// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vetupinitsyn/vt100/refs/heads/coffeescript/public/javascripts/VT100.js // // VT100.js -- a text terminal emulator in JavaScript with a ncurses-like // interface and a POSIX-like interface. (The POSIX-like calls are // implemented on top of the ncurses-like calls, not the other way round.) // // required markup: // //

// // Released under the GNU LGPL v2.1, by Frank Bi // // // 2024-08-xx upgraded things to work in WebXR (xterm.js too heavy) // 2007-08-12 - refresh(): // - factor out colour code to html_colours_() // - fix handling of A_REVERSE | A_DIM // - simplify initial
output code // - fix underlining colour // - fix attron() not to turn off attributes // - decouple A_STANDOUT and A_BOLD // 2007-08-11 - getch() now calls refresh() // 2007-08-06 - Safari compat fix -- turn '\r' into '\n' for onkeypress // 2007-08-05 - Opera compat fixes for onkeypress // 2007-07-30 - IE compat fixes: // - change key handling code // - add
  so that 1st and last lines align // 2007-07-28 - change wrapping behaviour -- writing at the right edge no // longer causes the cursor to immediately wrap around // - add ... to output to make A_STANDOUT stand out more // - add handling of backspace, tab, return keys // - fix doc. of VT100() constructor // - change from GPL to LGPL // 2007-07-09 - initial release // // class VT100 // A_NORMAL, A_UNDERLINE, A_REVERSE, A_BLINK, A_DIM, A_BOLD, A_STANDOUT // =class constants= // Attribute constants. // VT100(wd, ht, scr_id) =constructor= // Creates a virtual terminal with width `wd', and // height `ht'. The terminal will be displayed between //
tags which have element ID `scr_id'. // addch(ch [, attr]) // Writes out the character `ch'. If `attr' is given, // it specifies the attributes for the character, // otherwise the current attributes are used. // addstr(stuff) Writes out the string `stuff' using the current // attributes. // attroff(mode) Turns off any current options given in mode. // attron(mode) Turns on any options given in mode. // attrset(mode) Sets the current options to mode. // bkgdset(attr) Sets the background attributes to attr. // clear() Clears the terminal using the background attributes, // and homes the cursor. // clrtobol() Clears the portion of the terminal from the cursor // to the bottom. // clrtoeol() Clears the portion of the current line after the // cursor. // curs_set(vis [, grab]) // If `vis' is 0, makes the cursor invisible; otherwise // make it visible. If `grab' is given and true, starts // capturing keyboard events (for `getch()'); if given // and false, stops capturing events. // echo() Causes key strokes to be automatically echoed on the // terminal. // erase() Same as `clear()'. // getch(isr) Arranges to call `isr' when a key stroke is // received. The received character and the terminal // object are passed as arguments to `isr'. // getmaxyx() Returns an associative array with the maximum row // (`y') and column (`x') numbers for the terminal. // getyx() Returns an associative array with the current row // (`y') and column (`x') of the cursor. // move(r, c) Moves the cursor to row `r', column `c'. // noecho() Stops automatically echoing key strokes. // refresh() Updates the display. // scroll() Scrolls the terminal up one line. // standend() Same as `attrset(VT100.A_NORMAL)'. // standout() Same as `attron(VT100.A_STANDOUT)'. // write(stuff) Writes `stuff' to the terminal and immediately // updates the display; (some) escape sequences are // interpreted and acted on. // constructor function VT100(opts) { this.opts = opts let {cols, rows, el_or_id, max_scroll_lines, fg, bg, nodim} = opts if (!max_scroll_lines) { max_scroll_lines = 1000; } if (typeof(fg) == 'undefined') { fg = VT100.COLOR_WHITE; } if (typeof(bg) == 'undefined') { bg = VT100.COLOR_TRANSPARENT //COLOR_BLACK; } console.dir(opts) var r; var c; var scr = typeof el_or_id == 'string' ? document.getElementById(el_or_id) : el_or_id this.wd_ = cols; this.ht_ = rows; // Keep up to max_scroll_lines of scrollback