update documentation
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,6 +110,65 @@ haxe_iterators_ArrayIterator.prototype = {
return this.array[this.current++];
var xrfragment_Parser = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Parser"] = function() { };
xrfragment_Parser.parse = function(key,value,resultMap) {
var Frag_h = Object.create(null);
Frag_h["pos"] = xrfragment_Type.isVector;
Frag_h["prio"] = xrfragment_Type.isInt;
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Frag_h,key)) {
if(Frag_h[key].match(value)) {
var v = new xrfragment_Value();
if(value.split("|").length > 1) {
v.args = [];
var args = value.split("|");
var _g = 0;
var _g1 = args.length;
while(_g < _g1) {
var i = _g++;
var x = new xrfragment_Value();
resultMap[key] = v;
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Parser.hx:36:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' has incompatible value (" + value + ")");
return false;
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Parser.hx:37:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)");
return false;
return true;
xrfragment_Parser.guessType = function(v,str) {
v.string = str;
if(str.split(",").length > 1) {
var xyz = str.split(",");
if(xyz.length > 0) {
v.x = parseFloat(xyz[0]);
if(xyz.length > 1) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[1]);
if(xyz.length > 2) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[2]);
if(xrfragment_Type.isColor.match(str)) {
v.color = str;
if(xrfragment_Type.isFloat.match(str)) {
v.float = parseFloat(str);
if(xrfragment_Type.isInt.match(str)) {
v.int = Std.parseInt(str);
var xrfragment_Value = function() {
var xrfragment_Type = function() { };
var xrfragment_Query = function(str) {
this.isNumber = new EReg("^[0-9\\.]+$","");
this.isClass = new EReg("^[-]?class$","");
@ -206,79 +265,32 @@ xrfragment_Query.prototype = {
var xrfragment_Url = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Url"] = function() { };
xrfragment_Url.parse = function(qs) {
var Frag_h = Object.create(null);
Frag_h["pos"] = xrfragment_Type.isVector;
Frag_h["prio"] = xrfragment_Type.isInt;
var fragment = qs.split("#");
var splitArray = fragment[1].split("&");
var regexPlus = new EReg("\\+","g");
var resultMap = { };
var _g = 0;
var _g1 = splitArray.length;
while(_g < _g1) {
var i = _g++;
var splitByEqual = splitArray[i].split("=");
var regexPlus = new EReg("\\+","g");
var key = splitByEqual[0];
var v = new xrfragment_Value();
if(splitByEqual.length > 1) {
var s = regexPlus.split(splitByEqual[1]).join(" ");
var value = decodeURIComponent(s.split("+").join(" "));
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Frag_h,key)) {
if(Frag_h[key].match(value)) {
if(value.split("|").length > 1) {
v.args = [];
var args = value.split("|");
var _g2 = 0;
var _g3 = args.length;
while(_g2 < _g3) {
var i1 = _g2++;
var x = new xrfragment_Value();
resultMap[key] = v;
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Url.hx:46:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' has incompatible value (" + value + ")");
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Url.hx:47:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)");
var ok = xrfragment_Parser.parse(key,value,resultMap);
return resultMap;
xrfragment_Url.guessType = function(v,str) {
v.string = str;
if(str.split(",").length > 1) {
var xyz = str.split(",");
if(xyz.length > 0) {
v.x = parseFloat(xyz[0]);
if(xyz.length > 1) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[1]);
if(xyz.length > 2) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[2]);
if(xrfragment_Type.isColor.match(str)) {
v.color = str;
if(xrfragment_Type.isFloat.match(str)) {
v.float = parseFloat(str);
if(xrfragment_Type.isInt.match(str)) {
v.int = Std.parseInt(str);
var xrfragment_Value = function() {
var xrfragment_Type = function() { };
if(typeof(performance) != "undefined" ? typeof(performance.now) == "function" : false) {
HxOverrides.now = performance.now.bind(performance);
xrfragment_Parser.error = "";
xrfragment_Type.isColor = new EReg("^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$","");
xrfragment_Type.isInt = new EReg("^[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isFloat = new EReg("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isVector = new EReg("([,]+|\\w)","");
var xrfragment_Query_ok = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Query"]["ok"] =
// haxe workarounds
Array.prototype.contains = Array.prototype.includes
@ -309,9 +321,5 @@ var xrfragment_Query_ok = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Query"]["ok"] =
xrfragment_Url.error = "";
xrfragment_Type.isColor = new EReg("^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$","");
xrfragment_Type.isInt = new EReg("^[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isFloat = new EReg("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isVector = new EReg("([,]+|\\w)","");
var xrfragment = $hx_exports["xrfragment"];
@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
> version 1.0.0
date: 2023-03-31T12:58:19+0200 (generated by `./make doc`)
# Fragment (values)
# Url parser (the gist of it)
1. fragment URI starts with `#`
1. fragments are split by `&`
1. `=` is used to split fragment key/values
1. fragment-values are urlencoded (space becomes `+` using `encodeUriComponent` e.g.)
