<t>This draft is a specification for 4D URLs & navigation, which links together space, time & text together, for hypermedia browsers with- or without a network-connection.<br/>
The specification promotes spatial addressibility, sharing, navigation, query-ing and annotating interactive (text)objects across for (XR) Browsers.<br/>
XR Fragments allows us to enrich existing dataformats, by recursive use of existing proven technologies like <ereftarget="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment">URI Fragments</eref> and BibTags notation.<br/>
<t>Almost every idea in this document is demonstrated at <ereftarget="https://xrfragment.org">https://xrfragment.org</eref></t>
<li>addressibility and navigation of 3D scenes/objects: <ereftarget="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_fragment">URI Fragments</eref> + src/href spatial metadata</li>
<li>Interlinking text/& 3D by collapsing space into a Word Graph (XRWG) to show <ereftarget="#visible-links">visible links</eref> (and augmenting text with <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/tagbibs">bibs</eref> / <ereftarget="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX">BibTags</eref> appendices (see <ereftarget="https://visual-meta.info">visual-meta</eref> e.g.)</li>
<li>unlocking spatial potential of the (originally 2D) hashtag (which jumps to a chapter) for navigating XR documents</li>
<t>XR Fragments strives to serve (nontechnical/fuzzy) humans first, and machine(implementations) later, by ensuring hasslefree text-vs-thought feedback loops.<br/>
This also means that the repair-ability of machine-matters should be human friendly too (not too complex).<br/>
XR Fragments tries to seek to connect the world of text (semantical web / RDF), and the world of pixels.<br/>
Instead of combining them (in a game-editor e.g.), XR Fragments is opting for a more integrated path <strong>towards</strong> them, by describing how to make browsers <strong>4D URL-ready</strong>:</t>
</table><t>Supported popular compatible 3D fileformats: <tt>.gltf</tt>, <tt>.obj</tt>, <tt>.fbx</tt>, <tt>.usdz</tt>, <tt>.json</tt> (THREE.js), <tt>.dae</tt> and so on.</t>
<blockquote><t>It also allows <strong>sourceportation</strong>, which basically means the enduser can teleport to the original XR Document of an <tt>src</tt> embedded object, and see a visible connection to the particular embedded object.</t>
<li>the Y-coordinate of <tt>pos</tt> identifies the floorposition. This means that desktop-projections usually need to add 1.5m (average person height) on top (which is done automatically by VR/AR headsets).</li>
<li>set the position of the camera accordingly to the vector3 values of <tt>#pos</tt></li>
<li><tt>rot</tt> sets the rotation of the camera (only for non-VR/AR headsets)</li>
<li><tt>t</tt> sets the animation-range of the current scene animation(s) or <tt>src</tt>-mediacontent (video/audioframes e.g., use <tt>t=7,7</tt> to 'STOP' at certain frame)</li>
<li>in case an <tt>href</tt> does not mention any <tt>pos</tt>-coordinate, <tt>pos=0,0,0</tt> will be assumed</li>
In case of <tt>buttonA</tt> the end-user will be teleported to another location and time in the <strong>current loaded scene</strong>, but <tt>buttonB</tt> will <strong>replace the current scene</strong> with a new one, like <tt>other.fbx</tt>, and assume <tt>pos=0,0,0</tt>.</t>
<li>IF a <tt>#cube</tt> matches a custom property-key (of an object) in the 3D file/scene (<tt>#cube</tt>: <tt>#......</tt>) <b>THEN</b> execute that predefined_view.</li>
<li>IF scene operators (<tt>pos</tt>) and/or animation operator (<tt>t</tt>) are present in the URL then (re)position the camera and/or animation-range accordingly.</li>
<li>IF no camera-position has been set in <b>step 1 or 2</b> update the top-level URL with <tt>#pos=0,0,0</tt> (<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/navigator.js#L31]]">example</eref>)</li>
<li>IF a <tt>#cube</tt> matches the name (of an object) in the 3D file/scene then draw a line from the enduser('s heart) to that object (to highlight it).</li>
<li>IF a <tt>#cube</tt> matches anything else in the XR Word Graph (XRWG) draw wires to them (text or related objects).</li>
