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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ value: draft-XRFRAGMENTS-leonvankammen-00
.# Abstract
.# Abstract
This draft is a specification for 4D URI's & [hypermediatic](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hypermediatic) navigation, which links together space, time & text together, for hypermedia browsers with- or without a network-connection.<br>
This draft is a specification for 4D URI's & [hypermediatic](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hypermediatic) navigation, which links together space, time & text together, for hypermedia browsers with- or without a network-connection.<br>
The specification promotes spatial addressibility, sharing, navigation, filtering and databinding objects for (XR) Browsers.<br>
The specification uses [W3C Media Fragments](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/) and [URI Templates (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570) to promote spatial addressibility, sharing, navigation, filtering and databinding objects for (XR) Browsers.<br>
XR Fragments allows us to better use existing metadata inside 3D scene(files), by connecting it to proven technologies like [URI Fragments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment).
XR Fragments allows us to better use existing metadata inside 3D scene(files), by connecting it to proven technologies like [URI Fragments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment).
> Almost every idea in this document is demonstrated at [https://xrfragment.org](https://xrfragment.org)
> Almost every idea in this document is demonstrated at [https://xrfragment.org](https://xrfragment.org)
@ -248,18 +248,17 @@ That way, if the link gets shared, the XR Fragments implementation at `https://m
## Dynamic XR Fragments (+databindings)
## Dynamic XR Fragments (+databindings)
These are automatic fragment-to-metadata mappings, which only trigger if the 3D scene metadata matches a specific identifier (`aliasname` e.g.)
These are automatic fragment-to-metadata mappings, which only trigger if the 3D scene metadata matches a specific identifier:
| fragment | type | example | info |
| |fragment | type | example | info |
| `#<aliasname>` | string | `#cubes` | evaluate predefined view (`#foo&bar`) defined in 3D Object metadata (`#cubes: #foo&bar` e.g.) |
| **PRESET** | `#<preset>` | string | `#cubes` | evaluates preset (`#foo&bar`) defined in 3D Object metadata (`#cubes: #foo&bar` e.g.) while URL-browserbar reflects `#cubes`. Only works when metadata-key starts with `#` |
| `#<tag_or_objectname>` | string | `#person` | focus object(s) with `tag: person` or name `person` by looking up XRWG |
| **FOCUS** | `#<tag_or_objectname>` | string | `#person` | (and show) object(s) with `tag: person` or name `person` (XRWG lookup) |
| `#[-]<tag_or_objectname>` | string | `#person` (`#-person`) | focus/show (or hide) object(s) with `tag: person` or name `person` by looking up XRWG |
| **FILTERS** | `#[!][-]<tag_or_objectname>[*]` | string | `#person` (`#-person`) | will reset (`!`), show/focus or hide (`-`) focus object(s) with `tag: person` or name `person` by looking up XRWG (`*`=including children) |
| `#<cameraname>` | string | `#cam01` | set camera with name `cam01` as active camera |
| **CAMERASWITCH** | `#<cameraname>` | string | `#cam01` | sets camera with name `cam01` as active camera |
| `#<tag_or_objectname>=<material>` | string=string | `#car=metallic`| set material of car to material with name `metallic` |eeee
| **MATERIALUPDATE** | `#<tag_or_objectname>[*]=<materialname>` | string=string | `#car=metallic`| sets material of car to material with name `metallic` (`*`=including children)|
| | | `#product=metallic`| set material of objects tagged with `product` to material with name `metallic` |
| | r | | `#soldout*=halfopacity`| set material of objects tagged with `product` to material with name `metallic` |