1. every recognized fragment key/value-pair is added to a central map/associative array/object
> version 1.0.0
date: 2023-03-31T12:58:19+0200 (generated by `./make doc`)
# XR Fragments (key/value params)
| param | type | category | example |
@ -9,12 +21,9 @@
| prio | int (-10..1) | Asset linking | `#prio=-5` |
# Url parser (the gist of it)
# Fragment parser (the gist of it)
1. fragment URI starts with `#`
1. fragments are split by `&`
1. fragment-values are urlencoded (space becomes `+` using `encodeUriComponent` e.g.)
1. `=` is used to split fragment key/values
1. each key has a regex to validate its value-type (see regexes)
1. `|` is used to split multiple/fallback values
1. `,` assumes 1D/2D/3D vector-values like x[,y[,z]]
1. parseFloat(..) and parseInt(..) is applied to vector/float and int values
@ -42,3 +51,7 @@
1. integers are detected using regex `/^[0-9]+$/`
1. floats are detected using regex `/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/`
1. vectors are detected using regex `/[,]/` (but can also be an string referring to an entity-ID in the asset)
# Tests
the spec is tested with [JSON unittests](src/spec) consumed by [Test.hx](src/Test.hx) to cross-test all languages.
@ -32,8 +32,20 @@ tests(){
extract(){ cat $1 | awk '/\/\/ / { gsub(".*// ","",$0); gsub("# ","\n# ",$0);print $0; }'; }
{ echo "> version $VERSION\n" && extract src/xrfragment/Url.hx; } > doc/url.md
echo "> version $VERSION"
echo "\ndate: $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") (generated by \`./make doc\`)"
cat $1 | awk '/\/\/ / {
gsub(".*// ","",$0);
gsub("# ","\n# ",$0);
if( match($0,/^#include /) ){ system("cat "$2); next; }
if( match($0,/^#code /) ){ print "```\n"; system("cat "$2); print "```\n"; next; }
if( match($0,/^#sh /) ){ $1=""; system($0); next; }
print $0;
generate src/xrfragment/Url.hx > doc/RFC.md
generate src/xrfragment/Parser.hx >> doc/RFC.md
test -z $1 && { try rm dist/* ; haxe build.hxml; exit $?; }
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package xrfragment;
@:expose // <- makes the class reachable from plain JavaScript
@:keep // <- avoids accidental removal by dead code elimination
class Parser {
public static var error:String = "";
public static function parse(key:String,value:String,resultMap:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>):Bool {
// # XR Fragments (key/value params)
// | param | type | category | example |
var Frag:Map<String, EReg> = new Map<String, EReg>(); // |---------|---------------|-------------------------|------------------|
Frag.set("pos", Type.isVector); // | pos | 3D vector | HREF navigation/portals | `#pos=1,0,1` or `#pos=foo` |
Frag.set("prio", Type.isInt); // | prio | int (-10..1) | Asset linking | `#prio=-5` |
// # Fragment parser (the gist of it)
if( Frag.exists(key) ){ //
if( Frag.get(key).match(value) ){ // 1. each key has a regex to validate its value-type (see regexes)
var v:Value = new Value();
guessType(v, value);
// multiple/fallback values
if( value.split("|").length > 1 ){ // 1. `|` is used to split multiple/fallback values
v.args = new Array<Value>();
var args:Array<String> = value.split("|");
for( i in 0...args.length){
var x:Value = new Value();
guessType(x, args[i]);
v.args.push( x );
resultMap.set(key, v );
}else { trace("[ i ] fragment '"+key+"' has incompatible value ("+value+")"); return false; }
}else { trace("[ i ] fragment '"+key+"' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)"); return false; }
return true;
public static function guessType(v:Value, str:String):Void {
v.string = str;
