// poor man's way to move forward using hand gesture pinch

window.AFRAME.registerComponent('pinch-to-teleport', {
    rig: {type: "selector"}
  init: function(){
    this.el.addEventListener("pinchended", () => {
      // get the cameras world direction
      let direction = new THREE.Vector3()
      // multiply the direction by a "speed" factor
      // get the current position
      var pos = player.getAttribute("position")
      // add the direction vector
      pos.x += direction.x 
      pos.z += direction.z
      // set the new position
      this.data.rig.setAttribute("position", pos);
      // !!! NOTE - it would be more efficient to do the
      // position change on the players THREE.Object:
      // `player.object3D.position.add(direction)`
      // but it would break "getAttribute("position")