<t><tt>src</tt> is the 3D version of the <a target="_blank" href="https://www.w3.org/html/wiki/Elements/iframe">iframe</a>.<br/>
It instances content (in objects) in the current scene/asset.</t>
</table><t>Here's an ascii representation of a 3D scene-graph with 3D objects <tt>◻</tt> which embeds remote & local 3D objects <tt>◻</tt> with/out using queries:</t>
<t>An XR Fragment-compatible browser viewing this scene, lazy-loads and projects <tt>painting.png</tt> onto the (plane) object called <tt>canvas</tt> (which is copy-instanced in the bed and livingroom).<br/>
Also, after lazy-loading <tt>ocean.com/aquarium.gltf</tt>, only the queried objects <tt>bass</tt> and <tt>tuna</tt> will be instanced inside <tt>aquariumcube</tt>.<br/>
Resizing will be happen accordingly to its placeholder object <tt>aquariumcube</tt>, see chapter Scaling.<br/>
<blockquote><t>Instead of cherrypicking objects with <tt>#bass&tuna</tt> thru <tt>src</tt>, queries can be used to import the whole scene (and filter out certain objects). See next chapter below.</t>
<li>local/remote content is instanced by the <tt>src</tt> (query) value (and attaches it to the placeholder mesh containing the <tt>src</tt> property)</li>
<li><b>local</b><tt>src</tt> values (URL <strong>starting</strong> with <tt>#</tt>, like <tt>#cube&foo</tt>) means <strong>only</strong> the mentioned objectnames will be copied to the instanced scene (from the current scene) while preserving their names (to support recursive selectors). <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/src.js">(example code)</eref></li>
<li><b>local</b><tt>src</tt> values indicating a query (<tt>#q=</tt>), means that all included objects (from the current scene) will be copied to the instanced scene (before applying the query) while preserving their names (to support recursive selectors). <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/src.js">(example code)</eref></li>
<li>the instanced scene (from a <tt>src</tt> value) should be <b>scaled accordingly</b> to its placeholder object or <b>scaled relatively</b> based on the scale-property (of a geometry-less placeholder, an 'empty'-object in blender e.g.). For more info see Chapter Scaling.</li>
<li><b>external</b><tt>src</tt> (file) values should be served with appropriate mimetype (so the XR Fragment-compatible browser will now how to render it). The bare minimum supported mimetypes are:</li>
<li>when the placeholder object is a 2D plane, but the mimetype is 3D, then render the spatial content on that plane via a stencil buffer.</li>
<li>src-values are non-recursive: when linking to an external object (<tt>src: foo.fbx#bar</tt>), then <tt>src</tt>-metadata on object <tt>bar</tt> should be ignored.</li>
<li>clicking on external <tt>src</tt>-values always allow sourceportation: teleporting to the origin URI to which the object belongs.</li>
<li><t>clicking an ''external''- or ''file URI'' fully replaces the current scene and assumes <tt>pos=0,0,0&rot=0,0,0</tt> by default (unless specified)</t>
<li><t>relocation/reorientation should happen locally for local URI's (<tt>#pos=....</tt>)</t>
<li><t>navigation should not happen ''immediately'' when user is more than 2 meter away from the portal/object containing the href (to prevent accidental navigation e.g.)</t>
<li><t>URL navigation should always be reflected in the client (in case of javascript: see [<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/dev/src/3rd/js/three/navigator.js">here</eref> for an example navigator).</t>
<li><t>In XR mode, the navigator back/forward-buttons should be always visible (using a wearable e.g., see [<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/dev/example/aframe/sandbox/index.html#L26-L29">here</eref> for an example wearable)</t>
<li><t>in case of navigating to a new [[pos)ition, ''first'' navigate to the ''current position'' so that the ''back-button'' of the ''browser-history'' always refers to the previous position (see [<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/href.js#L97">here</eref>)</t>
<li><t>portal-rendering: a 2:1 ratio texture-material indicates an equirectangular projection</t>
<t><ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/3rd/js/three/xrf/href.js">» example implementation</eref><br/>