if( str.split(",").length > 1){ // 1. `,` assumes 1D/2D/3D vector-values like x[,y[,z]]
var xyz:Array<String> = str.split(","); // 1. parseFloat(..) and parseInt(..) is applied to vector/float and int values
if( xyz.length > 0 ) v.x = Std.parseFloat(xyz[0]); // 1. anything else will be treated as string-value
if( xyz.length > 1 ) v.y = Std.parseFloat(xyz[1]); // 1. incompatible value-types will be dropped / not used
if( xyz.length > 2 ) v.y = Std.parseFloat(xyz[2]); //
} // > the xrfragment specification should stay simple enough
// > for anyone to write a parser using either regexes or grammar/lexers
if( Type.isColor.match(str) ) v.color = str; // > therefore expressions/comprehensions are not supported (max wildcard/comparison operators for queries e.g.)
if( Type.isFloat.match(str) ) v.float = Std.parseFloat(str);
if( Type.isInt.match(str) ) v.int = Std.parseInt(str);
// # Value types
// | type | info | format | example |
class Value { // |------|------|--------|----------------------------------|
public var x:Float; // |vector| x,y,z| comma-separated | #pos=1,2,3 |
public var y:Float; //
public var z:Float; //
public var color:String; // |string| color| FFFFFF (hex) | #fog=5m,FFAACC |
public var string:String; // |string| | | #q=-sun |
public var int:Int; // |int | | [-]x[xxxxx] | #price:>=100 |
public var float:Float; // |float | | [-]x[.xxxx] (ieee)| #prio=-20
public var args:Array<Value>; // |array | mixed| \|-separated | #pos=0,0,0|90,0,0 |
public function new(){} //
// > rule for thumb: type-limitations will piggyback JSON limitations (IEEE floatsize e.g.)
// Regexes:
class Type { //
static public var isColor:EReg = ~/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/; // 1. hex colors are detected using regex `/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/`
static public var isInt:EReg = ~/^[0-9]+$/; // 1. integers are detected using regex `/^[0-9]+$/`
static public var isFloat:EReg = ~/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/; // 1. floats are detected using regex `/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/`
static public var isVector:EReg = ~/([,]+|\w)/; // 1. vectors are detected using regex `/[,]/` (but can also be an string referring to an entity-ID in the asset)
// # Tests
// the spec is tested with [JSON unittests](src/spec) consumed by [Test.hx](src/Test.hx) to cross-test all languages.
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package xrfragment;
import xrfragment.Parser;
@:expose // <- makes the class reachable from plain JavaScript
@:keep // <- avoids accidental removal by dead code elimination
@ -7,85 +9,22 @@ class Url {
public static var error:String = "";
public static function parse(qs:String):haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic> {
// # Fragment (values)
// | param | type | category | example |
var Frag:Map<String, EReg> = new Map<String, EReg>(); // |---------|---------------|-------------------------|------------------|
Frag.set("pos", Type.isVector); // | pos | 3D vector | HREF navigation/portals | `#pos=1,0,1` or `#pos=foo` |
Frag.set("prio", Type.isInt); // | prio | int (-10..1) | Asset linking | `#prio=-5` |
// # Url parser (the gist of it)
@:keep // # Url parser (the gist of it)
public static function parse(qs:String):haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic> { //
var fragment:Array<String> = qs.split("#"); // 1. fragment URI starts with `#`
var splitArray:Array<String> = fragment[1].split('&'); // 1. fragments are split by `&`
var regexPlus = ~/\+/g; // 1. fragment-values are urlencoded (space becomes `+` using `encodeUriComponent` e.g.)
