating XR documents</li>
<li>refraining from introducing scripting-engines for mundane tasks (and preventing its inevitable security-headaches)</li>
<li>the gap between text an 3d objects: object-names directly map to hashtags (=fragments), which allows 3D to text transcription.</li>
<blockquote><t>NOTE: The chapters in this document are ordered from highlevel to lowlevel (technical) as much as possible</t>

<section anchor="core-principle"><name>Core principle</name>
<t><strong>XR Fragments allows controlling 3D models using URLs, based on (non)existing metadata via URI's</strong></t>
<t>XR Fragments tries to seek to connect the world of text (semantical web / RDF), and the world of pixels.<br />

Instead of forcing authors to combine 3D/2D objects programmatically (publishing thru a game-editor e.g.), XR Fragments <strong>integrates all</strong> which allows a universal viewing experience.<br />

<artwork>  +───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────+
  │                                                                                               │
  │                          U R N                                                                │
  │ U R L                      |                                                                  │
  │  |       |-----------------+--------|                                                         │
  │  +--------------------------------------------------|                                         │
  │  |                                                                                            │
  │  + https://foo.com/some/foo/scene.glb#someview             &lt;-- http URI (=URL and has URN)    │
  │  |                                                                                            │
  │  + ipfs://cfe0987ec9r9098ecr/cats.fbx#someview             &lt;-- an IPFS URI (=URL and has URN) │
  │                                                                                               │
  │  ec09f7e9cf8e7f09c8e7f98e79c09ef89e000efece8f7ecfe9fe      &lt;-- an interpeer URI               │
  │                                                                                               │
  │                                                                                               │
  │  |------------------------+-------------------------|                                         │
  │                           |                                                                   │
  │                         U R I                                                                 │
  │                                                                                               │

<t>Fact: our typical browser URL's are just <strong>a possible implementation</strong> of URI's (for untapped humancentric potential of URI's <eref target="https://interpeer.io">see interpeer.io</eref>)</t>
<blockquote><t>XR Fragments does not look at XR (or the web) thru the lens of HTML or URLs.<br />
But approaches things from a higherlevel feedbackloop/hypermedia browser-perspective.</t>
</blockquote><t>Below you can see how this translates back into good-old URLs:</t>

<artwork> +───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────+
 │                                                                                               │
 │   the soul of any URL:       ://macro        /meso           ?micro      #nano                │
 │                                                                                               │
 │                2D URL:       ://library.com  /document       ?search     #chapter             │
 │                                                                                       xrf://  │
 │                4D URL:       ://park.com     /4Dscene.fbx ─&gt; ?other.glb ─&gt; #view ───&gt; hashbus │
 │                                                │                           #filter     │      │
 │                                                │                           #tag        │      │
 │                                                │     (hypermediatic)       #material   │      │
 │                                                │     (  feedback   )       #animation  │      │
 │                                                │     (    loop     )       #texture    │      │
 │                                                │                           #variable   │      │
 │                                                │                                       │      │
 │                                               XRWG &lt;─────────────────────&lt;─────────────+      │
 │                                                │                                       │      │
 │                                                └─ objects  ──────────────&gt;─────────────+      │
 │                                                                                               │
 │                                                                                               │

<blockquote><t>?-linked and #-linked navigation are JUST one possible way to implement XR Fragments: the essential goal is to allow a Hypermediatic FeedbackLoop (HFL) between external and internal 4D navigation.</t>
</blockquote><t>Traditional webbrowsers can become 4D document-ready by:</t>

<section anchor="hypermediatic-feedbackloop-for-xr-browsers"><name>Hypermediatic FeedbackLoop for XR browsers</name>
<t><tt>href</tt> metadata traditionally implies <strong>click</strong> AND <strong>navigate</strong>, however XR Fragments adds stateless <strong>click</strong> (<tt>xrf://#....</tt>) or <strong>navigate</strong> (<tt>xrf://#pos=...</tt>)
 as well (which allows many extra interactions which otherwise need a scripting language). This is known as <strong>hashbus</strong>-only events (see image above).</t>
<blockquote><t>Being able to use the same URI Fragment DSL for navigation (<tt>href: #foo</tt>) as well as interactions (<tt>href: xrf://#bar</tt>) greatly simplifies implementation, increases HFL, and reduces need for scripting languages.</t>
</blockquote><t>This opens up the following benefits for traditional &amp; future webbrowsers:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li><eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hypermediatic">hypermediatic</eref> loading/clicking 3D assets (gltf/fbx e.g.) natively (with or without using HTML).</li>
<li>allowing 3D assets/nodes to publish XR Fragments to themselves/eachother using the <tt>xrf://</tt> hashbus</li>
<li>collapsing the 3D scene to an wordgraph (for essential navigation purposes) controllable thru a hash(tag)bus</li>
<li>completely bypassing the security-trap of loading external scripts (by loading 3D model-files, not HTML-javascriptable resources)</li>
<t>XR Fragments itself are <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hypermediatic">hypermediatic</eref> and HTML-agnostic, though pseudo-XR Fragment browsers <strong>can</strong> be implemented on top of HTML/Javascript.</t>
<th>XR 4D URL</th>
<th>HTML 2D URL</th>

<td>the XRWG</td>
<td>wordgraph (collapses 3D scene to tags)</td>
<td>Ctrl-F (find)</td>

<td>the hashbus</td>
<td>hashtags alter camera/scene/object-projections</td>
<td>hashtags alter document positions</td>

<td>src metadata</td>
<td>renders content and offers sourceportation</td>
<td>renders content</td>

<td>href metadata</td>
<td>teleports to other XR document</td>
<td>jumps to other HTML document</td>

<td>href metadata</td>
<td>triggers predefined view</td>
<td>Media fragments</td>

<td>href metadata</td>
<td>triggers camera/scene/object/projections</td>

<td>href metadata</td>
<td>draws visible connection(s) for XRWG 'tag'</td>

<td>href metadata</td>
<td>filters certain (in)visible objects</td>

<td>href metadata</td>

<td>(this does not update topLevel URI)</td>
<td>(this is non-standard, non-hypermediatic)</td>
</table><blockquote><t>An important aspect of HFL is that URI Fragments can be triggered without updating the top-level URI (default href-behaviour) thru their own 'bus' (<tt>xrf://#.....</tt>). This decoupling between navigation and interaction prevents non-standard things like (<tt>href</tt>:<tt>javascript:dosomething()</tt>).</t>

<section anchor="conventions-and-definitions"><name>Conventions and Definitions</name>
<t>See appendix below in case certain terms are not clear.</t>

<section anchor="xr-fragment-url-grammar"><name>XR Fragment URL Grammar</name>
<t>For typical HTTP-like browsers/applications:</t>

<artwork>reserved    = gen-delims / sub-delims
gen-delims  = &quot;#&quot; / &quot;&amp;&quot;
sub-delims  = &quot;,&quot; / &quot;=&quot;
<blockquote><t>Example: <tt>://foo.com/my3d.gltf#pos=1,0,0&amp;prio=-5&amp;t=0,100</tt></t>

<td>vector/coordinate argument e.g.</td>

</table><blockquote><t>this is already implemented in all browsers</t>
</blockquote><t>Pseudo (non-native) browser-implementations (supporting XR Fragments using HTML+JS e.g.) can use the <tt>?</tt> search-operator to address outbound content.<br />

In other words, the URL updates to: <tt>https://me.com?https://me.com/other.glb</tt> when navigating to <tt>https://me.com/other.glb</tt> from inside a <tt>https://me.com</tt> WebXR experience e.g.<br />

That way, if the link gets shared, the XR Fragments implementation at <tt>https://me.com</tt> can load the latter (and still indicates which XR Fragments entrypoint-experience/client was used).</t>

<section anchor="spatial-referencing-3d"><name>Spatial Referencing 3D</name>
<t>XR Fragments assume the following objectname-to-URIFragment mapping:</t>

  │ sky                         │  src: http://my.io/scene.fbx#sky          (includes building,mainobject,floor)
  │ +─────────────────────────+ │ 
  │ │ building                │ │  src: http://my.io/scene.fbx#building     (includes mainobject,floor)
  │ │ +─────────────────────+ │ │
  │ │ │ mainobject          │ │ │  src: http://my.io/scene.fbx#mainobject   (includes floor)
  │ │ │ +─────────────────+ │ │ │
  │ │ │ │ floor           │ │ │ │  src: http://my.io/scene.fbx#floor        (just floor object)
  │ │ │ │                 │ │ │ │
  │ │ │ +─────────────────+ │ │ │
  │ │ +─────────────────────+ │ │
  │ +─────────────────────────+ │