<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/example/assets/href.gltf#L192">» example 3D asset</eref><br/>
<t>End-users should always have read/write access to:</t>
<li>the current (toplevel) <b>URL</b> (an URLbar etc)</li>
<li>URL-history (a <b>back/forward</b> button e.g.)</li>
<li>Clicking/Touching an <tt>href</tt> navigates (and updates the URL) to another scene/file (and coordinate e.g. in case the URL contains XR Fragments).</li>
How does the scale of the object (with the embedded properties) impact the scale of the referenced content?<br/>
<blockquote><t>Rule of thumb: visible placeholder objects act as a '3D canvas' for the referenced scene (a plane acts like a 2D canvas for images e, a cube as a 3D canvas e.g.).</t>
<li><b>IF</b> an embedded property (<tt>src</tt> e.g.) is set on an non-empty placeholder object (geometry of >2 vertices):</li>
<li>calculate the <b>bounding box</b> of the ''placeholder'' object (maxsize=1.4 e.g.)</li>
<li>hide the ''placeholder'' object (material e.g.)</li>
<li>instance the <tt>src</tt> scene as a child of the existing object</li>
<li>calculate the <b>bounding box</b> of the instanced scene, and scale it accordingly (to 1.4 e.g.)</li>
<blockquote><t>REASON: non-empty placeholder object can act as a protective bounding-box (for remote content of which might grow over time e.g.)</t>
<li>ELSE multiply the scale-vector of the instanced scene with the scale-vector (a common property of a 3D node) of the <b>placeholder</b> object.</li>
<sectionanchor="xr-fragment-queries"><name>XR Fragment queries</name>
<t>Include, exclude, hide/shows objects using space-separated strings:</t>
<td>show everything except object named <tt>sky</tt></td>
<td><tt>#q=-tag:language tag:english</tt></td>
<td>hide everything with tag <tt>language</tt>, but show all tag <tt>english</tt> objects</td>
<td><tt>#q=price:>2 price:<5</tt></td>
<td>of all objects with property <tt>price</tt>, show only objects with value between 2 and 5</td>
</table><t>It's simple but powerful syntax which allows filtering the scene using searchengine prompt-style feeling:</t>
<li>queries are a way to traverse a scene, and filter objects based on their tag- or property-values.</li>
<li>words like <tt>german</tt> match tag-metadata of 3D objects like <tt>"tag":"german"</tt></li>
<li>words like <tt>german</tt> match (XR Text) objects with (Bib(s)TeX) tags like <tt>#KarlHeinz@german</tt> or <tt>@german{KarlHeinz, ...</tt> e.g.</li>
<li>see <ereftarget="https://coderofsalvation.github.io/xrfragment.media/queries.mp4">an (outdated) example video here</eref></li>
<li>create an associative array/object to store query-arguments as objects</li>
<li>detect object id's & properties <tt>foo:1</tt> and <tt>foo</tt> (reference regex: <tt>/^.*:[><=!]?/</tt> )</li>
<li>detect excluders like <tt>-foo</tt>,<tt>-foo:1</tt>,<tt>-.foo</tt>,<tt>-/foo</tt> (reference regex: <tt>/^-/</tt> )</li>
<li>detect root selectors like <tt>/foo</tt> (reference regex: <tt>/^[-]?\//</tt> )</li>
<li>detect number values like <tt>foo:1</tt> (reference regex: <tt>/^[0-9\.]+$/</tt> )</li>
<li>for every query token split string on <tt>:</tt></li>
<li>create an empty array <tt>rules</tt></li>
<li>then strip key-operator: convert "-foo" into "foo"</li>
<li>add operator and value to rule-array</li>
<li>therefore we we set <tt>id</tt> to <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> (false=excluder <tt>-</tt>)</li>
<li>and we set <tt>root</tt> to <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> (true=<tt>/</tt> root selector is present)</li>
<li>we convert key '/foo' into 'foo'</li>
<li>finally we add the key/value to the store like <tt>store.foo = {id:false,root:true}</tt> e.g.</li>
<blockquote><t>An example query-parser (which compiles to many languages) can be <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/main/src/xrfragment/Query.hx">found here</eref></t>
<t>When predefined views, XRWG fragments and ID fragments (<tt>#cube</tt> or <tt>#mytag</tt> e.g.) are triggered by the enduser (via toplevel URL or clicking <tt>href</tt>):</t>
<li>draw a wire from the enduser (preferabbly a bit below the camera, heartposition) to object(s) matching that ID (objectname)</li>