| `#<tag_or_objectname>=<mediafrag>` | string=[media frag](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#valid-uri) | `#foo=0,1` `| play 3D animation (or `src` media) using [media fragment URI](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#valid-uri) with [looping/speed/texturescroll abilities](#media%20fragments%20and%20datatypes) |
| **VARIABLE UPDATE** | `#<variable>=<metadata-key>` | string=string | `#foo=bar` | sets [URI Template](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570) variable `foo` to the value `#t=0` from **existing** object metadata (`bar`:`#t=0` e.g.), This allows for reactive [URI Template](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570) defined in object metadata elsewhere (`src`:`://m.com/cat.mp4#{foo}` e.g., to play media using [media fragment URI](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#valid-uri)). NOTE: metadata-key should not start with `#` |
| | | `#foo=uv:0,0.5` `| texturescroll to uv-coordinate `0,0.05` (see [looping/speed/texturescroll abilities here](#media%20fragments%20and%20datatypes) |
## media fragments and datatypes
## media fragments and datatypes
@ -271,11 +270,11 @@ These are automatic fragment-to-metadata mappings, which only trigger if the 3D
| vector3 | x,y,z | 2,3.0,4 | 3-dimensional vector |
| vector3 | x,y,z | 2,3.0,4 | 3-dimensional vector |
| temporal W3C media fragment | t=x | 0 | play from 0 seconds to end (and stop) |
| temporal W3C media fragment | t=x | 0 | play from 0 seconds to end (and stop) |
| temporal W3C media fragment | t=x,y | 0,2 | play from 0 seconds till 2 seconds (and stop) |
| temporal W3C media fragment | t=x,y | 0,2 | play from 0 seconds till 2 seconds (and stop) |
| temporal W3C media fragment | xywh=x,y,w,h | 0,0,1,1 | crop (uv) coordinates (default for uv-coordinates is `0,0,1,1`) |
| temporal W3C media fragment * | t=[l:]x,y | l:0,1 | play [as loop] between `x` and `y` |
| temporal W3C media fragment * | t=[l:]x,y | l:0,1 | play [as loop] between `x` and `y` |
| temporal W3C media fragment * | s=x[,y] | 1 | set playback speed of audio/video/3D anim |
| temporal W3C media fragment * | uv=u,v | uv:0,0,1,1 | set uv offset (default `0,0`) |
| temporal W3C media fragment * | sxy=[l:]x,y | 0.1,0.2 | xy scrollspeed of new xywh viewport/uvcoordinates (default `1,1` is instant): allows lerping to new `xywh` values [or infinite texturescrolling] |
| temporal W3C media fragment * | s=x | 1 | set playback speed of audio/video/3D anim |
| shader uniform value | u:<uniform>=<string|float|vec2|vec3|vec4> | u:color=1,0,0 | set shader uniform value |
| temporal W3C media fragment * | suv=[l:]uspeed,vspeed | uv:l:0.1,0.2 | set uv scroll speed of (default `1,1` is instant) [`l:` means infinite texturescrolling] otherwise new `u,v` values will be lerped to |
| media parameter (shader uniform) | u:<uniform>=<string|float|vec2|vec3|vec4> | u:color=1,0,0 | set shader uniform value |
> \* = this is extending the [W3C media fragments](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#mf-advanced) with finergrained playback/viewport-control:
> \* = this is extending the [W3C media fragments](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#mf-advanced) with finergrained playback/viewport-control:
@ -283,47 +282,44 @@ These are automatic fragment-to-metadata mappings, which only trigger if the 3D
| extension | info |
| extension | info |
| `l:` specifices loop | `t=0,2` specifies oneshot-play (default) whereas `t=l:0,2` indicates looped-play |
| `l:` specifices loop | `t=0,2` specifies oneshot-play (default) whereas `t=l:0,2` indicates looped-play |
| `#uv=` specifies uv-coordinates | allows offsetting the uv-coordinates |
| `#suv=` specifies scrollspeed of uv-coordinates | allows single/infinite uv-scrolling |
| `#s` specifies playback speed | being able to specify loop(speed) of audio/video |
| `#s` specifies playback speed | being able to specify loop(speed) of audio/video |
| `#sxy=` specifies lerping of xy(wh) values | allows animated cropping and infinite texturescroll with configurable speed for u/v coordinates |
> The rationale not to extend the `xywh`-media fragment is that 3D geometries deal with triangular polygons (not rectangular).