<blockquote><t>Every 3D fileformat supports named 3D object, and this name allows URLs (fragments) to reference them (and their children objects).</t>
</blockquote><t>Clever nested design of 3D scenes allow great ways for re-using content, and/or previewing scenes.<br />

For example, to render a portal with a preview-version of the scene, create an 3D object with:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li>href: <tt>https://scene.fbx</tt></li>
<li>src: <tt>https://otherworld.gltf#mainobject</tt></li>
<blockquote><t>It also allows <strong>sourceportation</strong>, which basically means the enduser can teleport to the original XR Document of an <tt>src</tt> embedded object, and see a visible connection to the particular embedded object. Basically an embedded link becoming an outbound link by activating it.</t>

<section anchor="list-of-uri-fragments"><name>List of URI Fragments</name>

<td>positions camera (or XR floor) to xyz-coord 0.5,0,0,</td>

<td>rotates camera to xyz-coord 0.5,0,0</td>

<td><eref target="https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/">Media Fragments</eref></td>
<td><eref target="#media%20fragments%20and%20datatypes">media fragment</eref></td>
<td>play (and loop) 3D animation from 0 seconds till 2 seconds</td>

<td>but can also crop, animate &amp; configure uv-coordinates/shader uniforms</td>
<section anchor="list-of-metadata-for-3d-nodes"><name>List of metadata for 3D nodes</name>
<th>example (JSON)</th>
<th>existing compatibility</th>

<td><tt>&quot;href&quot;: &quot;b.gltf&quot;</tt></td>
<td>XR teleport</td>
<td>custom property in 3D fileformats</td>

<td><tt>&quot;src&quot;: &quot;#cube&quot;</tt></td>
<td>XR embed / teleport</td>
<td>custom property in 3D fileformats</td>

<td><tt>&quot;tag&quot;: &quot;cubes geo&quot;</tt></td>
<td>tag object (for filter-use / XRWG highlighting)</td>
<td>custom property in 3D fileformats</td>

<td><tt>&quot;#&quot;: &quot;#mypreset</tt></td>
<td>trigger default fragment on load</td>
<td>custom property in 3D fileformats</td>
</table><blockquote><t>Supported popular compatible 3D fileformats: <tt>.gltf</tt>, <tt>.obj</tt>, <tt>.fbx</tt>, <tt>.usdz</tt>, <tt>.json</tt> (THREE.js), <tt>.dae</tt> and so on.</t>

<section anchor="fragment-to-metadata-mapping"><name>Fragment-to-metadata mapping</name>
<t>These are automatic fragment-to-metadata mappings, which only trigger if the 3D scene metadata matches a specific identifier:</t>

<td>evaluates preset (<tt>#foo&amp;bar</tt>) defined in 3D Object metadata (<tt>#cubes: #foo&amp;bar</tt> e.g.) while URL-browserbar reflects <tt>#cubes</tt>. Only works when metadata-key starts with <tt>#</tt></td>

<td>(and show) object(s) with <tt>tag: person</tt> or name <tt>person</tt> (XRWG lookup)</td>

<td><tt>#person</tt> (<tt>#-person</tt>)</td>
<td>will reset (<tt>!</tt>), show/focus or hide (<tt>-</tt>) focus object(s) with <tt>tag: person</tt> or name <tt>person</tt> by looking up XRWG (<tt>*</tt>=including children)</td>

<td>sets camera with name <tt>cam01</tt> as active camera</td>

<td>sets material of car to material with name <tt>metallic</tt> (<tt>*</tt>=including children)</td>

<td>set material of objects tagged with <tt>product</tt> to material with name <tt>metallic</tt></td>

<td><strong>VARIABLE UPDATE</strong></td>
<td>sets <eref target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570">URI Template</eref> variable <tt>foo</tt> to the value <tt>#t=0</tt> from <strong>existing</strong> object metadata (<tt>bar</tt>:<tt>#t=0</tt> e.g.), This allows for reactive <eref target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570">URI Template</eref> defined in object metadata elsewhere (<tt>src</tt>:<tt>://m.com/cat.mp4#{foo}</tt> e.g., to play media using <eref target="https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#valid-uri">media fragment URI</eref>). NOTE: metadata-key should not start with <tt>#</tt></td>

<td><tt>#people=walk</tt> <tt>#people=noanim</tt></td>
<td>assign a different animation to object(s)</td>

<section anchor="media-fragments-and-datatypes"><name>media fragments and datatypes</name>
<blockquote><t>NOTE: below the word 'play' applies to 3D animations embedded in the 3D scene(file) <strong>but also</strong> media defined in <tt>src</tt>-metadata like audio/video-files (mp3/mp4 e.g.)</t>

<td>2-dimensional vector</td>

<td>3-dimensional vector</td>

<td>temporal W3C media fragment</td>
<td>play from 0 seconds to end (and stop)</td>

<td>temporal W3C media fragment</td>
<td>play from 0 seconds till 2 seconds (and stop)</td>

<td>temporal W3C media fragment *</td>
<td>set playback speed of audio/video/3D anim</td>

<td>temporal W3C media fragment *</td>
<td>enable looped playback of audio/video/3D anim</td>

<td>disable looped playback (does not affect playbackstate of media)</td>

<td>set uv offset instantly (default speed = <tt>1,1</tt>)</td>

<td>scroll instantly by adding 0.5 to the current uv coordinates</td>

<td>scroll (lerp) to uv coordinate <tt>0,2,1</tt> with <tt>0.1</tt> units per second</td>

<td>scroll v coordinates with <tt>0.1</tt> units per second (infinitely)</td>

<td>scroll instantly by adding 0.5 to the current uv coordinates</td>

<td>media parameter (shader uniform)</td>
</table><blockquote><t>* = this is extending the <eref target="https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#mf-advanced">W3C media fragments</eref> with (missing) playback/viewport-control. Normally <tt>#t=0,2</tt> implies setting start/stop-values AND starting playback, whereas <tt>#s=0&amp;loop</tt> allows pausing a video, speeding up/slowing down media, as well as enabling/disabling looping.</t>
<t>The rationale for <tt>uv</tt> is that the <tt>xywh</tt> Media Fragment deals with rectangular media, which does not translate well to 3D models (which use triangular polygons, not rectangular) positioned by uv-coordinates. This also explains the absense of a <tt>scale</tt> or <tt>rotate</tt> primitive, which is challenged by this, as well as multiple origins (mesh- or texture).</t>
</blockquote><t>Example URI's:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li><tt>https://images.org/credits.jpg#uv=0,0,0,+0.1</tt> (infinite vertical texturescrolling)</li>
<li><tt>https://video.org/organogram.mp4#t=0&amp;loop&amp;uv=0.1,0.1,0.3,0.3</tt> (animated tween towards region in looped video)</li>
<li><tt>https://shaders.org/plasma.glsl#t=0&amp;u:col2=0,1,0</tt> (red-green shader plasma starts playing from time-offset 0)</li>

<artwork>  +──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────+  
  │                                                          │ 
  │  index.gltf#playall                                      │ 
  │    │                                                     │ 
  │    ├ #        : #t=0&amp;shared=play                         │ apply default XR Fragment on load (`t` plays global 3D animation timeline)
  │    ├ play     : #t=0&amp;loop                                │ variable for [URI Templates (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570)
  │    │                                                     │ 
  │    ├── ◻ plane (with material)                           │    
  │    │      └ #: #uv=0,0,0,+0.1                            │ infinite texturescroll `v` of uv·coordinates with 0.1/fps
  │    │                                                     │ 
  │    ├── ◻ plane                                           │    
  │    │      └ src: foo.jpg#uv=0,0,0,+0.1                   │ infinite texturescroll `v` of uv·coordinates with 0.1/fps
  │    │                                                     │ 
  │    ├── ◻ media                                           │   
  │    │      └ src:  cat.mp4#t=l:2,10&amp;uv=0.5,0.5            │ loop cat.mp4 (or mp3/wav/jpg) between 2 and 10 seconds (uv's shifted with 0.5,0.5)
  │    │                                                     │ 
  │    └── ◻ wall                                            │        
  │           ├ href:  #color=blue                           │ updates uniform values (IFS shader e.g.)
  │           ├ blue:  t=0&amp;u:col=0,0,1                       │ variable for [Level1 URI Templates (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570)
  │           └ src:   ://a.com/art.glsl#{color}&amp;{shared}    │ .fs/.vs/.glsl/.wgsl etc shader [Level1 URI Template (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570)
  │                                                          │    
  │                                                          │

&gt; NOTE: URI Template variables are immutable and respect scope: in other words, the end-user cannot modify `blue` by entering an URL like `#blue=.....` in the browser URL, and `blue` is not accessible by the plane/media-object (however `{play}` would work).


