ISOTerminal.addEventListener('ready', function(e){ setTimeout( () => this.boot(), 50 ) // because of autorestore.js }) ISOTerminal.prototype.bootMenu = function(e){ = false // reset let msg = '\n\r' (m) => { msg += `\r[36m ${m.key})[0m ${m.title(this.opts)}\n` }) msg += `\n\r enter choice> ` this.emit('serial-output-string', msg) } ISOTerminal.addEventListener('bootmenu', function(e){ this.bootMenu() }) ISOTerminal.prototype.boot = async function(e){ // set environment let env = [ `export LINES=${this.opts.rows}`, `export COLUMNS=${this.opts.cols}`, 'export BROWSER=1', ] for ( let i in document.location ){ if( typeof document.location[i] == 'string' ){ env.push( 'export '+String(i).toUpperCase()+'="'+decodeURIComponent( document.location[i]+'"') ) } } await this.worker.create_file("profile.browser", this.convert.toUint8Array( env.join('\n') ) ) if( this.serial_input == 0 ){ if( !this.noboot ){ this.send("source /etc/profile # \\o/ FOSS powa!\n") } } } // here REPL's can be defined = [] // REPL: iso if( typeof window.PromiseWorker != 'undefined' ){ // if xrsh v86 is able to run in in worker { key: "1", title: (opts) => `boot [31m${String(opts.iso || "").replace(/.*\//,'')}[0m Linux ❤️ `, init: function(){ this.bootISO() }, keyHandler: function(ch){ this.send(ch) } // send to v86 webworker } ) } // REPL: jsconsole { key: "j", title: (opts) => "just give me an javascript-console in WebXR instantly", init: function(){ this.prompt = "\r[36m>[0m " this.emit('enable-console',{stdout:true}) this.emit('status',"javascript console") this.console = "" setTimeout( () => { this.emit('serial-output-string', this.prompt) }, 100 ) }, keyHandler: function(ch){ let erase = false if( ch == '\x7F' ){ ch = "\b \b" // why does write() not just support \x7F ? erase = true } this.emit('serial-output-string', ch) const reset = () => { this.console = "" setTimeout( () => { if( ) this.emit('serial-output-string', this.prompt) },100) } if( (ch == "\n" || ch == "\r") ){ try{ this.emit('serial-output-string', "\n\r") if( this.console ) eval(this.console) reset() }catch(e){ reset() throw e // re throw } }else{ if( erase ){ this.console = this.console.split('').slice(0,-1).join('') }else{ this.console += ch } } } } )