<li>draw a wire from the enduser (preferabbly a bit below the camera, heartposition) to object(s) matching that <tt>tag</tt> value</li>
<li>draw a wire from the enduser (preferabbly a bit below the camera, heartposition) to object(s) containing that in their <tt>src</tt> or <tt>href</tt> value</li>
<t>The obvious approach for this, is to consult the XRWG (<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/feat/macros/src/3rd/js/XRWG.js">example</eref>), which basically has all these things already collected/organized for you during scene-load.</t>
<li>do not update the wires when the enduser moves, leave them as is</li>
<li>offer a control near the back/forward button which allows the user to (turn off) control the correlation-intensity of the XRWG</li>
<blockquote><t>The XR Fragments does this by collapsing space into a <strong>Word Graph</strong> (the <strong>XRWG</strong><ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/feat/macros/src/3rd/js/XRWG.js">example</eref>), augmented by Bib(s)Tex.</t>
</blockquote><t>Instead of just throwing together all kinds media types into one experience (games), what about their tagged/semantical relationships?<br/>
Perhaps the following question is related: why is HTML adopted less in games outside the browser?
Through the lens of constructive lazy game-developers, ideally metadata must come <strong>with</strong> text, but not <strong>obfuscate</strong> the text, or <strong>spawning another request</strong> to fetch it.<br/>
XR Fragments does this by detecting Bib(s)Tex, without introducing a new language or fileformat<br/>
<blockquote><t>Why Bib(s)Tex? Because its seems to be the lowest common denominator for an human-curated XRWG (extendable by speech/scanner/writing/typing e.g, see <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs#bibs--bibtex-combo-lowest-common-denominator-for-linking-data">further motivation here</eref>)</t>
<li>XR Fragments promotes (de)serializing a scene to the XRWG (<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/xrfragment/blob/feat/macros/src/3rd/js/XRWG.js">example</eref>)</li>
<li>XR Fragments primes the XRWG, by collecting words from the <tt>tag</tt> and name-property of 3D objects.</li>
<li>XR Fragments primes the XRWG, by collecting words from <strong>optional</strong> metadata <strong>at the end of content</strong> of text (see default mimetype & Data URI)</li>
<li><ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">Bib's</eref> and BibTex are first tag citizens for priming the XRWG with words (from XR text)</li>
<li>Like Bibs, XR Fragments generalizes the BibTex author/title-semantics (<tt>author{title}</tt>) into <strong>this</strong> points to <strong>that</strong> (<tt>this{that}</tt>)</li>
<li>The XRWG should be recalculated when textvalues (in <tt>src</tt>) change</li>
<li>HTML/RDF/JSON is still great, but is beyond the XRWG-scope (they fit better in the application-layer)</li>
<li>Applications don't have to be able to access the XRWG programmatically, as they can easily generate one themselves by traversing the scene-nodes.</li>
<li>The XR Fragment focuses on fast and easy-to-generate end-user controllable word graphs (instead of complex implementations that try to defeat word ambiguity)</li>
<li>Tags are the scope for now (supporting <ereftarget="https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment">https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment</eref> will be considered)</li>
<blockquote><t>both <tt>#john@baroque</tt>-bib and BibTex <tt>@baroque{john}</tt> result in the same XRWG, however on top of that 2 tages (<tt>house</tt> and <tt>todo</tt>) are now associated with text/objectname/tag 'baroque'.</t>
</blockquote><t>As seen above, the XRWG can expand <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">bibs</eref> (and the whole scene) to BibTeX.<br/>
This allows hasslefree authoring and copy-paste of associations <strong>for and by humans</strong>, but also makes these URLs possible:</t>
</table><blockquote><t><ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">hashtagbibs</eref> potentially allow the enduser to annotate text/objects by <strong>speaking/typing/scanning associations</strong>, which the XR Browser saves to remotestorage (or localStorage per toplevel URL). As well as, referencing BibTags per URI later on: <tt>https://y.io/z.fbx#@baroque@todo</tt> e.g.</t>