<section anchor="navigating-3d"><name>Navigating 3D</name>

<td>vector3 or string</td>
<td>(re)position camera based on coordinates directly, or indirectly using objectname (its worldposition)</td>

<td>rotate camera</td>
</table><t><eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/pos.js">» example implementation</eref><br />

<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/issues/5">» discussion</eref><br />

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>the Y-coordinate of <tt>pos</tt> identifies the floorposition. This means that desktop-projections usually need to add 1.5m (average person height) on top (which is done automatically by VR/AR headsets).</li>
<li>set the position of the camera accordingly to the vector3 values of <tt>#pos</tt></li>
<li><tt>rot</tt> sets the rotation of the camera (only for non-VR/AR headsets)</li>
<li>mediafragment <tt>t</tt> in the top-URL sets the playbackspeed and animation-range of the global scene animation</li>
<li>before scene load: the scene is cleared</li>
<li>after scene load: in case the scene (rootnode) contains an <tt>#</tt> default view with a fragment value: execute non-positional fragments via the hashbus (no top-level URL change)</li>
<li>after scene load: in case the scene (rootnode) contains an <tt>#</tt> default view with a fragment value: execute positional fragment via the hashbus + update top-level URL</li>
<li>in case of no default <tt>#</tt> view on the scene (rootnode), default player(rig) position <tt>0,0,0</tt> is assumed.</li>
<li>in case a <tt>href</tt> does not mention any <tt>pos</tt>-coordinate, the current position will be assumed</li>
<t>Here's an ascii representation of a 3D scene-graph which contains 3D objects <tt>◻</tt> and their metadata:</t>

<artwork>  +────────────────────────────────────────────────────────+ 
  │                                                        │
  │  index.gltf                                            │
  │    │                                                   │
  │    ├── ◻ buttonA                                       │
  │    │      └ href: #pos=1,0,1&amp;t=100,200                 │
  │    │                                                   │
  │    └── ◻ buttonB                                       │
  │           └ href: other.fbx                            │   &lt;── file─agnostic (can be .gltf .obj etc)
  │                                                        │

<t>An XR Fragment-compatible browser viewing this scene, allows the end-user to interact with the <tt>buttonA</tt> and <tt>buttonB</tt>.<br />

In case of <tt>buttonA</tt> the end-user will be teleported to another location and time in the <strong>current loaded scene</strong>, but <tt>buttonB</tt> will <strong>replace the current scene</strong> with a new one, like <tt>other.fbx</tt>, and assume <tt>pos=0,0,0</tt>.</t>

<section anchor="top-level-url-processing"><name>Top-level URL processing</name>
<blockquote><t>Example URL:  <tt>://foo/world.gltf#cube&amp;pos=0,0,0</tt></t>
</blockquote><t>The URL-processing-flow for hypermedia browsers goes like this:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>IF a <tt>#cube</tt> matches a custom property-key (of an object) in the 3D file/scene (<tt>#cube</tt>: <tt>#......</tt>) &lt;b&gt;THEN&lt;/b&gt; execute that predefined_view.</li>
<li>IF scene operators (<tt>pos</tt>) and/or animation operator (<tt>t</tt>) are present in the URL then (re)position the camera and/or animation-range accordingly.</li>
<li>IF no camera-position has been set in &lt;b&gt;step 1 or 2&lt;/b&gt; update the top-level URL with <tt>#pos=0,0,0</tt> (<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/navigator.js#L31]]">example</eref>)</li>
<li>IF a <tt>#cube</tt> matches the name (of an object) in the 3D file/scene then draw a line from the enduser('s heart) to that object (to highlight it).</li>
<li>IF a <tt>#cube</tt> matches anything else in the XR Word Graph (XRWG) draw wires to them (text or related objects).</li>

<section anchor="embedding-xr-content-using-src"><name>Embedding XR content using src</name>
<t><tt>src</tt> is the 3D version of the &lt;a target=&quot;_blank&quot; href=&quot;https://www.w3.org/html/wiki/Elements/iframe&quot;&gt;iframe&lt;/a&gt;.<br />

It instances content (in objects) in the current scene/asset, and follows similar logic like the previous chapter, except that it does not modify the camera.</t>
<th>example value</th>

<td>string (uri, hashtag/filter)</td>
<td><tt>#cube</tt><br />
<tt>#sometag</tt><br />
#cube&amp;-ball_inside_cube<tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt>#-sky&amp;-rain<tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt>#-language&amp;english<tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt>#price=&gt;5<tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt><eref target="https://linux.org/penguin.png`">https://linux.org/penguin.png`</eref><br />
<tt>https://linux.world/distrowatch.gltf#t=1,100</tt><br />
<tt>linuxapp://conference/nixworkshop/apply.gltf#-cta&amp;cta_apply</tt><br />
<tt>androidapp://page1?tutorial#pos=0,0,1&amp;t1,100</tt><br />
</table><t>Here's an ascii representation of a 3D scene-graph with 3D objects <tt>◻</tt> which embeds remote &amp; local 3D objects <tt>◻</tt> with/out using filters:</t>

<artwork>  +────────────────────────────────────────────────────────+  +─────────────────────────+ 
  │                                                        │  │                         │
  │  index.gltf                                            │  │ ocean.com/aquarium.fbx  │
  │    │                                                   │  │   ├ room                │
  │    ├── ◻ canvas                                        │  │   └── ◻ fishbowl        │
  │    │      └ src: painting.png                          │  │         ├─ ◻ bass       │
  │    │                                                   │  │         └─ ◻ tuna       │
  │    ├── ◻ aquariumcube                                  │  │                         │       
  │    │      └ src: ://rescue.com/fish.gltf#fishbowl      │  +─────────────────────────+
  │    │                                                   │    
  │    ├── ◻ bedroom                                       │   
  │    │      └ src: #canvas                               │
  │    │                                                   │   
  │    └── ◻ livingroom                                    │      
  │           └ src: #canvas                               │
  │                                                        │
<t>An XR Fragment-compatible browser viewing this scene, lazy-loads and projects <tt>painting.png</tt> onto the (plane) object called <tt>canvas</tt> (which is copy-instanced in the bed and livingroom).<br />

Also, after lazy-loading <tt>ocean.com/aquarium.gltf</tt>, only the queried objects <tt>fishbowl</tt> (and <tt>bass</tt> and <tt>tuna</tt>) will be instanced inside <tt>aquariumcube</tt>.<br />

Resizing will be happen accordingly to its placeholder object <tt>aquariumcube</tt>, see chapter Scaling.<br />
<blockquote><t>Instead of cherrypicking a rootobject <tt>#fishbowl</tt> with <tt>src</tt>, additional filters can be used to include/exclude certain objects. See next chapter on filtering below.</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>local/remote content is instanced by the <tt>src</tt> (filter) value (and attaches it to the placeholder mesh containing the <tt>src</tt> property)</li>
<li>by default all objects are loaded into the instanced src (scene) object (but not shown yet)</li>
<li>&lt;b&gt;local&lt;/b&gt; <tt>src</tt> values (<tt>#...</tt> e.g.) starting with a non-negating filter (<tt>#cube</tt> e.g.) will (deep)reparent that object (with name <tt>cube</tt>) as the new root of the scene at position 0,0,0</li>
<li>&lt;b&gt;local&lt;/b&gt; <tt>src</tt> values should respect (negative) filters (<tt>#-foo&amp;price=&gt;3</tt>)</li>
<li>the instanced scene (from a <tt>src</tt> value) should be &lt;b&gt;scaled accordingly&lt;/b&gt; to its placeholder object or &lt;b&gt;scaled relatively&lt;/b&gt; based on the scale-property (of a geometry-less placeholder, an 'empty'-object in blender e.g.). For more info see Chapter Scaling.</li>
<li>&lt;b&gt;external&lt;/b&gt; <tt>src</tt> values should be served with appropriate mimetype (so the XR Fragment-compatible browser will now how to render it). The bare minimum supported mimetypes are:</li>
<li><tt>src</tt> values should make its placeholder object invisible, and only flush its children when the resolved content can succesfully be retrieved (see <eref target="#links">broken links</eref>)</li>
<li>&lt;b&gt;external&lt;/b&gt; <tt>src</tt> values should respect the fallback link mechanism (see <eref target="#broken-links">broken links</eref></li>
<li>when the placeholder object is a 2D plane, but the mimetype is 3D, then render the spatial content on that plane via a stencil buffer.</li>
<li>src-values are non-recursive: when linking to an external object (<tt>src: foo.fbx#bar</tt>), then <tt>src</tt>-metadata on object <tt>bar</tt> should be ignored.</li>
<li>an external <tt>src</tt>-value should always allow a sourceportation icon within 3 meter: teleporting to the origin URI to which the object belongs.</li>
<li>when only one object was cherrypicked (<tt>#cube</tt> e.g.), set its position to <tt>0,0,0</tt></li>
<li>when the enduser clicks an href with <tt>#t=1,0,0</tt> (play) will be applied to all src mediacontent with a timeline (mp4/mp3 e.g.)</li>
<li>a non-euclidian portal can be rendered for flat 3D objects (using stencil buffer e.g.) in case ofspatial <tt>src</tt>-values (an object <tt>#world3</tt> or URL <tt>world3.fbx</tt> e.g.).</li>