var resultMap:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic> = {};
for (i in 0...splitArray.length) {
var splitByEqual = splitArray[i].split('='); // 1. `=` is used to split fragment key/values
var regexPlus = ~/\+/g; // 1. fragment-values are urlencoded (space becomes `+` using `encodeUriComponent` e.g.)
var key:String = splitByEqual[0];
var v:Value = new Value();
if (splitByEqual.length > 1) {
var value:String = StringTools.urlDecode(regexPlus.split(splitByEqual[1]).join(" "));
if( Frag.exists(key) ){
if( Frag.get(key).match(value) ){
guessType(v, value);
// multiple/fallback values
if( value.split("|").length > 1 ){ // 1. `|` is used to split multiple/fallback values
v.args = new Array<Value>();
var args:Array<String> = value.split("|");
for( i in 0...args.length){
var x:Value = new Value();
guessType(x, args[i]);
v.args.push( x );
resultMap.set(key, v );
}else trace("[ i ] fragment '"+key+"' has incompatible value ("+value+")");
}else trace("[ i ] fragment '"+key+"' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)");
var ok:Bool = Parser.parse(key,value,resultMap); // 1. every recognized fragment key/value-pair is added to a central map/associative array/object
return resultMap;
public static function guessType(v:Value, str:String):Void {
v.string = str;
if( str.split(",").length > 1){ // 1. `,` assumes 1D/2D/3D vector-values like x[,y[,z]]
var xyz:Array<String> = str.split(","); // 1. parseFloat(..) and parseInt(..) is applied to vector/float and int values
if( xyz.length > 0 ) v.x = Std.parseFloat(xyz[0]); // 1. anything else will be treated as string-value
if( xyz.length > 1 ) v.y = Std.parseFloat(xyz[1]); // 1. incompatible value-types will be dropped / not used
if( xyz.length > 2 ) v.y = Std.parseFloat(xyz[2]); //
} // > the xrfragment specification should stay simple enough
// > for anyone to write a parser using either regexes or grammar/lexers
if( Type.isColor.match(str) ) v.color = str; // > therefore expressions/comprehensions are not supported (max wildcard/comparison operators for queries e.g.)
if( Type.isFloat.match(str) ) v.float = Std.parseFloat(str);
if( Type.isInt.match(str) ) v.int = Std.parseInt(str);
// # Value types
// | type | info | format | example |
class Value { // |------|------|--------|----------------------------------|
public var x:Float; // |vector| x,y,z| comma-separated | #pos=1,2,3 |
public var y:Float; //
public var z:Float; //
public var color:String; // |string| color| FFFFFF (hex) | #fog=5m,FFAACC |
public var string:String; // |string| | | #q=-sun |
public var int:Int; // |int | | [-]x[xxxxx] | #price:>=100 |
public var float:Float; // |float | | [-]x[.xxxx] (ieee)| #prio=-20
public var args:Array<Value>; // |array | mixed| \|-separated | #pos=0,0,0|90,0,0 |
public function new(){} //
// > rule for thumb: type-limitations will piggyback JSON limitations (IEEE floatsize e.g.)