</blockquote><t>The XRWG allows XR Browsers to show/hide relationships in realtime at various levels:</t>
Some pointers for good UX (but not necessary to be XR Fragment compatible):</t>
<li>The XR Browser needs to adjust tag-scope based on the endusers needs/focus (infinite tagging only makes sense when environment is scaled down significantly)</li>
<li>The XR Browser should always allow the human to view/edit the metadata, by clicking 'toggle metadata' on the 'back' (contextmenu e.g.) of any XR text, anywhere anytime.</li>
<li>respect multi-line BiBTeX metadata in text because of <ereftarget="#core-principle">the core principle</eref></li>
<li>Default font (unless specified otherwise) is a modern monospace font, for maximized tabular expressiveness (see <ereftarget="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>).</li>
<li>anti-pattern: hardcoupling an XR Browser with a mandatory <strong>markup/scripting-language</strong> which departs from onubtrusive plain text (HTML/VRML/Javascript) (see <ereftarget="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>anti-pattern: limiting human introspection, by abandoning plain text as first tag citizen.</li>
<blockquote><t>The simplicity of appending metadata (and leveling the metadata-playfield between humans and machines) is also demonstrated by <ereftarget="https://visual-meta.info">visual-meta</eref> in greater detail.</t>
</blockquote><t>Fictional chat:</t>
<artwork><John> Hey what about this: https://my.com/station.gltf#pos=0,0,1&rot=90,2,0&t=500,1000
<Sarah> I'm checking it right now
<Sarah> I don't see everything..where's our text from yesterday?
<John> Ah wait, that's tagged with tag 'draft' (and hidden)..hold on, try this:
<John> interesting, I'm importing mytrainstory.txt into station.gltf
<John> ah yes, chapter three points to trainterminal_2A in the scene, cool
<sectionanchor="default-data-uri-mimetype"><name>Default Data URI mimetype</name>
<t>The <tt>src</tt>-values work as expected (respecting mime-types), however:</t>
<t>The XR Fragment specification bumps the traditional default browser-mimetype</t>
<t>to a hashtagbib(tex)-friendly one:</t>
<t>This indicates that:</t>
<li>utf-8 is supported by default</li>
<li>lines beginning with <tt>@</tt> will not be rendered verbatim by default (<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs#hashtagbib-mimetypes">read more</eref>)</li>
<li>the XRWG should expand bibs to BibTex occurring in text (<tt>#contactjohn@todo@important</tt> e.g.)</li>
<t>By doing so, the XR Browser (applications-layer) can interpret microformats (<ereftarget="https://visual-meta.info">visual-meta</eref>
to connect text further with its environment ( setup links between textual/spatial objects automatically e.g.).</t>
<blockquote><t>for more info on this mimetype see <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">bibs</eref></t>
<li>auto-expanding of <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">hashtagbibs</eref> associations</li>
<li>out-of-the-box (de)multiplex human text and metadata in one go (see <ereftarget="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>no network-overhead for metadata (see <ereftarget="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>ensuring high FPS: HTML/RDF historically is too 'requesty'/'parsy' for game studios</li>
<li>rich send/receive/copy-paste everywhere by default, metadata being retained (see <ereftarget="#core-principle">the core principle</eref>)</li>
<li>netto result: less webservices, therefore less servers, and overall better FPS in XR</li>
<blockquote><t>This significantly expands expressiveness and portability of human tagged text, by <strong>postponing machine-concerns to the end of the human text</strong> in contrast to literal interweaving of content and markupsymbols (or extra network requests, webservices e.g.).</t>
</blockquote><t>For all other purposes, regular mimetypes can be used (but are not required by the spec).<br/>
<sectionanchor="url-and-data-uri"><name>URL and Data URI</name>
<t>The enduser will only see <tt>welcome human</tt> and <tt>Hello friends</tt> rendered verbatim (see mimetype).