<ul spacing="compact">
<t><eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/src.js">» example implementation</eref><br />

<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/example/assets/src.gltf#L192">» example 3D asset</eref><br />

<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/issues/4">» discussion</eref><br />

<section anchor="navigating-content-href-portals"><name>Navigating content href portals</name>
<t>navigation, portals &amp; mutations</t>
<th>example value</th>

<td>string (uri or predefined view)</td>
<td><tt>#pos=1,1,0</tt><br />
<tt>#pos=1,1,0&amp;rot=90,0,0</tt><br />
<tt>://somefile.gltf#pos=1,1,0</tt><br />
<li><t>clicking an outbound ''external''- or ''file URI'' fully replaces the current scene and assumes <tt>pos=0,0,0&amp;rot=0,0,0</tt> by default (unless specified)</t>
<li><t>relocation/reorientation should happen locally for local URI's (<tt>#pos=....</tt>)</t>
<li><t>navigation should not happen ''immediately'' when user is more than 5 meter away from the portal/object containing the href (to prevent accidental navigation e.g.)</t>
<li><t>URL navigation should always be reflected in the client URL-bar (in case of javascript: see [<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/dev/src/3rd/js/three/navigator.js">here</eref> for an example navigator), and only update the URL-bar after the scene (default fragment <tt>#</tt>) has been loaded.</t>
<li><t>In immersive XR mode, the navigator back/forward-buttons should be always visible (using a wearable e.g., see [<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/dev/example/aframe/sandbox/index.html#L26-L29">here</eref> for an example wearable)</t>
<li><t>make sure that the ''back-button'' of the ''browser-history'' always refers to the previous position (see [<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/href.js#L97">here</eref>)</t>
<li><t>ignore previous rule in special cases, like clicking an <tt>href</tt> using camera-portal collision (the back-button could cause a teleport-loop if the previous position is too close)</t>
<li><t>href-events should bubble upward the node-tree (from children to ancestors, so that ancestors can also contain an href), however only 1 href can be executed at the same time.</t>
<li><t>the end-user navigator back/forward buttons should repeat a back/forward action until a <tt>pos=...</tt> primitive is found (the stateless xrf:// href-values should not be pushed to the url-history)</t>
<t><eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/href.js">» example implementation</eref><br />

<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/example/assets/href.gltf#L192">» example 3D asset</eref><br />

<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/issues/1">» discussion</eref><br />

<section anchor="walking-surfaces"><name>Walking surfaces</name>
<t>XR Fragment-compatible viewers can infer this data based scanning the scene for:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>materialless (nameless &amp; textureless) mesh-objects (without <tt>src</tt> and <tt>href</tt>)</li>
<blockquote><t>optionally the viewer can offer thumbstick, mouse or joystick teleport-tools for non-roomscale VR/AR setups.</t>

<section anchor="ux-spec"><name>UX spec</name>
<t>End-users should always have read/write access to:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>the current (toplevel) &lt;b&gt;URL&lt;/b&gt; (an URLbar etc)</li>
<li>URL-history (a &lt;b&gt;back/forward&lt;/b&gt; button e.g.)</li>
<li>Clicking/Touching an <tt>href</tt> navigates (and updates the URL) to another scene/file (and coordinate e.g. in case the URL contains XR Fragments).</li>

<section anchor="scaling-instanced-content"><name>Scaling instanced content</name>
<t>Sometimes embedded properties (like <tt>src</tt>) instance new objects.<br />

But what about their scale?<br />

How does the scale of the object (with the embedded properties) impact the scale of the referenced content?<br />
<blockquote><t>Rule of thumb: visible placeholder objects act as a '3D canvas' for the referenced scene (a plane acts like a 2D canvas for images e, a cube as a 3D canvas e.g.).</t>
<ol spacing="compact">
<li>&lt;b&gt;IF&lt;/b&gt; an embedded property (<tt>src</tt> e.g.) is set on an non-empty placeholder object (geometry of &gt;2 vertices):</li>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li>calculate the &lt;b&gt;bounding box&lt;/b&gt; of the ''placeholder'' object (maxsize=1.4 e.g.)</li>
<li>hide the ''placeholder'' object (material e.g.)</li>
<li>instance the <tt>src</tt> scene as a child of the existing object</li>
<li>calculate the &lt;b&gt;bounding box&lt;/b&gt; of the instanced scene, and scale it accordingly (to 1.4 e.g.)</li>
<blockquote><t>REASON: non-empty placeholder object can act as a protective bounding-box (for remote content of which might grow over time e.g.)</t>
<ol spacing="compact" start="2">
<li>ELSE multiply the scale-vector of the instanced scene with the scale-vector (a common property of a 3D node) of the &lt;b&gt;placeholder&lt;/b&gt; object.</li>
<blockquote><t>TODO: needs intermediate visuals to make things more obvious</t>

<section anchor="xr-fragment-pos"><name>XR Fragment: pos</name>
<t>[[» example implementation|<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/pos.js]">https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/pos.js]</eref>]<br />

<section anchor="xr-fragment-rot"><name>XR Fragment: rot</name>
<t>[[» example implementation|<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/pos.js]">https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/pos.js]</eref>]<br />

<section anchor="xr-fragment-t"><name>XR Fragment: t</name>
<t>[[» example implementation|<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/t.js]">https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/t.js]</eref>]<br />

<section anchor="xr-audio-video-integration"><name>XR audio/video integration</name>
<t>To play global audio/video items:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>add a <tt>src: foo.mp3</tt> or <tt>src: bar.mp4</tt> metadata to a 3D object (<tt>cube</tt> e.g.)</li>
<li>to enable auto-play and global timeline ([[#t=|t]]) control: hardcode a [[#t=|t]] XR Fragment: (<tt>src: bar.mp3#t=0&amp;loop</tt> e.g.)</li>
<li>to play it, add <tt>href: #cube</tt> somewhere else</li>
<li>to enable enduser-triggered play, use a [[URI Template]] XR Fragment: (<tt>src: bar.mp3#{player}</tt> and <tt>play: t=0&amp;loop</tt> and <tt>href: xrf://#player=play</tt> e.g.)</li>
<li>when the enduser clicks the <tt>href</tt>, <tt>#t=0&amp;loop</tt> (play) will be applied to the <tt>src</tt> value</li>
<blockquote><t>NOTE: hardcoded framestart/framestop uses sampleRate/fps of embedded audio/video, otherwise the global fps applies. For more info see [[#t|t]].</t>

<section anchor="xr-fragment-filters"><name>XR Fragment filters</name>
<t>Include, exclude, hide/shows objects using space-separated strings:</t>

<td>show everything except object named <tt>sky</tt></td>

<td>hide everything with tag <tt>language</tt>, but show all tag <tt>english</tt> objects</td>

<td>hide all objects with property <tt>price</tt>, then only show object with price above 10</td>

<td>hide <tt>house</tt> object and everything inside (=<tt>*</tt>)</td>
</table><t>It's simple but powerful syntax which allows filtering the scene using searchengine prompt-style feeling:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>filters are a way to traverse a scene, and filter objects based on their name, tag- or property-values.</li>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li>see <eref target="https://coderofsalvation.github.io/xrfragment.media/queries.mp4">an (outdated) example video here</eref> which used a dedicated <tt>q=</tt> variable (now deprecated and usable directly)</li>