// Regexes:
class Type { //
static public var isColor:EReg = ~/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/; // 1. hex colors are detected using regex `/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/`
static public var isInt:EReg = ~/^[0-9]+$/; // 1. integers are detected using regex `/^[0-9]+$/`
static public var isFloat:EReg = ~/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/; // 1. floats are detected using regex `/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/`
static public var isVector:EReg = ~/([,]+|\w)/; // 1. vectors are detected using regex `/[,]/` (but can also be an string referring to an entity-ID in the asset)
@ -279,6 +279,68 @@ js_Boot.__string_rec = function(o,s) {
return String(o);
var xrfragment_Parser = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Parser"] = function() { };
xrfragment_Parser.__name__ = true;
xrfragment_Parser.parse = function(key,value,resultMap) {
var Frag_h = Object.create(null);
Frag_h["pos"] = xrfragment_Type.isVector;
Frag_h["prio"] = xrfragment_Type.isInt;
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Frag_h,key)) {
if(Frag_h[key].match(value)) {
var v = new xrfragment_Value();
if(value.split("|").length > 1) {
v.args = [];
var args = value.split("|");
var _g = 0;
var _g1 = args.length;
while(_g < _g1) {
var i = _g++;
var x = new xrfragment_Value();
resultMap[key] = v;
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Parser.hx:36:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' has incompatible value (" + value + ")");
return false;
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Parser.hx:37:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)");
return false;
return true;
xrfragment_Parser.guessType = function(v,str) {
v.string = str;
if(str.split(",").length > 1) {
var xyz = str.split(",");
if(xyz.length > 0) {
v.x = parseFloat(xyz[0]);
if(xyz.length > 1) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[1]);
if(xyz.length > 2) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[2]);
if(xrfragment_Type.isColor.match(str)) {
v.color = str;
if(xrfragment_Type.isFloat.match(str)) {
v.float = parseFloat(str);
if(xrfragment_Type.isInt.match(str)) {
v.int = Std.parseInt(str);
var xrfragment_Value = function() {
xrfragment_Value.__name__ = true;
var xrfragment_Type = function() { };
xrfragment_Type.__name__ = true;
var xrfragment_Query = function(str) {
this.isNumber = new EReg("^[0-9\\.]+$","");
this.isClass = new EReg("^[-]?class$","");
@ -458,78 +520,24 @@ xrfragment_Query.prototype = {
var xrfragment_Url = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Url"] = function() { };
xrfragment_Url.__name__ = true;
xrfragment_Url.parse = function(qs) {
var Frag_h = Object.create(null);
Frag_h["pos"] = xrfragment_Type.isVector;
Frag_h["prio"] = xrfragment_Type.isInt;
var fragment = qs.split("#");
var splitArray = fragment[1].split("&");
var regexPlus = new EReg("\\+","g");
var resultMap = { };
var _g = 0;
var _g1 = splitArray.length;
while(_g < _g1) {
var i = _g++;
var splitByEqual = splitArray[i].split("=");
var regexPlus = new EReg("\\+","g");
var key = splitByEqual[0];
var v = new xrfragment_Value();
if(splitByEqual.length > 1) {
var s = regexPlus.split(splitByEqual[1]).join(" ");
var value = decodeURIComponent(s.split("+").join(" "));
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Frag_h,key)) {
if(Frag_h[key].match(value)) {
if(value.split("|").length > 1) {
v.args = [];
var args = value.split("|");
var _g2 = 0;
var _g3 = args.length;
while(_g2 < _g3) {
var i1 = _g2++;
var x = new xrfragment_Value();
resultMap[key] = v;
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Url.hx:46:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' has incompatible value (" + value + ")");
} else {
console.log("src/xrfragment/Url.hx:47:","[ i ] fragment '" + key + "' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)");
var ok = xrfragment_Parser.parse(key,value,resultMap);
return resultMap;
xrfragment_Url.guessType = function(v,str) {
v.string = str;
if(str.split(",").length > 1) {
var xyz = str.split(",");
if(xyz.length > 0) {
v.x = parseFloat(xyz[0]);
if(xyz.length > 1) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[1]);
if(xyz.length > 2) {
v.y = parseFloat(xyz[2]);
if(xrfragment_Type.isColor.match(str)) {
v.color = str;