Example URI's:
Example URI's:
* `https://images.org/credits.jpg#t=0&sxy=l:0,0.1` (infinite vertical texturescrolling)
* `https://images.org/credits.jpg#t=0&suv=l:0,0.1` (infinite vertical texturescrolling)
* `https://video.org/organogram.mp4#t=0&sxy:0.1,0.1&xywh=500,500,480,640` (animated zoom towards region in video)
* `https://video.org/organogram.mp4#t=0&suv:0.1,0.1&uv=0.3,0.3` (animated zoom towards region in video)
* `https://shaders.org/plasma.glsl#t=0&u:col1=1,0,0&u:col2=0,1,0` (red-green shader plasma starts playing from time-offset 0)
* `https://shaders.org/plasma.glsl#t=0&u:col1=1,0,0&u:col2=0,1,0` (red-green shader plasma starts playing from time-offset 0)
│ │
│ │
│ index.gltf#playall │
│ index.gltf#playall │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ ├ # : #playall │ apply default XR Fragment on load
│ ├ # : #t=0&shared=play │ apply default XR Fragment on load (`t` plays global 3D animation timeline)
│ ├ #playall: #media=play&wall=calm&t=1 │ here `t` plays the 3D animations inside index.gltf from 1 seconds
│ ├ play : #t=l:0,2 │ variable for [URI Templates (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570)
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ ├── ◻ playbutton │
│ ├── ◻ plane (with material) │
│ │ └ href: #media=play&wall=calm ······· │ (re)trigger `play` on object 'media' and `calm` on 'wall'
│ │ └ #: #suv=l:0,0.1 │ infinite texturescroll `v` of uv·coordinates with 0.1/fps
│ │ · │
│ │ │
│ ├── ◻ plane · │
│ ├── ◻ plane │
│ │ └ src: foo.jpg#sxy=l:0,0.1 · │ infinite texturescroll `v` of uv·coordinates with 0.1/fps
│ │ └ src: foo.jpg#suv=l:0,0.1 │ infinite texturescroll `v` of uv·coordinates with 0.1/fps
│ │ · │ with u·speed `0.1` and v·speed `0.1` (`#s` defaults) units p/second
│ │ │
│ ├── ◻ media · │
│ ├── ◻ media │
│ │ ├ #play: #t=0 ················ · │ play cat.mp4 from 0 sec
│ │ └ src: cat.mp4#t=l:2,10&uv=0.5,0.5 │ loop cat.mp4 (or mp3/wav/jpg) between 2 and 10 seconds (uv's shifted with 0.5,0.5)
│ │ ├ #: #play ···^ · · │ apply default XR fragment (on load)
│ │ │
│ │ ├ #stop: #t=0,0 ··········· · │ stop
│ └── ◻ wall │
│ │ ├ #loop: #t=l:1,2&s=2 ··········· │ loop cat.mp4 between 1 and 2 sec with double speed
│ ├ href: #color=blue │ updates uniform values (IFS shader e.g.)
│ │ ├ #crop: #xywh=0,0,0.5,0.5 ····· · │ crop viewport/uv·coordinates
│ ├ blue: t=0&u:col=0,0,1 │ variable for [Level1 URI Templates (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570)
│ │ └ src: cat.mp4#t=l:2,10 <<······· · │ loop cat.mp4 (or mp3/wav/jpg) between 2 and 10 seconds
│ └ src: ://a.com/art.glsl#{color}&{shared} │ .fs/.vs/.glsl/.wgsl etc shader [Level1 URI Template (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570)
│ │ · │
│ └── ◻ wall · │
│ ├ #calm: #u:color=1,0,0 ·················· │ updates uniform values (IFS shader e.g.)