<section anchor="including-excluding"><name>including/excluding</name>
<t>By default, selectors work like photoshop-layers: they scan for matching layer(name/properties) within the scene-graph.
Each matched object (not their children) will be toggled (in)visible when selecting.</t>

<td>hides object(s) (<tt>#-myobject&amp;-objects</tt> e.g.</td>

<td>indicates an object-embedded custom property key/value (<tt>#price=4&amp;category=foo</tt> e.g.)</td>

<td><tt>=&gt;</tt> <tt>=&lt;</tt></td>
<td>compare float or int number (<tt>#price=&gt;4</tt> e.g.)</td>

<td>deepselect: automatically select children of selected object, including local (nonremote) embedded objects (starting with <tt>#</tt>)</td>
</table><blockquote><t>NOTE 1: after an external embedded object has been instanced (<tt>src: https://y.com/bar.fbx#room</tt> e.g.), filters do not affect them anymore (reason: local tag/name collisions can be mitigated easily, but not in case of remote content).</t>
<t>NOTE 2: depending on the used 3D framework, toggling objects (in)visible should happen by enabling/disableing writing to the colorbuffer (to allow children being still visible while their parents are invisible).</t>
</blockquote><t><eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/q.js">» example implementation</eref>
<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/example/assets/filter.gltf#L192">» example 3D asset</eref>
<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/issues/3">» discussion</eref></t>

<section anchor="filter-parser"><name>Filter Parser</name>
<t>Here's how to write a filter parser:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>create an associative array/object to store filter-arguments as objects</li>
<li>detect object id's &amp; properties <tt>foo=1</tt> and <tt>foo</tt> (reference regex= <tt>~/^.*=[&gt;&lt;=]?/</tt>  )</li>
<li>detect excluders like <tt>-foo</tt>,<tt>-foo=1</tt>,<tt>-.foo</tt>,<tt>-/foo</tt> (reference regex= <tt>/^-/</tt> )</li>
<li>detect root selectors like <tt>/foo</tt> (reference regex= <tt>/^[-]?\//</tt> )</li>
<li>detect number values like <tt>foo=1</tt> (reference regex= <tt>/^[0-9\.]+$/</tt> )</li>
<li>detect operators so you can easily strip keys (reference regex= <tt>/(^-|\*$)/</tt> )</li>
<li>detect exclude keys like <tt>-foo</tt>   (reference regex= <tt>/^-/</tt> )</li>
<li>for every filter token split string on <tt>=</tt></li>
<li>and we set <tt>root</tt> to <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> (true=<tt>/</tt> root selector is present)</li>
<li>therefore we we set <tt>show</tt> to <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> (false=excluder <tt>-</tt>)</li>
<blockquote><t>An example filter-parser (which compiles to many languages) can be <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/xrfragment/Filter.hx">found here</eref></t>

<section anchor="visible-links"><name>Visible links</name>
<t>When predefined views, XRWG fragments and ID fragments (<tt>#cube</tt> or <tt>#mytag</tt> e.g.) are triggered by the enduser (via toplevel URL or clicking <tt>href</tt>):</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>draw a wire from the enduser (preferabbly a bit below the camera, heartposition) to object(s) matching that ID (objectname)</li>
<li>draw a wire from the enduser (preferabbly a bit below the camera, heartposition) to object(s) matching that <tt>tag</tt> value</li>
<li>draw a wire from the enduser (preferabbly a bit below the camera, heartposition) to object(s) containing that in their <tt>src</tt> or <tt>href</tt> value</li>
<t>The obvious approach for this, is to consult the XRWG (<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/feat/macros/src/3rd/js/XRWG.js">example</eref>), which basically has all these things already collected/organized for you during scene-load.</t>

<ol spacing="compact" start="4">
<li>do not update the wires when the enduser moves, leave them as is</li>
<li>offer a control near the back/forward button which allows the user to (turn off) control the correlation-intensity of the XRWG</li>

<section anchor="text-in-xr-tagging-linking-to-spatial-objects"><name>Text in XR (tagging,linking to spatial objects)</name>
<t>How does XR Fragments interlink text with objects?</t>
<blockquote><t>The XR Fragments does this by collapsing space into a <strong>Word Graph</strong> (the <strong>XRWG</strong> <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/feat/macros/src/3rd/js/XRWG.js">example</eref>), augmented by Bib(s)Tex.</t>
</blockquote><t>Instead of just throwing together all kinds media types into one experience (games), what about their tagged/semantical relationships?<br />

Perhaps the following question is related: why is HTML adopted less in games outside the browser?</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>XR Fragments promotes (de)serializing a scene to a (lowercase) XRWG (<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/feat/macros/src/3rd/js/XRWG.js">example</eref>)</li>
<li>XR Fragments primes the XRWG, by collecting words from the <tt>tag</tt> and name-property of 3D objects.</li>
<li>XR Fragments primes the XRWG, by collecting words from <strong>optional</strong> metadata <strong>at the end of content</strong> of text (see default mimetype &amp; Data URI)</li>
<li>The XRWG should be recalculated when textvalues (in <tt>src</tt>) change</li>
<li>HTML/RDF/JSON is still great, but is beyond the XRWG-scope (they fit better in the application-layer, or as embedded src content)</li>
<li>Applications don't have to be able to access the XRWG programmatically, as they can easily generate one themselves by traversing the scene-nodes.</li>
<li>The XR Fragment focuses on fast and easy-to-generate end-user controllable word graphs (instead of complex implementations that try to defeat word ambiguity)</li>
<li>Tags are the scope for now (supporting <eref target="https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment">https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment</eref> will be considered)</li>
<t>Example of generating BiBTex out of the XRWG and textdata with hashtags:</t>

<artwork>  http://y.io/z.fbx                                                           | Derived XRWG (expressed as BibTex)
                                                                              | @house{castle,
  +-[src: data:.....]----------------------+   +-[3D mesh]-+                  |   url = {https://y.io/z.fbx#castle}
  | Chapter one                            |   |    / \    |                  | }
  |                                        |   |   /   \   |                  | @baroque{castle,
  | John built houses in baroque style.    |   |  /     \  |                  |   url = {https://y.io/z.fbx#castle}
  |                                        |   |  |_____|  |                  | }
  |                                        |   +-----│-----+                  | @baroque{john}
  |                                        |         │                        |
  |                                        |         ├─ name: castle          | 
  |                                        |         └─ tag: house baroque    | 
  +----------------------------------------+                                  |
                                               [3D mesh ]                     |
                                               |    O   ├─ name: john         |                           
                                               |   /|\  |                     |
                                               |   / \  |                     |
                                               +--------+                     |
<blockquote><t>the <tt>#john@baroque</tt>-bib associates both text <tt>John</tt> and objectname <tt>john</tt>, with tag <tt>baroque</tt></t>
</blockquote><t>Another example of deriving a graphdata from the XRWG:</t>

<artwork>  http://y.io/z.fbx                                                           | Derived XRWG (expressed as BibTex)
  +-[src: data:.....]----------------------+   +-[3D mesh]-+                  | @house{castle,
  | Chapter one                            |   |    / \    |                  |   url = {https://y.io/z.fbx#castle}
  |                                        |   |   /   \   |                  | }
  | John built houses in baroque style.    |   |  /     \  |                  | @baroque{castle,
  |                                        |   |  |_____|  |                  |   url = {https://y.io/z.fbx#castle}
  | #john@baroque                          |   +-----│-----+                  | }
  | @baroque{john}                         |         │                        | @baroque{john}
  |                                        |         ├─ name: castle          | 
  |                                        |         └─ tag: house baroque    | 
  +----------------------------------------+                                  | @house{baroque}
                                               [3D mesh ]                     | @todo{baroque}
  +-[remotestorage.io / localstorage]------+   |    O   + name: john          | 
  | #baroque@todo@house                    |   |   /|\  |                     | 
  | ...                                    |   |   / \  |                     | 
  +----------------------------------------+   +--------+                     | 
<blockquote><t>both <tt>#john@baroque</tt>-bib and BibTex <tt>@baroque{john}</tt> result in the same XRWG, however on top of that 2 tages (<tt>house</tt> and <tt>todo</tt>) are now associated with text/objectname/tag 'baroque'.</t>
</blockquote><t>As seen above, the XRWG can expand <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">bibs</eref> (and the whole scene) to BibTeX.<br />

This allows hasslefree authoring and copy-paste of associations <strong>for and by humans</strong>, but also makes these URLs possible:</t>
<th>URL example</th>

<td>draws lines between mesh <tt>john</tt>, 3D mesh <tt>castle</tt>, text <tt>John built(..)</tt></td>