history. this.max_ht_ = max_scroll_lines; this._set_colors(fg, bg); this.text_ = new Array(rows); this.attr_ = new Array(rows); this.redraw_ = new Array(rows); this.scroll_region_ = [0, rows-1]; this.start_row_id = 0; this.num_rows_ = rows; for (r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { this.text_[r] = new Array(cols); this.attr_[r] = new Array(cols); this.redraw_[r] = 1; } this.scr_ = scr; this.scr_.style.display = 'block' this.scr_.style.overflowY = 'scroll' this.scr_.style.height = '100%' this.setupTouchInputFallback() // smartphone/android this.cursor_vis_ = true; this.cursor_key_mode_ = VT100.CK_CURSOR; this.grab_events_ = false; this.getch_isr_ = undefined; this.key_buf_ = []; this.echo_ = false; this.esc_state_ = 0; this.log_level_ = VT100.WARN //VT100.DEBUG this.clear_all(); // rate limit this.refresh this.refresh = this.throttleSmart( VT100.prototype.refresh.bind(this), 100) } // public constants -- colours and colour pairs VT100.COLOR_TRANSPARENT = -1; VT100.COLOR_BLACK = 0; VT100.COLOR_BLUE = 1; VT100.COLOR_GREEN = 2; VT100.COLOR_CYAN = 3; VT100.COLOR_RED = 4; VT100.COLOR_MAGENTA = 5; VT100.COLOR_YELLOW = 6; VT100.COLOR_WHITE = 7; VT100.COLOR_PAIRS = 256; VT100.COLORS = 8; // Cursor key modes. VT100.CK_CURSOR = 0; VT100.CK_APPLICATION = 1; // public constants -- attributes VT100.A_NORMAL = 0; VT100.A_UNDERLINE = 1; VT100.A_REVERSE = 2; VT100.A_BLINK = 4; VT100.A_DIM = 8; VT100.A_BOLD = 16; VT100.A_STANDOUT = 32; VT100.A_PROTECT = VT100.A_INVIS = 0; // ? // other public constants VT100.TABSIZE = 8; // private constants VT100.ATTR_FLAGS_ = VT100.A_UNDERLINE | VT100.A_REVERSE | VT100.A_BLINK | VT100.A_DIM | VT100.A_BOLD | VT100.A_STANDOUT | VT100.A_PROTECT | VT100.A_INVIS; VT100.COLOR_SHIFT_ = 6; VT100.browser_ie_ = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1); VT100.browser_opera_ = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Opera") != -1); // logging levels VT100.WARN = 1; VT100.INFO = 2; VT100.DEBUG = 3; // class variables VT100.the_vt_ = undefined; // class methods // this is actually an event handler VT100.handle_onkeypress_ = function VT100_handle_onkeypress(event,cb) { //dump("event target: " + event.target.id + "\n"); //dump("event originalTarget: " + event.originalTarget.id + "\n"); var vt = VT100.the_vt_, ch; if (vt === undefined) return true; //if ( event.keyCode != undefined || !event.charCode){ // ch = event.keyCode; // if (ch == 13) // ch = 10; // else if (ch > 255 || (ch < 32 && ch != 8)) // return true; // ch = String.fromCharCode(ch); //} else { //dump("ch: " + ch + "\n"); //dump("ctrl?: " + event.ctrlKey + "\n"); vt.debug("onkeypress:: ch: " + event.code + " ,key: "+event.key); if (event.key.length == 1) { ch = event.key.charCodeAt(0) if (ch > 255) return true; if (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey) { // Don't send the copy/paste commands. var charStr = String.fromCharCode(ch); if (charStr == 'C' || charStr == 'V') { return false; } } if (event.ctrlKey) { ch = String.fromCharCode(ch - 96); } else { ch = String.fromCharCode(ch); if (ch == '\r') ch = '\n'; } } else { switch (event.code) { case "Backspace": ch = '\b'; break; case "Tab": ch = '\t'; break; case "Enter": ch = '\n'; break; case "ArrowUp": if (this.cursor_key_mode_ == VT100.CK_CURSOR) ch = '\x1b[A'; else ch = '\x1bOA'; break; case "ArrowDown": if (this.cursor_key_mode_ == VT100.CK_CURSOR) ch = '\x1b[B'; else ch = '\x1bOB'; break; case "ArrowRight": if (this.cursor_key_mode_ == VT100.CK_CURSOR) ch = '\x1b[C'; else ch = '\x1bOC'; break; case "ArrowLeft": if (this.cursor_key_mode_ == VT100.CK_CURSOR) ch = '\x1b[D'; else ch = '\x1bOD'; break; case "Delete": ch = '\x1b[3~'; break; case "Home": ch = '\x1b[H'; break; case "Escape": ch = '\x1b'; case "Control": break; case "PageDown": ch = '\x1b[6~'; break; case "PageUp": ch = '\x1b[5~'; break; default: return true break; } } // custom map override if( vt.opts.map[ event.code ]?.ch ) ch = vt.opts.map[ event.code ].ch if( vt.opts.map[ event.code ]?.ctrl && event.ctrlKey ) ch = vt.opts.map[ event.code ].ctrl // Workaround: top the event from doing anything else. // (prevent input from adding characters instead of via VM) event.preventDefault() vt.key_buf_.push(ch); if( cb ){ cb(vt.key_buf_) vt.key_buf_ = [] }else setTimeout(VT100.go_getch_, 0); return false; } // this is actually an event handler VT100.handle_onkeydown_ = function VT100_handle_onkeydown() { var vt = VT100.the_vt_, ch; switch (event.keyCode) { case 8: ch = '\b'; break; default: return true; } event.preventDefault() vt.key_buf_.push(ch); setTimeout(VT100.go_getch_, 0); return false; } VT100.go_getch_ = function VT100_go_getch() { var vt = VT100.the_vt_; if (vt === undefined) return; var isr = vt.getch_isr_; //vt.getch_isr_ = undefined; if (isr === undefined) return; var ch = vt.key_buf_.shift(); if (ch === undefined) { vt.getch_isr_ = isr; return; } if (vt.echo_) vt.addch(ch); isr(ch, vt); } // object methods VT100.prototype.may_scroll_ = function VT100_may_scroll_() { var ht = this.ht_, cr = this.row_; while (cr >= ht) { this.scroll(); --cr; } this.row_ = cr; } VT100.prototype.html_colours_ = function VT100_html_colours_(attr) { var fg, bg, co0, co1; fg = attr.fg; bg = attr.bg; switch (attr.mode & (VT100.A_REVERSE | VT100.A_DIM | VT100.A_BOLD)) { case 0: case VT100.A_DIM | VT100.A_BOLD: co0 = '00'; if (bg == VT100.COLOR_WHITE) co1 = 'ff'; else co1 = 'c0'; break; case VT100.A_BOLD: co0 = '00'; co1 = 'ff'; break; case VT100.A_DIM: if (fg == VT100.COLOR_BLACK) co0 = '40'; else co0 = '00'; co1 = '40'; break; case VT100.A_REVERSE: case VT100.A_REVERSE | VT100.A_DIM | VT100.A_BOLD: co0 = 'c0'; co1 = 'ff'; break; case VT100.A_REVERSE | VT100.A_BOLD: co0 = 'c0'; co1 = '00'; break; default: if (fg == VT100.COLOR_BLACK) co0 = '80'; else co0 = 'c0'; co1 = 'c0'; } return { f: '#' + (fg & 4 ? co1 : co0) + (fg & 2 ? co1 : co0) + (fg & 1 ? co1 : co0), b: attr.bg == VT100.COLOR_TRANSPARENT ? 'transparent' : '#' + (bg & 4 ? co1 : co0) + (bg & 2 ? co1 : co0) + (bg & 1 ? co1 : co0) }; } VT100.prototype.addch = function VT100_addch(ch, attr) { var cc = this.col_; this.debug("addch:: ch: " + ch + ", attr: " + attr); this.redraw_[this.row_] = 1; switch (ch) { case '\b': if (cc != 0) --cc; break; case '\n': ++this.row_; cc = 0; this.clrtoeol(); this.may_scroll_(); break; case '\r': this.may_scroll_(); cc = 0; break; case '\t': this.may_scroll_(); cc += VT100.TABSIZE - cc % VT100.TABSIZE; if (cc >= this.wd_) { ++this.row_; cc -= this.wd_; } break; default: if (attr === undefined) { attr = this.c_attr_; } if (cc >= this.wd_) { ++this.row_; cc = 0; this.may_scroll_(); } this.text_[this.row_][cc] = ch; this.attr_[this.row_][cc] = attr; ++cc; } this.col_ = cc; } VT100.prototype.addstr = function VT100_addstr(stuff) { for (var i = 0; i < stuff.length; ++i) this.addch(stuff.charAt(i)); } VT100.prototype._cloneAttr = function VT100_cloneAttr(a) { return { mode: a.mode, fg: a.fg, bg: a.bg }; } VT100.prototype.attroff = function(a) { //dump("attroff: " + a + "\n"); a &= VT100.ATTR_FLAGS_; this.c_attr_ = this._cloneAttr(this.c_attr_); this.c_attr_.mode &= ~a; } VT100.prototype.attron = function(a) { //dump("attron: " + a + "\n"); a &= VT100.ATTR_FLAGS_; this.c_attr_ = this._cloneAttr(this.c_attr_); this.c_attr_.mode |= a; } VT100.prototype.attrset = function(a) { //dump("attrset: " + a + "\n"); this.c_attr_ = this._cloneAttr(this.c_attr_); this.c_attr_.mode = a; } VT100.prototype.fgset = function(fg) { //dump("fgset: " + fg + "\n"); this.c_attr_ = this._cloneAttr(this.c_attr_); this.c_attr_.fg = fg; } VT100.prototype.bgset = function(bg) { //dump("bgset: " + bg + "\n"); this.c_attr_ = this._cloneAttr(this.c_attr_); this.c_attr_.bg = bg; } VT100.prototype.bkgdset = function(a) { this.bkgd_ = a; } VT100.prototype.clear_all = function VT100_clear_all() { this.info("clear_all"); this.clear(); var elem = this.scr_; var firstChild = elem.firstChild; while (firstChild) { elem.removeChild(firstChild); firstChild = elem.firstChild; } this.num_rows_ = this.ht_; this.start_row_id = 0; // Create the content element which will contain the terminal output. // The