if(xrfragment_Type.isFloat.match(str)) {
v.float = parseFloat(str);
if(xrfragment_Type.isInt.match(str)) {
v.int = Std.parseInt(str);
var xrfragment_Value = function() {
xrfragment_Value.__name__ = true;
var xrfragment_Type = function() { };
xrfragment_Type.__name__ = true;
if(typeof(performance) != "undefined" ? typeof(performance.now) == "function" : false) {
HxOverrides.now = performance.now.bind(performance);
@ -537,6 +545,11 @@ String.__name__ = true;
Array.__name__ = true;
js_Boot.__toStr = ({ }).toString;
Test.errors = 0;
xrfragment_Parser.error = "";
xrfragment_Type.isColor = new EReg("^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$","");
xrfragment_Type.isInt = new EReg("^[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isFloat = new EReg("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isVector = new EReg("([,]+|\\w)","");
var xrfragment_Query_ok = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Query"]["ok"] =
// haxe workarounds
Array.prototype.contains = Array.prototype.includes
@ -567,10 +580,6 @@ var xrfragment_Query_ok = $hx_exports["xrfragment"]["Query"]["ok"] =
xrfragment_Url.error = "";
xrfragment_Type.isColor = new EReg("^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$","");
xrfragment_Type.isInt = new EReg("^[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isFloat = new EReg("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$","");
xrfragment_Type.isVector = new EReg("([,]+|\\w)","");
var xrfragment = $hx_exports["xrfragment"];
@ -1360,6 +1360,90 @@ class HxString:
return s[startIndex:(startIndex + _hx_len)]
class xrfragment_Parser:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Parser"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["error", "parse", "guessType"]
def parse(key,value,resultMap):
Frag = haxe_ds_StringMap()
Frag.h["pos"] = xrfragment_Type.isVector
Frag.h["prio"] = xrfragment_Type.isInt
if (key in Frag.h):
_this = Frag.h.get(key,None)
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,value)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v = xrfragment_Value()
if (len(value.split("|")) > 1):
v.args = list()
args = value.split("|")
_g = 0
_g1 = len(args)
while (_g < _g1):
i = _g
_g = (_g + 1)
x = xrfragment_Value()
xrfragment_Parser.guessType(x,(args[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(args) else None))
_this = v.args
setattr(resultMap,(("_hx_" + key) if ((key in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + key) if (((((len(key) > 2) and ((ord(key[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[(len(key) - 1)]) != 95)))) else key)),v)
print(str((((("[ i ] fragment '" + ("null" if key is None else key)) + "' has incompatible value (") + ("null" if value is None else value)) + ")")))
return False
print(str((("[ i ] fragment '" + ("null" if key is None else key)) + "' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)")))
return False
return True
def guessType(v,_hx_str):
v.string = _hx_str
if (len(_hx_str.split(",")) > 1):
xyz = _hx_str.split(",")
if (len(xyz) > 0):
v.x = Std.parseFloat((xyz[0] if 0 < len(xyz) else None))
if (len(xyz) > 1):
v.y = Std.parseFloat((xyz[1] if 1 < len(xyz) else None))
if (len(xyz) > 2):
v.y = Std.parseFloat((xyz[2] if 2 < len(xyz) else None))
_this = xrfragment_Type.isColor
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.color = _hx_str
_this = xrfragment_Type.isFloat
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.float = Std.parseFloat(_hx_str)
_this = xrfragment_Type.isInt
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.int = Std.parseInt(_hx_str)
class xrfragment_Value:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Value"
__slots__ = ("x", "y", "color", "string", "int", "float", "args")
_hx_fields = ["x", "y", "color", "string", "int", "float", "args"]
def __init__(self):
self.args = None
self.float = None
self.int = None
self.string = None
self.color = None
self.y = None
self.x = None
class xrfragment_Type:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Type"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["isColor", "isInt", "isFloat", "isVector"]
class xrfragment_Query:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Query"
__slots__ = ("str", "q", "isProp", "isExclude", "isClass", "isNumber")
@ -1495,8 +1579,8 @@ class xrfragment_Query:
fails = 0
qualify = 0