<td>draws lines between mesh <tt>john</tt>, and the text <tt>John built (..)</tt></td>

<td>draws lines between mesh <tt>castle</tt>, and other objects with tag <tt>house</tt> or <tt>todo</tt></td>
</table><blockquote><t><eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">hashtagbibs</eref> potentially allow the enduser to annotate text/objects by <strong>speaking/typing/scanning associations</strong>, which the XR Browser saves to remotestorage (or localStorage per toplevel URL). As well as, referencing BibTags per URI later on: <tt>https://y.io/z.fbx#@baroque@todo</tt> e.g.</t>
</blockquote><t>The XRWG allows XR Browsers to show/hide relationships in realtime at various levels:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li>wordmatch <strong>inside</strong> <tt>src</tt> text</li>
<li>wordmatch <strong>inside</strong> <tt>href</tt> text</li>
<li>wordmatch object-names</li>
<li>wordmatch object-tagnames</li>
<t>Spatial wires can be rendered between words/objects etc.<br />

Some pointers for good UX (but not necessary to be XR Fragment compatible):</t>

<ol spacing="compact" start="9">
<li>The XR Browser needs to adjust tag-scope based on the endusers needs/focus (infinite tagging only makes sense when environment is scaled down significantly)</li>
<li>The XR Browser should always allow the human to view/edit the metadata, by clicking 'toggle metadata' on the 'back' (contextmenu e.g.) of any XR text, anywhere anytime.</li>
<li>respect multi-line BiBTeX metadata in text because of <eref target="#core-principle">the core principle</eref></li>
<li>Default font (unless specified otherwise) is a modern monospace font, for maximized tabular expressiveness (see <eref target="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>).</li>
<li>anti-pattern: hardcoupling an XR Browser with a mandatory <strong>markup/scripting-language</strong> which departs from onubtrusive plain text (HTML/VRML/Javascript) (see <eref target="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>anti-pattern: limiting human introspection, by abandoning plain text as first tag citizen.</li>
<blockquote><t>The simplicity of appending metadata (and leveling the metadata-playfield between humans and machines) is also demonstrated by <eref target="https://visual-meta.info">visual-meta</eref> in greater detail.</t>
</blockquote><t>Fictional chat:</t>

<artwork>&lt;John&gt; Hey what about this: https://my.com/station.gltf#pos=0,0,1&amp;rot=90,2,0&amp;t=500,1000
&lt;Sarah&gt; I'm checking it right now 
&lt;Sarah&gt; I don't see everything..where's our text from yesterday?
&lt;John&gt; Ah wait, that's tagged with tag 'draft' (and hidden)..hold on, try this:
&lt;John&gt; https://my.com/station.gltf#.draft&amp;pos=0,0,1&amp;rot=90,2,0&amp;t=500,1000
&lt;Sarah&gt; how about we link the draft to the upcoming YELLO-event?
&lt;John&gt; ok I'm adding #draft@YELLO 
&lt;Sarah&gt; Yesterday I also came up with other usefull assocations between other texts in the scene:
&lt;John&gt; thanks, added.
&lt;Sarah&gt; Btw. I stumbled upon this spatial book which references station.gltf in some chapters:
&lt;Sarah&gt; https://thecommunity.org/forum/foo/mytrainstory.txt
&lt;John&gt; interesting, I'm importing mytrainstory.txt into station.gltf 
&lt;John&gt; ah yes, chapter three points to trainterminal_2A in the scene, cool

<section anchor="default-data-uri-mimetype"><name>Default Data URI mimetype</name>
<t>The <tt>src</tt>-values work as expected (respecting mime-types), however:</t>
<t>The XR Fragment specification advices to bump the traditional default browser-mimetype</t>
<t>to a hashtagbib(tex)-friendly one:</t>
<t>This indicates that:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li>utf-8 is supported by default</li>
<li>lines beginning with <tt>@</tt> will not be rendered verbatim by default (<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs#hashtagbib-mimetypes">read more</eref>)</li>
<li>the XRWG should expand bibs to BibTex occurring in text (<tt>#contactjohn@todo@important</tt> e.g.)</li>
<t>By doing so, the XR Browser (applications-layer) can interpret microformats (<eref target="https://visual-meta.info">visual-meta</eref>
to connect text further with its environment ( setup links between textual/spatial objects automatically e.g.).</t>
<blockquote><t>for more info on this mimetype see <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">bibs</eref></t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li>auto-expanding of <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">hashtagbibs</eref> associations</li>
<li>out-of-the-box (de)multiplex human text and metadata in one go (see <eref target="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>no network-overhead for metadata (see <eref target="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>ensuring high FPS: HTML/RDF historically is too 'requesty'/'parsy' for game studios</li>
<li>rich send/receive/copy-paste everywhere by default, metadata being retained (see <eref target="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>netto result: less webservices, therefore less servers, and overall better FPS in XR</li>
<blockquote><t>This significantly expands expressiveness and portability of human tagged text, by <strong>postponing machine-concerns to the end of the human text</strong> in contrast to literal interweaving of content and markupsymbols (or extra network requests, webservices e.g.).</t>
</blockquote><t>For all other purposes, regular mimetypes can be used (but are not required by the spec).<br />

<section anchor="url-and-data-uri"><name>URL and Data URI</name>

<artwork>  +--------------------------------------------------------------+  +------------------------+
  |                                                              |  | author.com/article.txt |
  |  index.gltf                                                  |  +------------------------+
  |    │                                                         |  |                        |
  |    ├── ◻ article_canvas                                      |  | Hello friends.         |
  |    │    └ src: ://author.com/article.txt                     |  |                        |
  |    │                                                         |  | @book{greatgatsby      |
  |    └── ◻ note_canvas                                         |  |   ...                  |
  |           └ src:`data:welcome human\n@book{sunday...}`       |  | }                      | 
  |                                                              |  +------------------------+
  |                                                              |
<t>The enduser will only see <tt>welcome human</tt> and <tt>Hello friends</tt> rendered verbatim (see mimetype).
The beauty is that text in Data URI automatically promotes rich copy-paste (retaining metadata).
In both cases, the text gets rendered immediately (onto a plane geometry, hence the name '_canvas').
The XR Fragment-compatible browser can let the enduser access visual-meta(data)-fields after interacting with the object (contextmenu e.g.).</t>
<blockquote><t>additional tagging using <eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">bibs</eref>: to tag spatial object <tt>note_canvas</tt> with 'todo', the enduser can type or speak <tt>#note_canvas@todo</tt></t>

<section anchor="xr-text-example-parser"><name>XR Text example parser</name>
<t>To prime the XRWG with text from plain text <tt>src</tt>-values, here's an example XR Text (de)multiplexer in javascript (which supports inline bibs &amp; bibtex):</t>

<artwork>xrtext = {

  expandBibs: (text) =&gt; { 
    let bibs   = { regex: /(#[a-zA-Z0-9_+@\-]+(#)?)/g, tags: {}}
    text.replace( bibs.regex , (m,k,v) =&gt; {
       tok   = m.substr(1).split(&quot;@&quot;)
       match = tok.shift()
       if( tok.length ) tok.map( (t) =&gt; bibs.tags[t] = `@${t}{${match},\n}` )
       else if( match.substr(-1) == '#' ) 
          bibs.tags[match] = `@{${match.replace(/#/,'')}}`
       else bibs.tags[match] = `@${match}{${match},\n}`
    return text.replace( bibs.regex, '') + Object.values(bibs.tags).join('\n')
  decode: (str) =&gt; {
    // bibtex:     ↓@   ↓&lt;tag|tag{phrase,|{ruler}&gt;  ↓property  ↓end
    let pat    = [ /@/, /^\S+[,{}]/,                /},/,      /}/ ]
    let tags   = [], text='', i=0, prop=''
    let lines  = xrtext.expandBibs(str).replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n').split(/\n/)
    for( let i = 0; i &lt; lines.length &amp;&amp; !String(lines[i]).match( /^@/ ); i++ ) 
        text += lines[i]+'\n'