html rows are added as a group of rows, making it easy to later // delete a bunch of rows in one go when they have scrolled off the end. var group_element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"); elem.appendChild(group_element); this.group_element_ = group_element; } VT100.prototype.clear = function VT100_clear() { this.info("clear"); this.row_ = this.col_ = 0; var r, c; for (r = 0; r < this.ht_; ++r) { for (c = 0; c < this.wd_; ++c) { this.text_[r][c] = ' '; this.attr_[r][c] = this.bkgd_; } this.redraw_[r] = 1; } } VT100.prototype.clrtobot = function VT100_clrtobot() { this.info("clrtobot, row: " + this.row_); var ht = this.ht_; var wd = this.wd_; this.clrtoeol(); var attr = this.c_attr_ ? this.c_attr_ : this.bkgd_; for (var r = this.row_ + 1; r < ht; ++r) { for (var c = 0; c < wd; ++c) { this.text_[r][c] = ' '; this.attr_[r][c] = attr; } this.redraw_[r] = 1; } } VT100.prototype.clrtoeol = function VT100_clrtoeol() { this.info("clrtoeol, col: " + this.col_); var r = this.row_; if (r >= this.ht_) return; var attr = this.c_attr_ ? this.c_attr_ : this.bkgd_; for (var c = this.col_; c < this.wd_; ++c) { this.text_[r][c] = ' '; this.attr_[r][c] = attr; } this.redraw_[r] = 1; } VT100.prototype.clearpos = function VT100_clearpos(row, col) { this.info("clearpos (" + row + ", " + col + ")"); if (row < 0 || row >= this.ht_) return; if (col < 0 || col >= this.wd_) return; this.text_[row][col] = ' '; this.attr_[row][col] = this.bkgd_; this.redraw_[row] = 1; } VT100.prototype.curs_set = function(vis, grab, offscreenKB) { // offscreenKB is a div which receives keys from physical kb's // but not from touch keyboards (they require an input-field) // hence setupTouchInputFallback()..this is how we seperate the two this.info("curs_set:: vis: " + vis + ", grab: " + grab); if (vis !== undefined){ this.cursor_vis_ = (vis > 0); } if (offscreenKB === undefined) offscreenKB = this.scr_; if (grab === true || grab === false) { if (grab === this.grab_events_) return; if (grab) { this.grab_events_ = true; VT100.the_vt_ = this; offscreenKB.addEventListener("keypress", VT100.handle_onkeypress_, false); offscreenKB.addEventListener("keydown", VT100.handle_onkeypress_, false); } else { offscreenKB.removeEventListener("keypress", VT100.handle_onkeypress_, false); offscreenKB.removeEventListener("keydown", VT100.handle_onkeypress_, false); this.grab_events_ = false; VT100.the_vt_ = undefined; } } } VT100.prototype.echo = function() { this.info("echo on"); this.echo_ = true; } VT100.prototype.erase = VT100.prototype.clear; VT100.prototype.getch = function(isr) { this.info("getch"); this.refresh(); this.getch_isr_ = isr; setTimeout(VT100.go_getch_, 0); } VT100.prototype.getmaxyx = function() { return { y: this.ht_ - 1, x: this.wd_ - 1 }; } VT100.prototype.getyx = function() { return { y: this.row_, x: this.col_ }; } VT100.prototype.move = function(r, c) { this.info("move: (" + r + ", " + c + ")"); this.redraw_[this.row_] = 1; if (r < 0) r = 0; else if (r >= this.ht_) r = this.ht_ - 1; if (c < 0) c = 0; else if (c >= this.wd_) c = this.wd_ - 1; this.row_ = r; this.col_ = c; this.redraw_[this.row_] = 1; } VT100.prototype.noecho = function() { this.info("echo off"); this.echo_ = false; } VT100.prototype.refresh = function VT100_refresh() { //this.info("refresh"); var r, c, html = "", row_html, start_tag = "", end_tag = "", at = -1, n_at, ch, pair, added_end_tag; var ht = this.ht_; var wd = this.wd_; var cr = this.row_; var cc = this.col_; var cv = this.cursor_vis_; if (cc >= wd) cc = wd - 1; var base_row_id = this.num_rows_ - ht; var id; // XXX: Remove older rows if past max_ht_ rows. var num_rows = this.num_rows_ - this.start_row_id; if ( this.scr_.firstChild && num_rows >= (this.max_ht_ + 100)) { // Remove one group of rows (i.e. a 100 rows). this.scr_.removeChild(this.scr_.firstChild); this.start_row_id += 100; } for (r = 0; r < ht; ++r) { if (!this.redraw_[r]) { continue; } //dump("Redrawing row: " + r + "\n"); this.redraw_[r] = 0; id = base_row_id + r; row_html = ""; for (c = 0; c < wd; ++c) { added_end_tag = false; n_at = this.attr_[r][c]; const drawCursor = cv && r == cr && c == cc if (drawCursor){ // Draw the cursor here. n_at = this._cloneAttr(n_at); n_at.mode ^= VT100.A_REVERSE; } // If the attributes changed, make a new span. if (n_at.mode != at.mode || n_at.fg != at.fg || n_at.bg != at.bg) { if (c > 0) { row_html += end_tag; } start_tag = ""; end_tag = ""; if (n_at.mode & VT100.A_BLINK) { start_tag = ""; end_tag = "" + end_tag; } //if (n_at.mode & VT100.A_STANDOUT) // n_at.mode |= VT100.A_BOLD; pair = this.html_colours_(n_at); start_tag += ''; row_html += start_tag; end_tag = "" + end_tag; at = n_at; added_end_tag = true; } else if (c == 0) { row_html += start_tag; } ch = this.text_[r][c]; switch (ch) { case '&': row_html += '&'; break; case '<': row_html += '<'; break; case '>': row_html += '>'; break; case ' ': row_html += ' '; break; //row_html += ' '; break; default: row_html += ch; } } if (!added_end_tag) row_html += end_tag; var div_element = document.getElementById(id); if (!div_element) { // Create a new div to append to. div_element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"); div_element.setAttribute("id", id); if ((id % 100) == 99) { // Create a new group of rows. this.group_element_ = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"); this.scr_.appendChild(this.group_element_); } this.group_element_.appendChild(div_element); } div_element.innerHTML = row_html; //dump("adding row html: " + row_html + "\n"); } this.scr_.scrollTop = this.scr_.scrollHeight this.curs_set(1) } VT100.prototype.set_max_scroll_lines = function(max_lines) { this.max_ht_ = max_lines; } VT100.prototype._set_colors = function(fg_color, bg_color) { this.bkgd_ = { mode: VT100.A_NORMAL, fg: fg_color, bg: bg_color }; this.c_attr_ = { mode: VT100.A_NORMAL, fg: fg_color, bg: bg_color }; } VT100.prototype.set_fg_color = function(fg_color) { this._set_colors(fg_color, this.bkgd_.bg); } VT100.prototype.set_bg_color = function(bg_color) { this._set_colors(this.bkgd_.fg, bg_color); } VT100.prototype.set_scrolling_region = function(start, end) { start = Math.max(0, Math.min(start, this.ht_ - 1)); end = Math.max(0, Math.min(end, this.ht_ - 1)); this.scroll_region_ = [start, end]; } VT100.prototype.scroll = function() { var bottom = this.scroll_region_[0]; var top = this.scroll_region_[1]; var roll_rows = (this.row_ == (this.ht_ - 1)); var n_text = this.text_[bottom], n_attr = this.attr_[bottom], wd = this.wd_; for (var r = bottom+1; r <= top; ++r) { this.text_[r - 1] = this.text_[r]; this.attr_[r - 1] = this.attr_[r]; this.redraw_[r - 1] = !roll_rows || this.redraw_[r]; } this.text_[top] = n_text; this.attr_[top] = n_attr; this.redraw_[top] = 1; for (var c = 0; c < wd; ++c) { n_text[c] = ' '; n_attr[c] = this.bkgd_; } if (roll_rows) this.num_rows_ += 1; } VT100.prototype.scrollup = function() { var bottom = this.scroll_region_[0]; var top = this.scroll_region_[1]; var wd = this.wd_; var n_text = this.text_[top], n_attr = this.attr_[top]; for (var r = top; r > bottom; r--) { this.text_[r] = this.text_[r - 1]; this.attr_[r] = this.attr_[r - 1]; this.redraw_[r] = 1; } this.text_[bottom] = n_text; this.attr_[bottom] = n_attr; for (var c = 0; c < wd; ++c) { n_text[c] = ' '; n_attr[c] = this.bkgd_; } this.redraw_[bottom] = 1; } VT100.prototype.standend = function() { //this.info("standend"); this.attrset(0); } VT100.prototype.standout = function() { //this.info("standout"); this.attron(VT100.A_STANDOUT); } VT100.prototype.write = function VT100_write(stuff) { var ch, x, r, c, i, j, cv; var ht = this.ht_; var codes = ""; var prev_esc_state_ = 0; var undrawn_rows; var ht_minus1 = ht - 1; var start_row_offset = ht - this.row_; var start_num_rows = this.num_rows_; for (i = 0; i < stuff.length; ++i) { // Refresh when there are undrawn rows that are about to be // scrolled off the screen, need to draw these rows before // the scrolling occurs, otherwise they will never be visible. undrawn_rows = (this.num_rows_ - start_num_rows) + start_row_offset; if (undrawn_rows >= ht) { cv = this.cursor_vis_; this.cursor_vis_ = false; this.refresh(); this.cursor_vis_ = cv; start_row_offset = ht - this.row_; start_num_rows = this.num_rows_; //dump("refreshed\n"); } ch = stuff.charAt(i); //alert(this.esc_state_); if (this.log_level_ >= VT100.INFO) { if (ch == '\x1b') { code = "ESC"; } else { code = this.escape(ch); } this.debug(" write:: ch: " + ch.charCodeAt(0) + ", '" + code + "'"); codes += code; } switch (ch) { case '\x00': case '\x7f': continue; case '\x07': /* bell, ignore it (UNLESS waiting for OSC terminator, see below */ if (this.esc_state_ != 8) { this.debug(" ignoring bell character: " + ch); continue; } break; // This is NOT an Escape sequence //case '\a': case '\b': case '\t': case '\r': this.addch(ch); continue; case '\n': case '\v': case '\f': // what a mess r = this.row_; if (r >= this.scroll_region_[1]) { this.scroll(); this.move(this.scroll_region_[1], 0); } else { this.move(r + 1, 0); } continue; case '\x18': case '\x1a': this.esc_state_ = 0; this.debug(" set escape state: 0"); continue; case '\x1b': this.esc_state_ = 1; this.debug(" set escape state: 1"); continue; case '\x9b': this.esc_state_ = 2; this.debug(" set escape state: 2"); continue; case '\x9d': this.osc_Ps = this.osc_Pt = ""; this.esc_state_ = 7; this.debug(" set escape state: 7"); continue; } prev_esc_state_ = this.esc_state_; // not a recognized control character switch (this.esc_state_) { case 0: // not in escape sequence this.addch(ch); break; case 1: // just saw ESC switch (ch) { case '[': this.esc_state_ = 2; this.debug(" set escape state: 2"); break; case ']': this.osc_Ps = this.osc_Pt = ""; this.esc_state_ = 7; this.debug(" set escape state: 7"); break; case '(': case ')': this.esc_state_ = 10; this.debug(" set escape state: 10"); break; case '=': /* Set keypade mode (ignored) */ this.info(" set keypade mode: ignored"); this.esc_state_ = 0; break; case '>': /* Reset keypade mode (ignored) */ this.info(" reset keypade mode: ignored"); this.esc_state_ = 0; break; case 'H': /* Set tab at cursor column (ignored) */ this.info(" set tab cursor column: ignored"); this.esc_state_ = 0; break; case 'D': /* Scroll display down one line */ this.scroll(); this.esc_state_ = 0; break; case 'D': /* Scroll display down one line */ this.scroll(); this.esc_state_ = 0; case 'M': /* Scroll display up one line */ this.scrollup(); this.esc_state_ = 0; break; } break; case 2: // just saw CSI switch (ch) { case 'K': /* Erase in Line */ this.esc_state_ = 0; this.clrtoeol(); continue; case 'H': /* Move to (0,0). */ this.esc_state_ = 0; this.move(0, 0); continue; case 'J': /* Clear to the bottom. */ this.esc_state_ = 0; this.clrtobot(); continue; case 'r': /* Reset scrolling region. */ this.esc_state_ = 0; this.set_scrolling_region(0, this.ht_ - 1); continue; case '?': /* Special VT100 mode handling. */ this.esc_state_ = 5; this.debug(" special vt100 mode"); continue; } // Drop through to next case. this.csi_parms_ = [0]; //this.debug(" set escape state: 3"); this.esc_state_ = 3; case 3: // saw CSI and parameters switch (ch) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': x = this.csi_parms_.pop(); this.csi_parms_.push(x * 10 + ch * 1); this.debug(" csi_parms_: " + this.csi_parms_); continue; case ';': if (this.csi_parms_.length < 17) this.csi_parms_.push(0); continue; } this.esc_state_ = 0; switch (ch) { case 'A': // Cursor Up [{COUNT}A this.move(this.row_ - Math.max(1, this.csi_parms_[0]), this.col_); break; case 'B': // Cursor Down [{COUNT}B this.move(this.row_ + Math.max(1, this.csi_parms_[0]), this.col_); break; case 'C': // Cursor Forward [{COUNT}C this.move(this.row_, this.col_ + Math.max(1, this.csi_parms_[0])); break; case 'D': // Cursor Backward [{COUNT}D this.move(this.row_, this.col_ - Math.max(1, this.csi_parms_[0])); break; /* TODO: E and F are untested, G and d are not tested thoroughly */ case 'E': // Cursor Next Line this.move(this.row_ + Math.max(1, this.csi_parms_[0]), 0); break; case 'F': // Cursor Previous Line this.move(this.row_ - Math.max(1, this.csi_parms_[0]), 0); break; case 