def _hx_local_2(expr):
nonlocal conds
nonlocal fails
nonlocal conds
conds = (conds + 1)
fails = (fails + (0 if expr else 1))
return expr
@ -1541,17 +1625,13 @@ class xrfragment_Query:
class xrfragment_Url:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Url"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["error", "parse", "guessType"]
_hx_statics = ["error", "parse"]
def parse(qs):
Frag = haxe_ds_StringMap()
Frag.h["pos"] = xrfragment_Type.isVector
Frag.h["prio"] = xrfragment_Type.isInt
fragment = qs.split("#")
_this = (fragment[1] if 1 < len(fragment) else None)
splitArray = _this.split("&")
regexPlus = EReg("\\+","g")
resultMap = _hx_AnonObject({})
_g = 0
_g1 = len(splitArray)
@ -1560,81 +1640,14 @@ class xrfragment_Url:
_g = (_g + 1)
_this = (splitArray[i] if i >= 0 and i < len(splitArray) else None)
splitByEqual = _this.split("=")
regexPlus = EReg("\\+","g")
key = (splitByEqual[0] if 0 < len(splitByEqual) else None)
v = xrfragment_Value()
if (len(splitByEqual) > 1):
_this1 = regexPlus.split((splitByEqual[1] if 1 < len(splitByEqual) else None))
value = python_lib_urllib_Parse.unquote(" ".join([python_Boot.toString1(x1,'') for x1 in _this1]))
if (key in Frag.h):
_this2 = Frag.h.get(key,None)
_this2.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this2.pattern,value)
if (_this2.matchObj is not None):
if (len(value.split("|")) > 1):
v.args = list()
args = value.split("|")
_g2 = 0
_g3 = len(args)
while (_g2 < _g3):
i1 = _g2
_g2 = (_g2 + 1)
x = xrfragment_Value()
xrfragment_Url.guessType(x,(args[i1] if i1 >= 0 and i1 < len(args) else None))
_this3 = v.args
setattr(resultMap,(("_hx_" + key) if ((key in python_Boot.keywords)) else (("_hx_" + key) if (((((len(key) > 2) and ((ord(key[0]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[1]) == 95))) and ((ord(key[(len(key) - 1)]) != 95)))) else key)),v)
print(str((((("[ i ] fragment '" + ("null" if key is None else key)) + "' has incompatible value (") + ("null" if value is None else value)) + ")")))
print(str((("[ i ] fragment '" + ("null" if key is None else key)) + "' does not exist or has no type defined (yet)")))
ok = xrfragment_Parser.parse(key,value,resultMap)
return resultMap
def guessType(v,_hx_str):
v.string = _hx_str
if (len(_hx_str.split(",")) > 1):
xyz = _hx_str.split(",")
if (len(xyz) > 0):
v.x = Std.parseFloat((xyz[0] if 0 < len(xyz) else None))
if (len(xyz) > 1):
v.y = Std.parseFloat((xyz[1] if 1 < len(xyz) else None))
if (len(xyz) > 2):
v.y = Std.parseFloat((xyz[2] if 2 < len(xyz) else None))
_this = xrfragment_Type.isColor
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.color = _hx_str
_this = xrfragment_Type.isFloat
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.float = Std.parseFloat(_hx_str)
_this = xrfragment_Type.isInt
_this.matchObj = python_lib_Re.search(_this.pattern,_hx_str)
if (_this.matchObj is not None):
v.int = Std.parseInt(_hx_str)
class xrfragment_Value:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Value"
__slots__ = ("x", "y", "color", "string", "int", "float", "args")
_hx_fields = ["x", "y", "color", "string", "int", "float", "args"]
def __init__(self):
self.args = None
self.float = None
self.int = None
self.string = None
self.color = None
self.y = None
self.x = None
class xrfragment_Type:
_hx_class_name = "xrfragment.Type"
__slots__ = ()
_hx_statics = ["isColor", "isInt", "isFloat", "isVector"]
Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = float("-inf")
Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY = float("inf")
Math.NaN = float("nan")
@ -1643,10 +1656,11 @@ Math.PI = python_lib_Math.pi
Test.errors = 0
python_Boot.keywords = set(["and", "del", "from", "not", "with", "as", "elif", "global", "or", "yield", "assert", "else", "if", "pass", "None", "break", "except", "import", "raise", "True", "class", "exec", "in", "return", "False", "continue", "finally", "is", "try", "def", "for", "lambda", "while"])
python_Boot.prefixLength = len("_hx_")
xrfragment_Url.error = ""
xrfragment_Parser.error = ""
xrfragment_Type.isColor = EReg("^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$","")
xrfragment_Type.isInt = EReg("^[0-9]+$","")
xrfragment_Type.isFloat = EReg("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$","")
xrfragment_Type.isVector = EReg("([,]+|\\w)","")
xrfragment_Url.error = ""
Reference in New Issue