    bibtex = lines.join('\n').substr( text.length )
    bibtex.split( pat[0] ).map( (t) =&gt; {
           let v = {}
           if( !(t = t.trim())         ) return
           if( tag = t.match( pat[1] ) ) tag = tag[0]
           if( tag.match( /^{.*}$/ )   ) return tags.push({ruler:tag})
           if( tag.match( /}$/ )       ) return tags.push({k: tag.replace(/}$/,''), v: {}})
           t = t.substr( tag.length )
           t.split( pat[2] )
           .map( kv =&gt; {
             if( !(kv = kv.trim()) || kv == &quot;}&quot; ) return
             v[ kv.match(/\s?(\S+)\s?=/)[1] ] = kv.substr( kv.indexOf(&quot;{&quot;)+1 )
           tags.push( { k:tag, v } )
        }catch(e){ console.error(e) }
    return {text, tags}

  encode: (text,tags) =&gt; {
    let str = text+&quot;\n&quot;
    for( let i in tags ){
      let item = tags[i]
      if( item.ruler ){
          str += `@${item.ruler}\n`
      str += `@${item.k}\n`
      for( let j in item.v ) str += `  ${j} = {${item.v[j]}}\n`
      str += `}\n`
    return str
<t>The above functions (de)multiplexe text/metadata, expands bibs, (de)serialize bibtex and vice versa</t>
<blockquote><t>above can be used as a startingpoint for LLVM's to translate/steelman to a more formal form/language.</t>
<artwork>str = `
hello world
here are some hashtagbibs followed by bibtex:


  asdf = {23423}

var {tags,text} = xrtext.decode(str)          // demultiplex text &amp; bibtex
tags.find( (t) =&gt; t.k == 'flap{' ).v.asdf = 1 // edit tag
tags.push({ k:'bar{', v:{abc:123} })          // add tag
console.log( xrtext.encode(text,tags) )       // multiplex text &amp; bibtex back together 
<t>This expands to the following (hidden by default) BibTex appendix:</t>

<artwork>hello world
here are some hashtagbibs followed by bibtex:

  asdf = {1}
  abc = {123}
<blockquote><t>when an XR browser updates the human text, a quick scan for nonmatching tags (<tt>@book{nonmatchingbook</tt> e.g.) should be performed and prompt the enduser for deleting them.</t>

<section anchor="transclusion-broken-link-resolution"><name>Transclusion (broken link) resolution</name>
<t>In spirit of Ted Nelson's 'transclusion resolution', there's a soft-mechanism to harden links &amp; minimize broken links in various ways:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>defining a different transport protocol (https vs ipfs or DAT) in <tt>src</tt> or <tt>href</tt> values can make a difference</li>
<li>mirroring files on another protocol using (HTTP) errorcode tags in <tt>src</tt> or <tt>href</tt> properties</li>
<li>in case of <tt>src</tt>: nesting a copy of the embedded object in the placeholder object (<tt>embeddedObject</tt>) will not be replaced when the request fails</li>
<blockquote><t>due to the popularity, maturity and extensiveness of HTTP codes for client/server communication, non-HTTP protocols easily map to HTTP codes (ipfs ERR_NOT_FOUND maps to 404 e.g.)</t>
</blockquote><t>For example:</t>

<artwork>  +────────────────────────────────────────────────────────+ 
  │                                                        │
  │  index.gltf                                            │
  │    │                                                   │
  │    │ #: #-offlinetext                                  │
  │    │                                                   │
  │    ├── ◻ buttonA                                       │
  │    │      └ href:     http://foo.io/campagne.fbx       │
  │    │      └ href@404: ipfs://foo.io/campagne.fbx       │
  │    │      └ href@400: #clienterrortext                 │
  │    │      └ ◻ offlinetext                              │
  │    │                                                   │
  │    └── ◻ embeddedObject                          &lt;--------- the meshdata inside embeddedObject will (not)
  │           └ src: https://foo.io/bar.gltf               │    be flushed when the request (does not) succeed.
  │           └ src@404: http://foo.io/bar.gltf            │    So worstcase the 3D data (of the time of publishing index.gltf)
  │           └ src@400: https://archive.org/l2kj43.gltf   │    will be displayed.
  │                                                        │


<section anchor="topic-based-index-less-webrings"><name>Topic-based index-less Webrings</name>
<t>As hashtags in URLs map to the XWRG, <tt>href</tt>-values can be used to promote topic-based index-less webrings.<br />

Consider 3D scenes linking to eachother using these <tt>href</tt> values:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li><tt>href: schoolA.edu/projects.gltf#math</tt></li>
<li><tt>href: schoolB.edu/projects.gltf#math</tt></li>
<li><tt>href: university.edu/projects.gltf#math</tt></li>
<t>These links would all show visible links to math-tagged objects in the scene.<br />

To filter out non-related objects one could take it a step further using filters:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li><tt>href: schoolA.edu/projects.gltf#math&amp;-topics math</tt></li>
<li><tt>href: schoolB.edu/projects.gltf#math&amp;-courses math</tt></li>
<li><tt>href: university.edu/projects.gltf#math&amp;-theme math</tt></li>
<blockquote><t>This would hide all object tagged with <tt>topic</tt>, <tt>courses</tt> or <tt>theme</tt> (including math) so that later only objects tagged with <tt>math</tt> will be visible</t>
</blockquote><t>This makes spatial content multi-purpose, without the need to separate content into separate files, or show/hide things using a complex logiclayer like javascript.</t>

<section anchor="uri-templates-rfc6570"><name>URI Templates (RFC6570)</name>
<t>XR Fragments adopts Level1 URI <strong>Fragment</strong> expansion to provide safe interactivity.<br />

The following demonstrates a simple video player:</t>

  │                                             │
  │   foo.usdz                                  │          
  │     │                                       │          
  │     │                                       │          
  │     ├── ◻ stopbutton                        │
  │     │      ├ #:    #-stopbutton             │
  │     │      └ href: #player=stop&amp;-stopbutton │  (stop and hide stop-button)
  │     │                                       │          
  │     └── ◻ plane                             │
  │            ├ play: #t=l:0,10                │
  │            ├ stop: #t=0,0                   │
  │            ├ href: #player=play&amp;stopbutton  │  (play and show stop-button)
  │            └ src:  cat.mp4#{player}         │
  │                                             │
  │                                             │


<section anchor="additional-scene-metadata"><name>Additional scene metadata</name>
<t>XR Fragments does not aim to redefine the metadata-space or accessibility-space by introducing its own cataloging-metadata fields.
Instead, it encourages browsers to scan nodes for the following custom properties:</t>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li><eref target="https://spdx.dev/">SPDX</eref> license information</li>
<li><eref target="https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/aria/">ARIA</eref> attributes (<tt>aria-*: .....</tt>)</li>
<li><eref target="https://ogp.me">Open Graph</eref> attributes (<tt>og:*: .....</tt>)</li>
<li><eref target="https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/application-profile-guidelines/">Dublin-Core</eref> attributes(<tt>dc:*: .....</tt>)</li>
<li><eref target="https://bibtex.eu/fields">BibTex</eref> when known bibtex-keys exist with values enclosed in <tt>{</tt> and <tt>},</tt></li>
<t><strong>ARIA</strong> (<tt>aria-description</tt>) is the most important to support, as it promotes accessibility and allows scene transcripts. Please start <tt>aria-description</tt> with a verb to aid transcripts.</t>
<blockquote><t>Example: object 'tryceratops' with <tt>aria-description: is a huge dinosaurus standing on a #mountain</tt> generates transcript <tt>#tryceratops is a huge dinosaurus standing on a #mountain</tt>, where the hashtags are clickable XR Fragments (activating the visible-links in the XR browser).</t>
</blockquote><t>Individual nodes can be enriched with such metadata, but most importantly the scene node:</t>
<th>metadata key</th>
<th>example value</th>

<td><tt>aria-description</tt>, <tt>og:description</tt>, <tt>dc:description</tt></td>
<td><tt>An immersive experience about Triceratops</tt> (*)</td>


<td><tt>John Doe</tt></td>

<td><tt>dc:title</tt>, <tt>og:title</tt></td>
<td>'Triceratops` (*)</td>





<td><tt>journal</tt> (bibTeX)</td>
<td><tt>{Future Of Text Vol 3},</tt></td>
</table><blockquote><t>* = these are interchangable (only one needs to be defined)</t>
</blockquote><t>There's no silver bullet when it comes to metadata, so one should support where the metadata is/goes.</t>
<blockquote><t>These attributes can be scanned and presented during an <tt>href</tt> or <tt>src</tt> eye/mouse-over.</t>

<section anchor="accessibility-interface"><name>Accessibility interface</name>
<t>The addressibility of XR Fragments allows for unique 3D-to-text transcripts, as well as an textual interface to navigate 3D content.<br />