│ ├ #: #u:color=0,1,1 · │ apply default XR Fragment (on load)
│ └ src: ://a.com/art.glsl#sxy:l:0,0.1 <<··· │ .fs/.vs/.glsl/.wgsl etc
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
> NOTE: node-metadata (without #-prefix) applies XR Fragments to its `src` URL, otherwise it applies it to the browser URL. Full addressibility can be maintained, since top-level `href` values can trigger node-specific aliases (`media=play` e.g.).
> NOTE: URI Template variables are immutable and respect scope: in other words, the end-user cannot modify `blue` by entering an URL like `#blue=.....` in the browser URL, and `blue` is not accessible by the plane/media-object (however `{play}` would work).
@ -495,6 +491,8 @@ navigation, portals & mutations
9. ignore previous rule in special cases, like clicking an `href` using camera-portal collision (the back-button would cause a teleport-loop)
9. ignore previous rule in special cases, like clicking an `href` using camera-portal collision (the back-button would cause a teleport-loop)
10. href-events should bubble upward the node-tree
[» example implementation](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/href.js)<br>
[» example implementation](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/href.js)<br>
[» example 3D asset](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/example/assets/href.gltf#L192)<br>
[» example 3D asset](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/example/assets/href.gltf#L192)<br>
[» discussion](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/issues/1)<br>
[» discussion](https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/issues/1)<br>
@ -776,7 +774,7 @@ Fictional chat:
The `src`-values work as expected (respecting mime-types), however:
The `src`-values work as expected (respecting mime-types), however:
The XR Fragment specification bumps the traditional default browser-mimetype
The XR Fragment specification advices to bump the traditional default browser-mimetype
@ -959,12 +957,12 @@ For example:
│ │
│ │
│ index.gltf │
│ index.gltf │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ #: #-offlinetext │
│ │ #: #-offlinetext │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ ├── ◻ buttonA │
│ ├── ◻ buttonA │
│ │ └ href: http://foo.io/campagne.fbx │
│ │ └ href: http://foo.io/campagne.fbx │
│ │ └ href@404: ipfs://foo.io/campagne.fbx │
│ │ └ href@404: ipfs://foo.io/campagne.fbx │
│ │ └ href@400: #clienterrortext │
│ │ └ href@400: #clienterrortext │
│ │ └ ◻ offlinetext │
│ │ └ ◻ offlinetext │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ └── ◻ embeddedObject <--------- the meshdata inside embeddedObject will (not)
│ └── ◻ embeddedObject <--------- the meshdata inside embeddedObject will (not)
@ -996,11 +994,39 @@ To filter out non-related objects one could take it a step further using filters
This makes spatial content multi-purpose, without the need to separate content into separate files, or show/hide things using a complex logiclayer like javascript.
This makes spatial content multi-purpose, without the need to separate content into separate files, or show/hide things using a complex logiclayer like javascript.
# URI Templates (RFC6570)
XR Fragments adopts Level1 URI **Fragment** expansion to provide safe interactivity.<br>
The following demonstrates a simple video player:
│ │
│ foo.usdz │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ ├── ◻ stopbutton │
│ │ ├ #: #-stopbutton │
│ │ └ href: #player=stop&-stopbutton │ (stop and hide stop-button)
│ │ │
│ └── ◻ plane │
│ ├ play: #t=l:0,10 │
│ ├ stop: #t=0,0 │
│ ├ href: #player=play&stopbutton │ (play and show stop-button)
│ └ src: cat.mp4#{player} │
│ │
│ │
# Security Considerations
# Security Considerations
Since XR Text contains metadata too, the user should be able to set up tagging-rules, so the copy-paste feature can :
The only dynamic parts are [W3C Media Fragments](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/) and [URI Templates (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570).<br>
The use of URI Templates is limited to pre-defined variables and Level0 fragments-expansion only, which makes it quite safe.<br>
* filter out sensitive data when copy/pasting (XR text with `tag:secret` e.g.)
In fact, it is much safer than relying on a scripting language (javascript) which can change URN too.