The beauty is that text in Data URI automatically promotes rich copy-paste (retaining metadata).
In both cases, the text gets rendered immediately (onto a plane geometry, hence the name '_canvas').
The XR Fragment-compatible browser can let the enduser access visual-meta(data)-fields after interacting with the object (contextmenu e.g.).</t>
<blockquote><t>additional tagging using <ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">bibs</eref>: to tag spatial object <tt>note_canvas</tt> with 'todo', the enduser can type or speak <tt>#note_canvas@todo</tt></t>
<sectionanchor="xr-text-example-parser"><name>XR Text example parser</name>
<t>To prime the XRWG with text from plain text <tt>src</tt>-values, here's an example XR Text (de)multiplexer in javascript (which supports inline bibs & bibtex):</t>
<artwork>xrtext = {
expandBibs: (text) => {
let bibs = { regex: /(#[a-zA-Z0-9_+@\-]+(#)?)/g, tags: {}}
console.log( xrtext.encode(text,tags) ) // multiplex text & bibtex back together
<t>This expands to the following (hidden by default) BibTex appendix:</t>
<artwork>hello world
here are some hashtagbibs followed by bibtex:
asdf = {1}
abc = {123}
<blockquote><t>when an XR browser updates the human text, a quick scan for nonmatching tags (<tt>@book{nonmatchingbook</tt> e.g.) should be performed and prompt the enduser for deleting them.</t>
<t><strong>Q:</strong> Why is everything HTTP GET-based, what about POST/PUT/DELETE HATEOS<br/>
<strong>A:</strong> Because it's out of scope: XR Fragment specifies a read-only way to surf XR documents. These things belong in the application layer (for example, an XR Hypermedia browser can decide to support POST/PUT/DELETE requests for embedded HTML thru <tt>src</tt> values)</t>
<t><strong>Q:</strong> Why isn't there support for scripting
<strong>A:</strong> This is out of scope, and up to the XR hypermedia browser. Javascript seems to been able to turn webpages from hypermedia documents into its opposite (hyperscripted nonhypermedia documents). In order to prevent this backward-movement (hypermedia tends to liberate people from finnicky scripting) XR Fragments should never unhyperify itself by hardcoupling to a particular markup or scripting language. <ereftarget="https://xrfragment.org/doc/RFC_XR_Macros.html">XR Macro's</eref> are an example of something which is probably smarter and safer for hypermedia browsers to implement, instead of going full-in with a turing-complete scripting language (and suffer the security consequences later).</t>
<td>a 3D object which with src-metadata (which will be replaced by the src-data.)</td>
<td>(HTML-piggybacked) metadata of a 3D object which instances content</td>
<td>(HTML-piggybacked) metadata of a 3D object which links to content</td>
<td>an URI Fragment-operator which queries object(s) from a scene like <tt>#q=cube</tt></td>
<td><ereftarget="https://visual.meta.info">visual-meta</eref> data appended to text/books/papers which is indirectly visible/editable in XR.</td>
<td>requestless metadata</td>
<td>metadata which never spawns new requests (unlike RDF/HTML, which can cause framerate-dropping, hence not used a lot in games)</td>
<td>frames per second in spatial experiences (games,VR,AR e.g.), should be as high as possible</td>
<td>inward sensemaking ("I feel this belongs to that")</td>
<td>outward sensemaking ("I'm fairly sure John is a person who lives in oklahoma")</td>
<td>ascii representation of an 3D object/mesh</td>
<td>obtrusive: wrapping human text/thought in XML/HTML/JSON obfuscates human text into a salad of machine-symbols and words</td>
<td>simple tagging/citing/referencing standard for plaintext</td>
<td>a BibTeX tag</td>
<td>an easy to speak/type/scan tagging SDL (<ereftarget="https://github.com/coderofsalvation/hashtagbibs">see here</eref> which expands to BibTex/JSON/XML</td>