BEGIN{ ROUNDROBIN="🎲" ASSET="🔒" OVERRIDE="🔓" PV_OVERRIDE="💥" NAVIGATOR="👩" PROMPT="✋?" EMBEDDED="🔗" print "| fragment | type | access | scope |" print "|----------|------|--------------|-------|" } END{ print "" print ASSET" = value(s) can only defined in 3D asset (immutable)
" print OVERRIDE" = value(s) can be overwritten in certain context
" print ROUNDROBIN" = multiple values will be roundrobin'ed (`#pos=0,0,0|1,0,0` e.g.)
" print PV_OVERRIDE" = value(s) can be overwritten by [predefined_view](#predefined_view)
" print NAVIGATOR" = value(s) can be overwritten when user clicks `href` (value) or top-level URL change(see [How it works](#How%20it%20works))
" print EMBEDDED" = value(s) can be overwritten when 3D asset is embedded/linked as `src` value
" print PROMPT" = value(s) can be overwritten by offering confirmation/undo to user

" print "" print "for more info see [How it works](#How%20it%20works)" } /category:/ { $1=$2="" sub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "", $0 ) # remove leading spaces sub(/[[:space:]]+$/, "", $0 ) # remove trailing spaces scope=$0 } /Frag.*XRF\.*/ { gsub(/.*\("/,"",$1) gsub(/".*/,"",$1) type="string" perms = $0 ~ /OVERRIDE/ ? OVERRIDE : ASSET frag=$1 $1="" if( $0 ~ /T_INT/ ) type="int" if( $0 ~ /T_STRING_OBJ/ ) type="[string object](string object ) " if( $0 ~ /T_VECTOR2/ ) type="[vector2](#vector ) " if( $0 ~ /T_VECTOR3/ ) type="[vector3](#vector ) " if( $0 ~ /T_URL/ ) type="[url](#url ) " if( $0 ~ /T_PREDEFINED_VIEW/ ) type="[predefined view](#predefined_view ) " if( $0 ~ /ROUNDROBIN/ ) perms=perms" "ROUNDROBIN if( $0 ~ /PV_OVERRIDE/ ) perms=perms" "PV_OVERRIDE if( $0 ~ /NAVIGATOR/ ) perms=perms" "NAVIGATOR if( $0 ~ /EMBEDDED/ ) perms=perms" "EMBEDDED if( $0 ~ /PROMPT/ ) perms=perms" "PROMPT print "| **"frag"** |" type "|" perms "|" scope "|" }