'G': // Cursor Horizontal Absolute this.move(this.row_, this.csi_parms_[0] - 1); break; case 'd': // Line Position Absolute this.move(this.csi_parms_[0] - 1, this.col_); break; case 'f': case 'H': // Cursor Home [{ROW};{COLUMN}H this.csi_parms_.push(0); this.move(this.csi_parms_[0] - 1, this.csi_parms_[1] - 1); break; case 'J': switch (this.csi_parms_[0]) { case 0: this.clrtobot(); break; case 2: this.clear(); this.move(0, 0); } break; case 'm': for (j=0; j 89 && x < 98 && this.opts.rainbow ){ const rainbow = this.opts.rainbow this.fgset( rainbow[ x % rainbow.length ] ) } switch (x) { case 0: this.standend(); this.fgset(this.bkgd_.fg); this.bgset(this.bkgd_.bg); break; case 1: this.attron(VT100.A_BOLD); break; case 2: this.attroff(VT100.A_BOLD); break; case 4: this.attron(VT100.A_UNDERLINE); break; case 5: this.attron(VT100.A_BLINK); break; case 7: this.attron(VT100.A_REVERSE); break; case 8: this.attron(VT100.A_INVIS); break; case 30: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_BLACK); break; case 31: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_RED); break; case 32: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_GREEN); break; case 33: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_YELLOW); break; case 34: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_BLUE); break; case 35: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_MAGENTA); break; case 36: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_CYAN); break; case 37: this.fgset(VT100.COLOR_WHITE); break; case 39: this.fgset(this.bkgd_.fg); break; case 40: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_BLACK); break; case 41: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_RED); break; case 42: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_GREEN); break; case 43: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_YELLOW); break; case 44: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_BLUE); break; case 45: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_MAGENTA); break; case 46: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_CYAN); break; case 47: this.bgset(VT100.COLOR_WHITE); break; case 49: this.bgset(this.bkgd_.bg); break; } } break; case 'r': // 1,24r - set scrolling region this.set_scrolling_region(this.csi_parms_[0] - 1, this.csi_parms_[1] - 1); break; case '[': this.debug(" set escape state: 4"); this.esc_state_ = 4; break; case 'g': // 0g: clear tab at cursor (ignored) // 3g: clear all tabs (ignored) if (this.csi_parms_[0] == 3) this.clear_all(); break; default: this.warn(" unknown command: " + ch); this.csi_parms_ = []; return break; } break; case 4: // saw CSI [ this.esc_state_ = 0; // gobble char. break; case 5: // Special mode handling, saw [? // Expect a number - the reset type this.csi_parms_ = [ch]; this.esc_state_ = 6; break; case 6: // Reset mode handling, saw [?1 // Expect a letter - the mode target, example: // [?1h : Set cursor key mode to application // [?3h : Set number of columns to 132 // [?4h : Set smooth scrolling // [?5h : Set reverse video on screen // [?6h : Set origin to relative // [?7h : Set auto-wrap mode // [?8h : Set auto-repeat mode // [?9h : Set interlacing mode // [?1l : Set cursor key mode to cursor // [?2l : Set VT52 (versus ANSI) compatible // [?3l : Set number of columns to 80 // [?4l : Set jump scrolling // [?5l : Set normal video on screen // [?6l : Set origin to absolute // [?7l : Reset auto-wrap mode // [?8l : Reset auto-repeat mode // [?9l : Reset interlacing mode // XXX: Ignored for now. //dump("Saw reset mode: [?" + this.csi_parms_[0] + ch + "\n"); if (ch != 'h' && ch != 'l') { this.csi_parms_.push(ch); continue; } var command = this.csi_parms_.join('') + ch; if (command == '1h') { this.cursor_key_mode_ = VT100.CK_APPLICATION; } else if (command == '1l') { this.cursor_key_mode_ = VT100.CK_CURSOR; } this.esc_state_ = 0; //this.debug(" set escape state: 0"); break; /* * OSC commands (http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html) * There are two of them: * OSC Ps ; Pt ST * OSC Ps ; Pt BEL * * OSC is 0x9d, ST is either 0x9c or 0x1b \ * esc_state_ == 7 OSC found * == 8 ; found * == 9 ESC occured in OSC, awaiting \ * Ps and Pt are stored in osc_Ps and osc_Pt, respectively */ case 7: if (ch == ';') { this.debug(" set escape state: 8"); this.esc_state_ = 8; } else { this.osc_Ps += ch; } break; case 8: if (ch == '\x07' || ch == '\x9c') { this.esc_state_ = 0; //alert(this.osc_Ps + ' ' + this.osc_Pt); } else if (ch == '\x1b') { this.debug(" set escape state: 8"); this.esc_state_ = 9; } else { this.osc_Pt += ch; } break; case 9: if (ch != '\\') { this.warn(" unknown command: " + ch) } else { this.esc_state_ = 0; //alert(this.osc_Ps + ' ' + this.osc_Pt); } break; case 10: /* Just ignore them for now */ this.esc_state = 0; break; } if ((prev_esc_state_ > 0 && this.esc_state_ == 0) || (prev_esc_state_ == 0 && this.esc_state_ > 0)) { this.info("codes: " + this.escape(codes)); codes = ""; } } this.refresh(); } VT100.prototype.escape = function VT100_escape(message) { var escape_codes = { "\r": "\\r", "\n": "\\n", "\t": "\\t" }; for (var prop in escape_codes) { message = message.replace(prop, escape_codes[prop], "g"); } return message; } VT100.prototype.debug = function VT100_debug(message) { if (this.log_level_ >= VT100.DEBUG) { dump(message + "\n"); } } VT100.prototype.info = function VT100_info(message) { if (this.log_level_ >= VT100.INFO) { dump(message + "\n"); } } VT100.prototype.warn = function VT100_warn(message) { if (this.log_level_ >= VT100.WARN) { dump(message + "\n"); } } VT100.prototype.throttleSmart = function throttleSmart(fn, wait) { let timeout, lastArgs; return (...args) => { lastArgs = lastArgs || [] if (!timeout) { fn(...args); timeout = setTimeout(() => { fn(...lastArgs); timeout = null; }, wait); } else lastArgs = args; }; } VT100.prototype.setupTouchInputFallback = function(){ if( !this.input ){ this.upload = document.createElement("input") this.upload.setAttribute("type", "file") this.upload.style.opacity = '0' this.upload.style.position = 'absolute' this.upload.style.left = '-9999px' this.input = document.createElement("input") this.input.setAttribute("type", "text") this.input.setAttribute("cols", this.opts.cols ) this.input.setAttribute("rows", this.opts.rows ) this.input.style.opacity = '0' this.input.style.position = 'absolute' this.input.style.left = '-9999px' this.form = document.createElement("form") this.form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault() this.key_buf_.push('\n') setTimeout(VT100.go_getch_, 0); return false }) this.form.appendChild(this.upload) this.form.appendChild(this.input) this.scr_.parentElement.appendChild(this.form) this.input.addEventListener('blur', () => { if( this.input.value != '' ){ ch = '\n' this.key_buf_.push(ch); setTimeout(VT100.go_getch_, 0); this.input.value = '' } }) this.input.addEventListener("keydown", VT100.handle_onkeypress_, false); this.input.handler = (e) => { let ch let isEnter = String(e?.key).toLowerCase() == "enter" || e?.code == 13 let isBackspace = String(e?.key).toLowerCase() == "backspace" || e?.code == 8 if( isEnter ){ ch = '\n' }else if( isBackspace ){ ch = '\b' // naive }else{ ch = this.input.value.substr(-1) } // detect backspace if( !ch ) return this.key_buf_.push(ch); setTimeout(VT100.go_getch_, 0); this.input.lastValue = this.input.value } this.input.addEventListener('input', (e) => this.input.handler(e) ) this.scr_.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => this.focus() ) this.scr_.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.focus() ) } this.useFallbackInput = true this.focus() } VT100.prototype.focus = function(){ setTimeout( () => { const el = this[ this.useFallbackInput ? 'input' : 'scr_' ] el.focus() }, 10 ) } window.keyboard = function(n){ let msg = 'unknown keyboard' if( n == 0 ){ msg = "using onscreen keyboard" VT100.the_vt_.useFallbackInput = true VT100.the_vt_.focus() } if( n == 1 ){ msg = "using offscreen keyboard" VT100.the_vt_.useFallbackInput = false VT100.the_vt_.focus() } return msg } function dump(x) { // Do nothing console.log(x) }