# (new)user friendlyness
alias vi='echo -e "HINT: type :q (and press enter) to quit\n[press a key]";read;vi'; 
alias mg='echo -e "HINT: type Ctrl+c Ctrl-x to quit\n[press a key]";read;mg'; 
alias nano='echo -e "HINT: type Ctrl+x to quit\n[press a key]"       ;read;nano'; 

# start index.js
test -f index.js && chmod +x index.js && ./index.js | grep -v undefined

# start index.html
test -f index.html && chmod +x index.html && ./index.html

# uncomment to set location (3D scene file [with XR Fragments] ) 
#require https://xrfragment.org/index.glb 
#require https://coderofsalvation.github.io/xrsh-media/assets/background.glb