Spec:<br />

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>The enduser must be able to enable an accessibility-mode (which persists across application/webpage restarts)</li>
<li>Accessibility-mode must contain a text-input for the user to enter text</li>
<li>Accessibility-mode must contain a flexible textlog for the user to read (via screenreader, screen, or TTS e.g.)</li>
<li>the textlog contains <tt>aria-descriptions</tt>, and its narration (Screenreader e.g.) can be skipped (via 2-button navigation)</li>
<li>The <tt>back</tt> command should navigate back to the previous URL (alias for browser-backbutton)</li>
<li>The <tt>forward</tt> command should navigate back to the next URL (alias for browser-nextbutton)</li>
<li>A destination is a 3D node containing an <tt>href</tt> with a <tt>pos=</tt> XR fragment</li>
<li>The <tt>go</tt> command should list all possible destinations</li>
<li>The <tt>go left</tt> command should move the camera around 0.3 meters to the left</li>
<li>The <tt>go right</tt> command should move the camera around 0.3 meters to the right</li>
<li>The <tt>go forward</tt> command should move the camera 0.3 meters forward (direction of current rotation).</li>
<li>The <tt>rotate left</tt> command should rotate the camera 0.3 to the left</li>
<li>The <tt>rotate left</tt> command should rotate the camera 0.3 to the right</li>
<li>The (dynamic) <tt>go abc</tt> command should navigate to <tt>#pos=scene2</tt> in case there's a 3D node with name <tt>abc</tt> and <tt>href</tt> value <tt>#pos=scene2</tt></li>
<li>The <tt>look</tt> command should give an (contextual) 3D-to-text transcript, by scanning the <tt>aria-description</tt> values of the current <tt>pos=</tt> value (including its children)</li>
<li>The <tt>do</tt> command should list all possible <tt>href</tt> values which don't contain an <tt>pos=</tt> XR Fragment</li>
<li>The (dynamic) <tt>do abc</tt> command should navigate/execute <tt>https://.../...</tt> in case a 3D node exist with name <tt>abc</tt> and <tt>href</tt> value <tt>https://.../...</tt></li>

<section anchor="two-button-navigation"><name>Two-button navigation</name>
<t>For specific user-profiles, gyroscope/mouse/keyboard/audio/visuals will not be available.<br />

Therefore a 2-button navigation-interface is the bare minimum interface:</t>

<ol spacing="compact">
<li>objects with href metadata can be cycled via a key (tab on a keyboard)</li>
<li>objects with href metadata can be activated via a key (enter on a keyboard)</li>
<li>the TTS reads the href-value (and/or aria-description if available)</li>

<section anchor="security-considerations"><name>Security Considerations</name>
<t>The only dynamic parts are <eref target="https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/">W3C Media Fragments</eref> and <eref target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570">URI Templates (RFC6570)</eref>.<br />

The use of URI Templates is limited to pre-defined variables and Level0 fragments-expansion only, which makes it quite safe.<br />

In fact, it is much safer than relying on a scripting language (javascript) which can change URN too.</t>

<section anchor="faq"><name>FAQ</name>
<t><strong>Q:</strong> Why is everything HTTP GET-based, what about POST/PUT/DELETE HATEOS<br />

<strong>A:</strong> Because it's out of scope: XR Fragment specifies a read-only way to surf XR documents. These things belong in the application layer (for example, an XR Hypermedia browser can decide to support POST/PUT/DELETE requests for embedded HTML thru <tt>src</tt> values)</t>
<t><strong>Q:</strong> Why isn't there support for scripting, URI Template Fragments are so limited compared to WASM &amp; javascript
<strong>A:</strong> This is out of scope as it unhyperifies hypermedia, and this is up to XR hypermedia browser-extensions.<br />
 Historically scripting/Javascript seems to been able to turn webpages from hypermedia documents into its opposite (hyperscripted nonhypermedia documents).<br />
In order to prevent this backward-movement (hypermedia tends to liberate people from finnicky scripting) XR Fragment uses <eref target="https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/">W3C Media Fragments</eref> and <eref target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570">URI Templates (RFC6570)</eref>, to prevent unhyperifying itself by hardcoupling to a particular markup or scripting language. <br />

XR Fragments supports filtering objects in a scene only, because in the history of the javascript-powered web, showing/hiding document-entities seems to be one of the most popular basic usecases.<br />

Doing advanced scripting &amp; networkrequests under the hood are obviously interesting endavours, but this is something which should not be hardcoupled with XR Fragments or hypermedia.<br />
This perhaps belongs more to browser extensions.<br />

Non-HTML Hypermedia browsers should make browser extensions the right place, to 'extend' experiences, in contrast to code/javascript inside hypermedia documents (this turned out as a hypermedia antipattern).</t>

<section anchor="authors"><name>authors</name>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li>Leon van Kammen (@lvk@mastodon.online)</li>
<li>Jens Finkhäuser (@jens@social.finkhaeuser.de)</li>

<section anchor="iana-considerations"><name>IANA Considerations</name>
<t>This document has no IANA actions.</t>

<section anchor="acknowledgments"><name>Acknowledgments</name>

<ul spacing="compact">
<li><eref target="https://nlnet.nl">NLNET</eref></li>
<li><eref target="https://futureoftext.org">Future of Text</eref></li>
<li><eref target="https://visual-meta.info">visual-meta.info</eref></li>
<li>Michiel Leenaars</li>
<li>Gerben van der Broeke</li>
<li>Jens Finkhäuser</li>
<li>Marc Belmont</li>
<li>Tim Gerritsen</li>
<li>Frode Hegland</li>
<li>Brandel Zackernuk</li>
<li>Mark Anderson</li>

<section anchor="appendix-definitions"><name>Appendix: Definitions</name>

<td>a sentient being who thinks fuzzy, absorbs, and shares thought (by plain text, not markuplanguage)</td>

<td>a (local/remote) 3D scene or 3D file (index.gltf e.g.)</td>

<td>3D object</td>
<td>an object inside a scene characterized by vertex-, face- and customproperty data.</td>

<td>some resource at something somewhere via someprotocol (<tt>http://me.com/foo.glb#foo</tt> or <tt>e76f8efec8efce98e6f</tt> <eref target="https://interpeer.io">see interpeer.io</eref>)</td>

<td>something somewhere via someprotocol (<tt>http://me.com/foo.glb</tt>)</td>

<td>something at some domain (<tt>me.com/foo.glb</tt>)</td>

<td>custom properties of text, 3D Scene or Object(nodes), relevant to machines and a human minority (academics/developers)</td>

<td>XR fragment</td>
<td>URI Fragment with spatial hints like <tt>#pos=0,0,0&amp;t=1,100</tt> e.g.</td>

<td>the XRWG</td>
<td>wordgraph (collapses 3D scene to tags)</td>

<td>the hashbus</td>
<td>hashtags map to camera/scene-projections</td>

<td>spacetime hashtags</td>
<td>positions camera, triggers scene-preset/time</td>

<td>repositioning the enduser to a different position (or 3D scene/file)</td>

<td>teleporting the enduser to the original XR Document of an <tt>src</tt> embedded object.</td>

<td>placeholder object</td>
<td>a 3D object which with src-metadata (which will be replaced by the src-data.)</td>

<td>(HTML-piggybacked) metadata of a 3D object which instances content</td>

<td>(HTML-piggybacked) metadata of a 3D object which links to content</td>

<td>URI Fragment(s) which show/hide object(s) in a scene based on name/tag/property (<tt>#cube&amp;-price=&gt;3</tt>)</td>

<td><eref target="https://visual.meta.info">visual-meta</eref> data appended to text/books/papers which is indirectly visible/editable in XR.</td>

<td>requestless metadata</td>
<td>metadata which never spawns new requests (unlike RDF/HTML, which can cause framerate-dropping, hence not used a lot in games)</td>

<td>frames per second in spatial experiences (games,VR,AR e.g.), should be as high as possible</td>

<td>inward sensemaking (&quot;I feel this belongs to that&quot;)</td>

<td>outward sensemaking (&quot;I'm fairly sure John is a person who lives in oklahoma&quot;)</td>

<td>ascii representation of an 3D object/mesh</td>

<td>obtrusive: wrapping human text/thought in XML/HTML/JSON obfuscates human text into a salad of machine-symbols and words</td>

<td>flat 3D object</td>
<td>a 3D object of which all verticies share a plane</td>

<td>simple tagging/citing/referencing standard for plaintext</td>

<td>a BibTeX tag</td>

<td>an easy to speak/type/scan tagging SDL (<eref target="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">see here</eref> which expands to BibTex/JSON/XML</td>