@ -1009,10 +1035,10 @@ Since XR Text contains metadata too, the user should be able to set up tagging-r
**Q:** Why isn't there support for scripting, while we have things like WASM
**Q:** Why isn't there support for scripting, URI Template Fragments are so limited compared to WASM & javascript
**A:** This is out of scope as it unhyperifies hypermedia, and this is up to XR hypermedia browser-extensions.<br> Historically scripting/Javascript seems to been able to turn webpages from hypermedia documents into its opposite (hyperscripted nonhypermedia documents).<br>In order to prevent this backward-movement (hypermedia tends to liberate people from finnicky scripting) XR Fragments should never unhyperify itself by hardcoupling to a particular markup or scripting language. [XR Macro's](https://xrfragment.org/doc/RFC_XR_Macros.html) are an example of something which is probably smarter and safer for hypermedia browsers to implement, instead of going full-in with a turing-complete scripting language (and suffer the security consequences later).<br>
**A:** This is out of scope as it unhyperifies hypermedia, and this is up to XR hypermedia browser-extensions.<br> Historically scripting/Javascript seems to been able to turn webpages from hypermedia documents into its opposite (hyperscripted nonhypermedia documents).<br>In order to prevent this backward-movement (hypermedia tends to liberate people from finnicky scripting) XR Fragment uses [W3C Media Fragments](https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/) and [URI Templates (RFC6570)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570), to prevent unhyperifying itself by hardcoupling to a particular markup or scripting language. <br>
XR Fragments supports filtering objects in a scene only, because in the history of the javascript-powered web, showing/hiding document-entities seems to be one of the most popular basic usecases.<br>
XR Fragments supports filtering objects in a scene only, because in the history of the javascript-powered web, showing/hiding document-entities seems to be one of the most popular basic usecases.<br>
Doing advanced scripting & networkrequests under the hood are obviously interesting endavours, but this is something which should not be hardcoupled with hypermedia.<br>This belongs to browser extensions.<br>
Doing advanced scripting & networkrequests under the hood are obviously interesting endavours, but this is something which should not be hardcoupled with XR Fragments or hypermedia.<br>This perhaps belongs more to browser extensions.<br>
Non-HTML Hypermedia browsers should make browser extensions the right place, to 'extend' experiences, in contrast to code/javascript inside hypermedia documents (this turned out as a hypermedia antipattern).
Non-HTML Hypermedia browsers should make browser extensions the right place, to 'extend' experiences, in contrast to code/javascript inside hypermedia documents (this turned out as a hypermedia antipattern).
# authors
# authors
@ -1048,6 +1074,7 @@ This document has no IANA actions.
|3D object | an object inside a scene characterized by vertex-, face- and customproperty data. |
|3D object | an object inside a scene characterized by vertex-, face- and customproperty data. |
|URI | some resource at something somewhere via someprotocol (`http://me.com/foo.glb#foo` or `e76f8efec8efce98e6f` [see interpeer.io](https://interpeer.io))|
|URI | some resource at something somewhere via someprotocol (`http://me.com/foo.glb#foo` or `e76f8efec8efce98e6f` [see interpeer.io](https://interpeer.io))|
|URL | something somewhere via someprotocol (`http://me.com/foo.glb`) |
|URL | something somewhere via someprotocol (`http://me.com/foo.glb`) |
|URN | something at some domain (`me.com/foo.glb`) |
|metadata | custom properties of text, 3D Scene or Object(nodes), relevant to machines and a human minority (academics/developers) |
|metadata | custom properties of text, 3D Scene or Object(nodes), relevant to machines and a human minority (academics/developers) |
|XR fragment | URI Fragment with spatial hints like `#pos=0,0,0&t=1,100` e.g. |
|XR fragment | URI Fragment with spatial hints like `#pos=0,0,0&t=1,100` e.g. |
|the XRWG | wordgraph (collapses 3D scene to tags) |
|the XRWG | wordgraph (collapses 3D scene to tags) |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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